Loverboy (S.S)

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"So, are you going to tell us about the new student?" Imelda asked, crossing her arms as she sat in a chair opposite Sebastian. Sebastian looked up from the book he was reading, puzzled. "What do you mean?" Imelda shook her head and scoffed, "You've been hanging out with them quite a bit, or have you not noticed?" Ominis nodded, taking a seat in another chair. Surrounded, Sebastian sighed. "What do you want to know?" Imelda scratched her chin, pondering. "How about what they're like, you know, the normal stuff?" Sebastian put his book down and moved to get more comfortable. "Hmm. Well, they're kind, of course." Imelda raised an eyebrow, not satisfied, and motioned him to go on. "They look out for other students, I suppose. They stood up for Poppy when some other students started making fun of her, and one of her creatures." Imelda nodded, "Sounds like they're pretty loyal." Sebastian smiled and nodded, "Yeah, but they're way more than that."

Sebastian began talking about how you did in your classes, boasting about how smart you were. "They even help me sometimes, not that I need it often." Imelda scoffed, and Ominis shook his head. "Yesterday you asked them how to say a spell," "It was a hard spell to say!" "Sebastian, you said it right when you asked them." Imelda laughed as Sebastian huffed. "Anyway, they're pretty good in Herbology too. Plants seem to be easy to them." Sebastian remembered when you were dealing with mandrakes, Sebastian hadn't been paying attention and was too busy trying to ask you something. When the pots were placed before you, you had put your earmuffs on, looking over to Sebastian. He looked at you puzzled, wondering why you covered your ears. What he hadn't heard while trying to talk to you, was that a Mandrake scream was strong enough to make someone pass out. Your eyes had widened as you noticed students getting ready to pull out their Mandrakes, and you quickly grabbed earmuffs for Sebastian and placed them over his ears, right as the screaming began. He could hear it through the earmuffs, but figured they were just noisy. He watched as you pulled your own Mandrake out, motioning for him to do the same. He pulled and watched as the small Mandrake started screaming at him. It was smaller than yours, and he pouted at the comparison. You only shook your head as you motioned for him to put the creature into the pot next to him, and he did. When the Mandrake's screams had subsided, you motioned for him to remove his earmuffs, sighing. "You need to pay more attention. Those screams can make you black out." Sebastian raised his eyebrows and thanked you.

"So, you were too busy talking to actually listen, and they had to save you?" Imelda laughed at the thought. "Should have let you faint, if you ask me." Sebastian shook his head, "Except no one did ask you." Ominis stifled a laugh. Imelda shook her head, "Whatever, keep talking. What do they look like?" Sebastian thought hard trying to find the right description. "Well, they have a nice...face? Like if they looked at me and told me to do something, I guess I would do it." "So, they look trustworthy." "More than that. Their eyes are like jewels, they kind of sparkle depending on what they're talking about." They did, Sebastian remembered how your eyes had sparkled when talking about your favourite food, and how they seemingly only shined brighter when he told them that it was supposed be on the menu at supper. Your eyes were precious, in his mind. He worried that if a jewel thief saw them, he'd try to take them away. "Ok, I do not need to know that much." "You asked!"

"Tell her what you told me last night." Ominis quipped, a smirk growing on his face. Sebastian felt his cheeks heat up at the thought and stuttered. "No way, she doesn't need to know that!" Imelda raised a brow, a sinister smirk playing on her lips. "Oh, do tell." Sebastian sighed, defeated. "Fine. I compared them to something." "Go on, don't just stop there." "I'm getting there! I said they were comfortable to be around, and I felt safe." Last night, Sebastian laid on his bed, chatting with Ominis. He had been so absorbed thinking about you that he came to the realization that you were like the softest bed, covered in blankets and pillows. He saw you as a comforting person, and you were. When he had opened up to you about his sister, you had listened intently to him, eyes soft as you told him that the two of you would find a way. He couldn't get enough of the feeling you gave off, much like a bed made of the best material, one he wouldn't want to leave even if his life depended on it. That's when he blurted it out to Ominis, how you were warm and comforting like a bed.

"A bed? Are you serious?" Imelda could hardly contain herself as she listened, covering her mouth to try and stop the laugh that was fighting to escape. Sebastian narrowed his eyes at her, crossing his arms. "It's not that funny." Imelda took a moment to catch her breath, fanning her face. "Ok, anything else about them that I should know?" Sebastian thought for a moment, thinking of all the things he could say about you. He thought about how nice you smelled, and how you somehow always had a treat ready for when he was hungry. He kept thinking about your smile and how bright it was, and how your eyes would close if you smiled big enough. He remembered of soft your hands felt, and how soft your hair was when he would pat your head. He liked how flustered you would become if he teased you a certain way, and how your nose would turn red if you got a cold.

"Hello? Hogwarts to Loverboy?" Imelda clapped her hands, looking at Sebastian with a knowing smirk. Dazed, Sebastian looked at her, "What?" She shook her head and looked to Ominis, "Is he always like this now?" Ominis nodded in response, smirking. Sebastian sat there still puzzled, "I'm not sure what you mean by that." He studied her face, trying to figure out what she found so amusing. "I asked you if there was anything else about them, and you zoned out. Daydreaming about them, I suppose?" Sebastian felt his cheeks grow hot, realizing what he had done. "No! That's...that's not what I was doing!" Imelda only smirked, standing up. "Okay, Loverboy. I'll leave you to it, then. Try not to fall in love too much, okay?" With that, she walked away. Sebastian turned to Ominis, who only smiled. "You're a lost cause, you know?" Sebastian frowned, "What do you mean?" Ominis got up from his seat, walking past Sebastian and flicking him in the forehead. "Loverboy."

Sebastian sat there for a moment, shrugging off the comment and turning back to his book. He read the first sentence, and suddenly felt like he got hit by a carriage. "Wait, Loverboy? What's that supposed to mean- WAIT!" He thought about the thoughts he had just moments before, and how he seemed to just get lost thinking about you, and his face turned red. "I have a crush on them?!"

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