With Me Instead (S.S)

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You practically sprinted down the halls as you weaved through the students, making your way to the common room. You halted as you reached the door, moving from one foot to the other as you said the password and waited for the door to open, excitement building in your gut as you saw Sebastian and Ominis on the other side. You shouted to them as you ran up, placing your hands on your knees as you tried to catch your breath. Sebastian looked down at you in confusion, frowning as you tried to speak. "Perhaps you should sit down, we don't need you passing out before you tell us what's on that mind of yours." He said, gesturing to the couch. You nodded as you dropped into a seat, running a hand through your hair. "Where did you come form, anyway?" Ominis asked, taking a seat beside you. You watched Sebastian take a seat on your other side; confusion still etched in his face. "Dining Hall, I ran all the way over here!" You breathed, sighing as you fanned your face. Sebastian's eyes widened, "The Dining Hall? What's so important that you had to run up and tell us? I'm sure it could have waited." You shook your head as you calmed your heart and fixed your breathing, sitting up and clenching your hands into fists.

"They just released the theme for the Yule Ball!" You said excitedly, a wide smile dancing on your lips. Sebastian scoffed as he shook his head. "The theme to a dance is not that important, you know." You huffed in response, ignoring Sebastian's comment as you continued. "It's House themed, meaning that you must dress according to your house! Meaning that we have to have green on." Ominis nodded as he listened, hearing Sebastian let a sigh out. "Why should we care about a dance? And it's two weeks away as well, you don't to be in such a hurry." Your face dropped as you listened to Sebastian, his pessimistic attitude dragging you down. Ominis heard the absence of your voice, and quickly tried to cheer you up. "Well, now you know what to look for when choosing a dress, right? There's plenty of time to find the perfect one, not to mention getting it fitted." You nodded, biting the inside of your cheek. "Right. That also means that the two of you need to find what you'll be wearing as well."

Sebastian continued to be pessimistic about the Ball, claiming that the three of you had more important things to do instead, but you continued to shake him off. The next day, you took a trip to Hogsmeade with Natty and Poppy, in search of dresses. "What about this one?" Poppy asked, pointing to a cotton dress, one with low sleeves, one that would lay against the ground as you walked. You shook your head, "I'd trip on it, and it'll get hot easy too." The two nodded in agreement, walking around the shop in search of other dresses. Natty had already chosen one; sent over from her mother. Poppy was still looking but had her eye on a soft yellow dress that would reach her ankles with a subtle corset, white sleeves that reached just past her elbows accompanying it. You sighed as you looked through the different dresses, searching for one that would fit the theme while also allowing you room to breathe and feel comfortable. "Y/n! What about this dress?" Natty said, waving you and Poppy over to where she stood. Poppy gasped as she looked at the details, a smile reaching your lips as you examined it, feeling the soft fabric under your fingers. "It's perfect!"

A week had passed, and you sat with Ominis at the table as you ate, describing the dress to him. "I pick it up tomorrow, it should be fitted and ready by then." You explained, and Ominis smiled. "I'm glad you found one to your liking." You hummed in response, taking a bite of your food. "Off topic, but do you know what has gotten into Sebastian? He used to be so excited for the ball." Ominis shook his head. Although he knew perfectly well why Sebastian was acting the way he did, it was none of Ominis' business to get into the whole logistics. "I'm sure he'll come around, though. Could have sworn I heard him talking about finding an outfit." You let out a huff, shaking your head. "Speaking of, have you gotten your outfit then?" You asked, tilting your head as you watched Ominis nod. "My mother sent it by owl earlier today." "I'd love to see it later, if you don't mind?" "Of course."

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