The Little Things (S.S)

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       Ominis sat on the couch in the common room of the Slytherin house, listening carefully to his friend Sebastian. Due to his own disability, Ominis had no idea what most people looked like, and he never really cared to ask. But he was becoming close friends with the new 5th year student, a Hufflepuff who somehow became integrated into the group. He found their voice calming and would laugh if they said something funny or a quip at Sebastian over something. He didn't want to ask his new friend about their looks, he thought it would be weird, so instead he asked Sebastian. Sebastian had joked about it at first, saying that you had a face full of ugly scars and moles all over your face, but after he saw Ominis quirk an eyebrow and sigh in annoyance, he settled down and gathered his thoughts.

He had the clearest image of you in his head, as if you were standing in front of him. He took a breath, "Well, you already know that they're nice, of course. Their face matches their personality, I think. Their eyes are like jewels of the brightest colour, and their eyebrows really match their face? I don't know how to explain it." He went on, describing you to Ominis in as much detail as possible, not leaving out a single characteristic, down to how long your eyelashes were and how tall you were.

"What else?" Ominis asked, smirking to himself as he listened to Sebastian blabber on. "What? You want to know more?" He asked, earning a nod from Ominis. Sebastian thought to earlier, when he glanced over at you during Herbology. Professor Garlick had been talking about a rather confusing subject, Sebastian wasn't even quite sure what it was about, but he knew it had something to do with magical plants. In his own confusion, he had looked over at you to see if you were understanding any better, only to be met with your squinting eyes as you tried to make sense of the words. You had done this a lot whenever you were confused, and Sebastian secretly found it adorable, though he would never tell anyone. Sometimes, if you were really confused, he would watch your nose scrunch up as well and a small frown dawn on your lips. When the class had ended, you had trotted up to him and elbowed him in the side, sighing. "Ow! What was that for?" Sebastian had asked, pushing you to the side and away from him. You shrugged in response, letting out a dramatic sigh. Sebastian raised an eyebrow, knowing that you just wanted him to ask you what was wrong. "Ok, fine. What's wrong?" He eventually asked, pulling onto your robe to make sure you didn't get separated from each other. He watched as you tried to hide a smile, replying. "I didn't understand a word she said. I felt rather dumb." Sebastian nodded his head and brought a hand up to pat you on the head. "I could tell, you're not very good at keeping a straight face. But I didn't understand anything either, so I suppose that makes up two idiots together, yeah?" You snorted in response, shaking his hand off your head. "I'm still smarter than you, so don't get any ideas." Sebastian quipped a quick "yeah right" and walked along side you, thinking about how soft your hair had felt for a moment. He never understood that, how you managed to always have soft hair.

Ominis only continued to smile as Sebastian talked about the faces you made and what had happened that day. "Do they make those faces when they fall asleep during our study time?" He asked. Sebastian hummed in response as he remembered how you fell asleep at the table the three of you were occupying in the library, your face pressed against a book as soft, slightly muffled snores left you. "Yeah, their nose twitches a bit." You had been studying charms for a test the next day, and you had brought the book up close to read the small writing that was in the corner. You scrunched your nose up then, too. Sebastian had been too busy explaining a concept for a charm to see you lay the book down on the table once again and try to stifle a yawn. When he asked you a question and waited for your reply, he heard a soft noise. Looking over, you had laid your head down and used the book as a pillow, a hand brought up to your face to rest against your cheek. He watched for a moment, taking in the details of your sleeping form. He recounted the details to Ominis now, mentioning how your eyes had shifted a bit under your eyelids, and how you twitched randomly and caused hair to fall into your face.

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