Here With Me (S.S) pt1

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     You had been friends with the Sallow twins for as long as you could remember. You were especially close with Sebastian, whom you spent most of your time together with. You remember walking over to Mr. Sallow's house one day with a small basket of treats made by your mother, who had asked you to walk them over as a gift. Anxiously, you walked along the dirt path, watching as leaves floated past you in the breeze. It was a nice fall day, the apple tarts were still warm, but you had to get to their house quickly to keep them that way, so you were unable to enjoy the day for too long. As you neared the house, you saw a young girl with brown hair playing in the front, a boy about the same age and with brown hair as well sat under a tree with a book in hand. Squinting, you could make out the drawing of a wand on the cover, and you understood why your mother sent you out to Mr. Sallow's house. The town was mainly a wizard only area, but every now and then a muggle would move in. Some of the neighbors would play pranks on them to try to drive them out, and your mother did the same thing once before to an elderly couple that came to retire. Scared them near to death.

      Mr. Sallow usually lived alone, minding himself as he always did, but he never had kids. You slowed your pace, wondering if you had started to walk toward the wrong house, until the girl looked up at you, shouting toward the house as she ran inside. The boy looked up from his book and looked at you curiously. You froze, caught in the act of walking to the wrong house. Wide-eyed, you slowly walked towards the boy. "Um, hello." You said, quietly. The boy stood a bit taller than you, and had chocolate brown eyes, ones that matched his hair. He smiled, "Hello there, I'm Sebastian. Who are you?" You fiddled with the basket, "My name is-." The door to the house opened, Mr. Sallow walking out with the girl behind him. "Ah! Hello there, y/n! It's nice to see you!" He greeted, walking over, and patting your head. Your face brightened, glad that you hadn't stumbled upon the wrong house. "Good afternoon, Mr. Sallow! My mother made some apple tarts and asked me to bring some over for you." You handed the basket to him and he grabbed one, taking a bite. "Your mother is a saint. Why don't you come inside? You haven't met my niece and nephew yet, no?" You shook your head.

      The inside of the house was cozy as always, maybe a little cramped by boxes, no doubt from the two new kids. He introduced you to Sebastian properly, and to his twin sister Anne. They were the same age as you were, as well as magically gifted. He didn't go into details, but he told you that the twins would be living with him from now on, and that the three of you should get along well. Anne had reached to grab a tart, eyeing it curiously. Mr. Sallow motioned that she could have one, and she took a bite. Her eyes seemed to glow as she hurriedly bit into it again. Sebastian watched his sister as she ate the tart, bits of apple sticking to her lips. It seemed to convince him they were good, as he grabbed one as well and took a bite. "Merlin's beard! These really are good." You shuffled your feet as you watched the two devour half the basket in minutes.

      "Do tell your mother we appreciate the gift." Mr. Sallow said, placing the rest of the treat on a plate and handing the basket back to you. You nodded and started out the door, the twins quickly meeting your side. "So, show us where your house is!" Sebastian said happily. Anne walked on your other side as you nodded, walking back in the direction of your home. They asked many questions for such a short walk. "Have you lived here long?" "What's it like here?" "Do you have any more of those treats?" You smiled and answered their questions, reaching your house and turning around. "This is where I live." You said, gesturing to your door. Sebastian nodded, "Got it. We'll be seeing you soon then!" He said, grabbing Anne's hand as they walked back to their house.

      The next couple of days the twins would be at your door, asking if you wanted to go play with them. You agreed, of course, and found that they were lots of fun to be around. One night, they had invited you over for a sleepover, and while Anne had fallen asleep ten minutes into the activities you had planned, Sebastian was still wide awake. He grabbed a book from one of the shelves and sat next to you in the blanket fort the three of you had made. You had to carefully set a candle in the middle of the fort, so you were able to see the words. Sebastian would read to you until you fell asleep, then he would extinguish the candle and grab the blanket, snuggling up to you and falling asleep as well.

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