Caramel (S.S)

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      "As I said before, I don't think it's wise to taste the potions you make, especially when you're adding ingredients like stings to the mix!" You said, walking beside Garreth as you made your way to the potion's classroom. The Gryffindor shook his head, smiling. "And I told you, it's perfectly safe! It'll taste just like the candy, honest." You shook your head, sighing. "But if that was the case, wouldn't it already be a product?" "Not necessarily! It's entirely possible that they never thought of it." "It's even more possible that they tried the exact same thing you're trying and found that it wouldn't work." You argued lightly, stepping into the classroom. You stopped partly inside, frowning as your nose burned, the scent of caramel filling your senses. You looked over to Garreth, pouting playfully as you narrowed your gaze. "Are you eating caramel candy, Garreth? Without sharing?" You asked, watching as the Weasley looked at you, confused. "No, why?"

You bit your lip, looking around the room for the source of the scent. "I smell caramel, I figured you had some." You said, slowly walking around, finding the scent follow you. You turned to Sebastian, who spoke with Ominis with a concerned face, eyes widening when you began to make your way over. "Sebastian, you usually carry caramel candy, do you have any on you?" You asked, leaning up against the potion table, smiling. Sebastian checked his pockets quickly, shaking his head as he furrowed his brows, freckled cheeks tinted with a light shade of pink. "Nothing on me, why?" You let out a frustrated sigh as you turned your head to Ominis. "Do you smell caramel? The room is thick with it." Ominis smiled as he shook his head, shrugging his shoulders. You frowned, sniffing the air once more, a new scent mixing with the salted caramel. "Also smells like...a fire was just set? Garreth, have you already blown up a potion?"

Garreth shook his head, hands raised to show that he hadn't touched the cauldron yet. You sighed, grabbing Ominis and leading him over to his own potion table. "Ominis, do you know why the room smells an awful lot like Sebastian? Did he find a spell or something that just amplifies it?" You asked, frowning as the smile on Ominis' lips grew. "No idea, perhaps you should ask him?" Ominis stated, quirking a brow. You quickly shook your head, sniffling as the smell only grew. "Ask him? What do you want me to do, walk up to him and go Hey Sebastian! Do you know why the classroom smells like you?" Ominis chuckled, shaking his head. "I wouldn't ask like that; you already said it smelled like him." You bit your lip, looking around the room. Sebastian avoided your gaze as he listened to Garreth, who had taken to telling Sebastian all about his candy potion.

Sighing, you took a seat at your cauldron, shaking your head as you watched Professor Sharp as he sat at his desk, bubbling cauldron of his own sat before him. You peer over at Ominis, tapping his arm. He turned to you, the shadow of a smile still dancing on his lips. "Do you know what Sharp has in that cauldron?" You asked, taking another glance over at the professor. Ominis shrugged, biting back a smile as he forced a frown. "No idea, but I'm sure he'll explain it when he starts the class." You sighed, taking your book out and examining that chapter that you had left off on.

A few moments later Sharp clapped his hands together, signaling the start of class. "You might notice a change in atmosphere today, if you haven't already." He started, glancing around the room. You narrowed your eyes as he continued. "Today, we are not making any potions. Rather, you are not allowed to learn how to make this potion, due to the dangers that surround it." You frowned, glancing over to Garreth as he watched, starry-eyed as he looked over at the cauldron. You shook your head, turning back to Sharp as he continued to speak. "What I have at my desk is a love potion called Amortentia, one of the most powerful of its kind." You felt your heart sink, trying to remember the passage you had read that talked about said potion. "This potion works even without being consumed, it's vapor filling your sense," he glanced over at you, "allowing you to smell what attracts you the most." You felt your cheeks flare up, eyes wide as you choked on air, silently suffering as you watched Ominis chuckle. Garreth smirked as he looked over at you, glancing over at Sebastian, who's eyes widened as well, the tint of pink that had finally left his face coming back full force.

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