Not Helping (S.S)

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Fem!Slytherin!Reader (peep the new pfp, a friend on tumblr drew me beating up Leander)

You waved your hand, gesturing Sebastian to follow you as you crouched behind a table. He quickly tiptoed over to you, handing you the book he had snatched from one of the library's shelves, smiling as you put it into your bag. You looked around as you searched for the door, motioning Sebastian to follow you as you hid behind a shelf. "So far, so good." Sebastian whispered, smiling. You smiled back as you shook your head. "Don't jinx it!" He shrugged as he continued to follow you through the maze of tables and shelves of books, checking behind him every now and then to make sure no one spotted the two of you from behind. You stopped, holding your arm out as Sebastian hit it, stopping as you pressed a finger to your lips. He nodded as he ducked lower, following your finger as you pointed to Peeves. The poltergeist floated down a row of shelves across from you, humming to himself. You waited until he had moved somewhere else, tugging on Sebastian's sleeve as you began your escape again.

You breathed a sigh of relief as you quietly closed the door behind you, letting a yawn escape you. Sebastian smiled behind you, checking down the hall to see if there was anyone around. "Seems like we're in the clear, let's head back to the common room." He whispered, walking down the hall. You nodded as you followed, reaching into your bag to take a look at the book you had taken. "What are your plans for this one?" You asked, studying the cover. It was about advanced potions, far more advanced than what you were studying now. He shrugged as he slowed down, walking beside you as he looked at the book in your hands. "Might be something of use in there, I didn't exactly read it before snatching it, you know." You shook your head as you placed the book back into your bag, yawning again as you turned down to another hall, the Slytherin common room at its end. "What time is it?" You asked, peeking out a window that you walked past. The stars hung in the dark sky, their bright glow unable to light the ground below them as the moon had disappeared, leaving the grounds of the castle invisible. Sebastian shrugged. "I didn't take a look at the clock either, if that's what you were hoping for." You yawned again, watching Sebastian smile at you from the corner of your eye.

"Let's not have late-night heists in the future, yeah?" You said, walking into the common room. Sebastian scoffed as he followed behind you, stretching his arms. "It can't be that late. Perhaps you should get more sleep." You shook your head as you walked over to the clock. "I would, if you stopped dragging me along to do Merlin knows." You squinted at the clock, the room was dark, only a single fire in a hearth emitting light. You sighed as you brought your wand out, casting Lumos as you went back to studying the clock. "Sebastian!" You hissed, narrowing your eyes at him as he raised his hands in defense. "It's past midnight! We have class in the morning, as we had Ominis promise to wait for us so he could find out what was in the book!" Sebastian walked over, grabbing your shoulder as he inspected the clock himself. "That can't be right, we didn't spend that much time there, did we?" You shook your head, sighing as you moved to make your way to Ominis' and Sebastian's dorm. "It doesn't matter anymore, let's brief Ominis and get to bed." "Yes Ma'am."

Ominis let out a frustrated sigh as the two of you walked into the room, arms crossed as he sat on his bed. "Took you two long enough, I figured you had gotten caught with how long you were gone." He said, turning to the door. "Apologies, Ominis. Sebastian couldn't figure out which book to pick." You said, dropping your bag as you flopped onto Sebastian's bed. Sebastian scoffed, reaching into your bag and pulling out the potions book, sitting down next to you as he flipped through the pages. "If you hadn't been so scared of being caught, we would have been out earlier." You shook your head as you rubbed your eyes. "Whatever you say, Sallow." Ominis let out another frustrated sigh as he threw a pillow, missing Sebastian as it hit you in the face. "Ominis! What was that for?" You said, picking up the pillow as you frowned. Ominis let a small smile grace his lips as he bowed his head slightly. "My apologies, I meant to hit Sebastian." Sebastian, who had been quietly chuckling, quickly dropped his smile. "Hey! What did I do?" Ominis shrugged, accepting the pillow back from you as you walked back to Sebastian's bed. "Just read something from the book, I want to go to bed soon." You nodded in agreement, moving to the head of the bed and hiding under the covers as Sebastian flipped through the pages.

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