Reckless (S.S) (O.G)

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You huff as you pull the hidden door open, wincing as a sharp pain stabbed into your side. Tears pricked your eyes as you held your side, squeezing through the small opening you made as you entered the Undercroft. Sebastian sat with Ominis on a couch they had conjured up, flipping through the pages of a book as he listened to Ominis talk about what he had overheard from some professors earlier that day. You sighed as you closed the makeshift door, leaning against the wall adjacent to it in an attempt to catch your breath. "Y/n? Is that you?" Sebastian called, not looking up from the book. You let out a small chuckled, wincing as the vibrations irritated your wounds. "Who else would it be, Garreth?" You breathed, raking a few steps forward as you shielded your eyes from the light. Sebastian frowned slightly as he listened to you speak, hearing the strain in your voice.

"Are you alright?" He asked, turning his head towards you. Ominis turned as well, concern etching onto his face as he listened to your breathing. "Peachy. Just a little tired, I suppose." You responded, your grip on your side tightening as each step brought a new surge of pain through your body. Sebastian turned to fully look at you now, eyes widening as you smiled slightly, dirt smeared on your face. Blood, too? Ominis frowned, following Sebastian. "You don't sound fine, Y/n." Sebastian scoffed as he shook his head, walking over to you. "Fine? You're covered in...dirt that blood?" You shrugged, wincing. "Blood? What in Merlin's beard were you doing?" Ominis asked, crossing his arms.

You were unable to reply, your legs finally giving out as you tumbled to the cobbled ground, hissing in pain. Sebastian quickly dropped to your side, hands shaking as he tried to figure out what was wrong, frowning as his hands quickly became warm with blood. "Ominis! We have some Wiggenweld potions around here somewhere, find them quickly!" Sebastian shouted, putting pressure on your side as you tried to smile. Ominis quickly began to search the room, pushing items aside as he felt around. "What did you do?" Sebastian asked, unsure what else to do as he brought his wand out to add some light, taking a look at your wounds. You chuckled slightly, wiping your face with your sleeve. "Got into it with some poachers. I ran out of potions halfway through, they got some good hits in, that's for sure." Sebastian scoffed, noticing the multiple puncture wounds in your side; shallow, yet still dangerous. "Good hits? You're bleeding out! How could you run out of potions?"

Ominis shouted in frustration, unable to find anything that even remotely felt like a vial. Sebastian called Ominis over, taking his hands and placing them over your wounds. "Keep pressure there, I'll go find them." Sebastian breathed, his voice shaking as he took a glance at his hands, your blood slowly staining his skin just as it was staining Ominis' now. He quickly stood up, glancing around the room as he searched for the green vials. Ominis stayed by your side, frowning as you shook. "I bet this wasn't in your plans today, right?" You asked, trying to lighten the mood. Ominis shook his head angrily, biting his lip as he shook. "No, it was not! Are you crazy?" He snapped, causing you to jump slightly. "My apologies, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell at you, but you can't just make small talk when you could die." You nodded, sighing as another shiver made its way up your spine.

"Found it!" Sebastian yelled, grabbing a handful of the vials, and rushing over to where you laid, setting you head into his lap so you could drink the healing liquid. You hissed at the sudden movement, frowning as you took one of the vials from Sebastian and chugging it, gagging at the weird taste. A small wave of relief washed over you as the numbness in your legs began to dissipate, the throb in your side, however, unchanging. You placed the empty bottle down as you took another one, eyes tightly shut as your side began to tingle, your more superficial wounds closing up, leaving only the large gash in your side, one you got from a poacher who decided that magic wasn't enough, and took a broken board and slashed at you with it. You sighed in frustration, dropping another empty potion bottle. "How badly were you hurt?" Sebastian sighed, handing you another potion. You shrugged as you drank the liquid, smiling slightly as the warmth traveled down to the wound, finally sealing it.

"Pretty bad, apparently. I've never had to down three potions before." You sighed, sitting up with the help of Ominis. The two boys helped you over to the couch, setting you down before waving their wands, getting rid of the blood that covered their hands and your robes, as well as the blood and dirt that covered your face. They took a seat on either side of you, Sebastian sighing as he ran a hand through his hair. "You need to stop trying to add stress into our lives. I can feel the white hairs coming in already." He chuckled, shaking his head. Ominis scoffed beside you, frowning. "At this rate you'll be dead in the woods somewhere, and we wouldn't know until Merlin knows when." You stretched, your back popping as you let out a content sigh. "That would never happen, Ominis. You'd miss me in the first hour." "Doubtful. I think I would revel in the quiet for a few hours before thinking of finding you." You faked a gasp, looking over at Sebastian with a playful smile on your face. "That was rather harsh, don't you think?" Ominis shook his head as he leaned back, resting against the soft cushions. "What happened, really? How does one casually find themselves in the middle of a fight with poachers?" Sebastian asked, furrowing his brow.

You took a few moments to explain what happened, mentioning how you hadn't even meant to stumble upon their camp; just passing through as you explored the woods. You weren't planning on a fight and tried to hide away before anyone saw you, but you reacted too late and had immediately been cornered, forced to fight your way out. "I think next time you decide that you want to explore the woods, we come with you." Sebastian stated, resting against you as you scoffed. Ominis nodded, "Agreed, can't have you dying now, can we?" You chuckled, resting your head on Ominis' shoulder. "If you can handle it, then of course you can join me." "Oh, we can handle it, better than you." "I handle myself very well, thank you very much." "Clearly."

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