For Us (S.S)

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You stood next to Sebastian as he shouted at his uncle, wands pointed at each other. You could hardly keep up with what they said as you felt your heart pound in your chest, unsure what would happen next as you looked at Sebastian. His eyes were glazed over as he continued to shout, you were sure there were tears threatening to spill. Solomon glared at the two of you, his jaw tight as he shouted his piece, wand pointed at Sebastian; ready to use at any second. Sebastian kept you close as Solomon began to yell more, keeping you slightly behind him just in case.

"I will not stand for this, Sebastian! What you are doing is wrong, I have to turn you and your friend in!" Solomon shouted; his face held no remorse as he threatened you, no tears of regret or a sad glance sent over to you, just pure anger. Sebastian pushed you behind him as he shouted back. "I won't have that! What we are doing is right, you won't stand in our way!" You watched with wide eyes as they began throwing spells at each other, unable to move in fear of being hit. Sebastian kept himself in front of you to protect you; he didn't want you to be part of the fight since it was a family matter, and if anything happened, he didn't want you to be blamed. You were stuck, watching as red and blue and green shot back and forth, your head spinning as you watched Sebastian barely cast Protego in time as a red light whizzed toward him.

Once again you found yourself stuck in a stand-still, both men breathing heavily as they tried to catch their breath. "I won't let you turn us in, I just won't." Sebastian breathed; wand still raised. Solomon shook his head, eyes burning with what you could only describe as rage. "Then stop this madness! You can't run around with the Dark Arts! Just come with me, I'll help you." You inched closer to Sebastian, hand in your pocket as your fingers grasped your wand. Sebastian shook, his own eyes switching from sadness and betrayal to anger, his knuckles turning white as his grip on his wand grew tighter. "Do you really think I'd fall for that?" He spat, his gaze darkening. "You won't let us walk out of here. You'll turn us in no matter what! You'd rather see my humanity stripped away in a cell than help me save Anne; just like you always wanted!" Solomon shook his head as he sighed, glancing at you. "Do you really think she wants to be part of this?" He gestured to you, earning a glare from you. Sebastian scoffed, "Why would you care? She's been with me every step of the way!"

Solomon looked at you as you continued to glare at him. "You don't have to do this, y/n." You frowned as you watched him fake a concerned look, pulling your wand out. "You have no right to tell me what I can and can't do. I chose this path with Sebastian to help his sister, something you couldn't do." You said, feeling your words drip with malice; Solomon giving you a final frown before reverting to his previous look, staring you down. "What you have chosen is darkness, I hope you know. There is no helping Anne, you have to know that." He said, gesturing around him. "What you are doing here is futile! It's pointless! You will be stopped." Sebastian shook his head, his chest rising and falling at a quick pace as he felt his blood boil. "You know nothing! Nothing will stop us from finishing what we've already started!" Solomon sighed one last time, straightening his posture as he stared at Sebastian, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. "Then I'll have to deal with you myself, once and for all."

Your eyes widened as time seemed to slow; Solomon readying his wand as he began to shout. You gripped your wand as you felt yourself run forward, pushing Sebastian back as you pointed your wand at Solomon, eyes glazed as you shouted your own spell. "Avada Kedavra!" Solomon's eyes widened as he watched you cast first, only able a split second to realize what you had done. You stared, anger replacing the shocked glaze in your eyes as the green light flew into his chest, a flash of regret filling his face as he dropped to the ground. You felt time speed up once again as you stood there, shaking as you released the breath you had been holding. You felt your eye twitch as you quickly tried to fill your lungs with air again, your brain catching up to where you now stood. Sebastian stood behind you, eyes wide as the shock hit him, unable to move as he tried to process everything.

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