What Happened to You (S.S) (O.G)

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You stood beside Sebastian and Ominis, looking around the room for a way out. When you walked into the room, Sebastian had assured you that the skeleton on the ground was just to scare people off, until he was left stuttering as the door behind you closed, locking you in. "You were saying, Sebastian?" Ominis scoffed, beginning to pace. You shook your head as you walked over to the door opposite of you, its design almost haunting. You sighed as you ran a hand over its surface, tracing the faces engraved in the black stone, searching for a latch or something similar that would unlock the door. Sebastian walked up behind you, following your hand as he tried to think of a way out. "If both doors are locked, then the skeleton you mentioned." Ominis said, walking over to the two of you. "That's a real person?"

You huffed, turning to Ominis and putting your hand on his shoulder, giving it an assuring squeeze. "We'll be fine, I promise." He smiled slightly as he nodded, his head hung as he listened to Sebastian mutter to himself. You walked around the room, looking at every crack in the wall for something to open the door with, but to no avail. You sighed in frustration, sliding down the side of a wall and burying your face into your hands. Sebastian watched you in silence, frowning as he watched you pick at your fingers. He walked over and offered his hand to you, which you took as he pulled you up and gave you a small smile. "We'll get out of this, we always do." You nodded, turning your head to Ominis as he scoffed. "We've never gotten stuck in a room with two locked doors, not to mention that there is a skeleton right next to us!"

You frowned, looking over at the skeleton that lay next to the door, bare of any flesh. It had been there for a while, whoever it was that was last down here died alone. You squinted slightly, leaning forward as you continued to exam the bones, finding a slip of parchment near where you assumed the hand was. Sebastian and Ominis stood behind you as you bent down and picked it up, careful not to damage the aged paper. You unfolded the note and studied what was written, the hurried scribbles barely legible. "What does it say?" Sebastian asked, peering over your shoulder to get a look. You frowned as you went over the note once again. "She died alone, even when she knew how to escape, she was alone." Ominis furrowed his brows, "Even when she could escape? Why didn't she then?" Your gaze darkened as you turned to the two boys, a graze expression taking over your features.

"She needed another person, so she could cast the spell that would open the door." Sebastian frowned, looking over at the door. "What kind of spell did she need that she couldn't do it alone?" You folded the note and placed it in your pocket, walking over to the door. "The Cruciuatus Curse." Ominis' eyes widened as he stood, frozen. Sebastian's gaze darkened as well, looking at the door as he began to understand the dark design on its surface. "It's the only way to get out. I'm not sure how she figured it out, but it says to use Crucio on someone, and the door will unlock." You said, biting the inside of your cheek as you looked between the two boys. Sebastian avoided your gaze as he looked down at his feet, a sad, worried look had etched itself on Ominis' face as he looked in your direction. "So, one of us has to cast it on another." Sebastian whispered. You nodded.

"I'm sorry, but I refuse to take part in this." Ominis stated, walking away from you. You sighed as you nodded your head. "We won't force you, Ominis. But that means that you and I must decide." You said, looking at Sebastian. He continued to avoid your gaze as he nodded slowly. "It's going to be painful, Sebastian. For both parties." He nodded again as he paced, muttering to himself. You watched in worry as he continued to pace around the room, unable to understand what he was saying. Ominis stood farther away, near the door you had come in from, frowning as he mumbled to himself about how absurd the situation was. You took a breath as you walked to Sebastian, putting a hand on his shoulder and stopping him. "Cast it on me." Sebastian's eyes widened as he looked at you, shaking his head. Ominis spoke from where he stood, concerned. "Absolutely not! Are you insane?" "I won't do that, not to you. Why would you ask that of me?" You furrowed your brows as you looked over at the door. "We need to get out, and I won't be learning the curse just to cast it on you. If we don't do this, we'll be here until we die, and I'd rather not die in a room under the castle, even with the two of you by my side." You stared into Sebastian's eyes, determined to get your point across. You watched as Sebastian's eyes glossed over as he tapped his wand on his leg. "Are you sure? You know that this spell literally tortures you, right?" You nodded as you gave him a reassuring smile. "Let's get out of here."

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