Cardigan (S.S) pt2

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A few months after confessing to each other, and the lost hope that Reprifors would be the key to helping Anne, you and Sebastian were still searching for a cure, together now. You went through every charm and spell in the books available to you, and the weekends you used to share for bonding and hanging out had begun to turn into more research sessions, and you noticed how Sebastian had become more absorbed into helping Anne, and it felt like you were going back in time to when he would avoid you. But he wasn't avoiding you to get away from you, he promised that he wouldn't hide away from you. But Anne was only getting worse, and you were back to square one.

You sat with Ominis, going over the lessons you shared that day, when you brought up your concerns. Ominis had noticed that Sebastian was missing a lot, and that he wasn't just avoiding you. You furrowed your brow as you turned the page, lost in thought as to what Sebastian was doing. Sebastian, on the other hand, was sneaking around the restricted section of the library, searching for a book he had seen the night before. He evaded the wandering ghosts and the librarian, reaching for the bookshelf. He breathed out a small breath, the book grasped in his hands. Quickly, he made his way out of the library, and headed to an abandoned room, closing the door quietly behind him. Opening the book, his eyes grew dark, tracing the words on the pages and muttering to himself, the pages seemingly oozing with dark magic.

Sebastian didn't join you and Ominis for supper, which caused you to worry. You excused yourself and walked the halls, searching for any sign of the brunette. You came across Poppy, who had been walking opposite you with a book about Hippogriffs in her hand. "Hey, Poppy!" You greeted, walking over to her. Poppy smiled at you, closing the book. "Hey! What are you up to?" You explained to her that you were searching for Sebastian, who didn't show up to supper. Poppy furrowed her brow as she thought back to when she last saw him, "I'm pretty sure I watched him walk into one of the forbidden room up the hall, but I'm not sure which one." You thanked her and began walking down the hall, checking different rooms for Sebastian. When you made it to the third door, you creaked it open slowly, the sound of someone muttering on the other side making you cautious. You opened it wide enough to pass through and closed it quietly. Sebastian sat in the center of the room, book in one hand and wand in the other, talking to himself. You took a step forward, trying to figure out what it was you were looking at. The cover of the book looked like the ones from the restricted section of the library, and you could see a green haze faintly wrapped around the book and up Sebastian's arm. Your eyes widened as you realized what the book was about, and quickly made your way to the center of the room with Sebastian.

"Sebastian, what on Earth are you doing?" You questioned, standing in front of him, horror painting your face. Sebastian broke from his trance, slightly confused as he looked up at you. "What are you doing here?" He asked, closing the book, and standing up, fixing his robes. You looked at him in disbelief, "What am I doing here? What are you doing?" You asked, trying to be calm. Sebastian looked down at the book and back up at you, still puzzled. "I might have found a way to actually help Anne. It's our last hope!" He defended himself, slightly angry that you would even question his methods. You raised both eyebrows and frowned, "Our last hope? Sebastian, that's Dark Magic!" Sebastian shook his head as he headed for the door, "Be quiet, no one was supposed to know. Now, come on, we have to go." You stood there, shocked at his blatant disregard for the way he was going about things, staring at the back of his head. Sebastian stood at the door, waiting to hear you walk up behind him. "Let's go."

You spoke to Ominis about what you had witnessed, and Ominis' face fell in concern and worry. "This isn't good, does he know what could happen if he's caught?" You shook your head, dropping into an empty chair in front of the fire. "What do we do?" You asked, rubbing your temples. Ominis thought hard, trying to find the best way to go about getting Sebastian to stop. "Bring him here, we need to talk to him." You did just that, making your way to Sebastian, who just walked into the common room. "Sebastian," You started. "We need to talk."

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