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I woke up the next day remembering the events of the night before I immediately try to forget. I go downstairs hoping he is not home.
It's all quite so I go anyway i walk into the kitchen to a note on the counter "gone to work be home at 6"
I was confused why did he leave me a note he has never done that before. I made a coffee and a toasted bagel i sat on the couch and ate my food and drank my coffee thinking about life and how I'm actually feeling okay I'm still processing my parents death it's very hard but each day it gets better.

I was thinking of surprising sam today with a surprise dinner date but first I need to go to the stores and get some groceries and makeup stuff.
I arrived at the store I got all the things I need and my makeup things i head back home I unpacked everything it's now 4 pm I woke up late today which is not like me but I thought I should get ready to go to sams.

I got to my room and shower I use my skincare i straightened my hair and put some oil through it I did simple makeup and i threw on an outfit I was going for a casual look not to much so I picked out a simple white dress.

⬆️⬆️ (the dress)

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⬆️⬆️ (the dress)

I get in my car and drive to sam's  house his door is normally unlocked so i walk in and i hear a weird noise like a screaming/ screeching it sounds like someone is in pain I run upstairs to sams room to see a girl in all fours making that awful screaming sound and Sam is behind her they are having sex !!!

"What the fuck sam,um what on earth are you doing." 

"Evie what are you doing here I wasn't expecting you."

"I was coming to surprise you but turns out in the one getting the surprise, who the fuck is this?"

"Um no one this is no one just somebody I met at work."

"Ugh don't even bother with the lies sam I'm over this and over you I'm too good to be cheated on."

I walk out the door and drive to the beach i watch the sunset and eat all the snacks I bought for us it was beautiful the sky turned a pretty orange colour. It was now 5:45pm the drive home was about 20 mins so I wanted to get home before it was dark considering the last time I was out on my own in the dark a guy tried to break into my car.

I pulled in the driveway and i walked through the front door I was so angry about what just happened I felt the need to let out a scream so I did i but fat scream to let all my anger out and it worked then I heard running upstairs then jace ran into the living room .


"No I'm not hurt physically I'm angry and hurt emotionally I walked in on sam cheating on me today when i went to surprise him."

I looked up at him and i was shocked he has a cut going down his arm and and bruises on his rib area be still looked hot even shirtless and covers In bruises and cuts.

"Jace oh my good what happened to you let me help you clean that cut it needs a professional."

Even though I'm not at collage at the moment I still know a lot about nursing and I'm glad I took this time off when I go back I graduate the next day so it doesn't really matter.

I lead him to the bathroom i tell him to Sit down on the edge of the bathtub.

"Okay this might hurt ."

I start to clean his cut he doesn't flinch he just grabs onto my waist with a death grip his eyes don't leave mine they are filled with lust and curiosity i finish cleaning his cut and i get the dressing out to apply it.

"You don't have to look after me every time i get a little beaten up princess."

"Well if this is a little beaten up I don't want to see a lot and i don't mind it's nice to care for someone plus your not the worst person in the world." I said with a giggle at the end

He smirked
I place the dressing in his cut and he gets up

"What do you do for work are you going to tell me now,how did you get this beaten up Jace I get worried."

"If I tell you please don't worry about me or think of me differently."


"I'm a mafia leader that's why I'm never here or always late home and covers in cuts and bruises."

"Oh okay well that's cool"

"Wait really your not mad or upset?"

"No it's your life you can choose what to do with it just keep safe and stop getting in fights."

He wraps his arms around me in a muscular
Hug,shocked I don't hug him back at first the i wrap my arms around his neck

"I actually find it cool your in the mafia im kinda jealous I always wanted that secret sexy badass lifestyle."

He laughs

"Well maybe you can come with me one day and see for yourself it's not all that it's also very horrible filled with drugs drink and violence."

"I would actually like that."

I wink at him then leave his bathroom and head to my bedroom I don't know where this confidence has come from but I love it .

An —
Soooo she knows about him and the next chapters a good one don't forget to comment lots of love 🫶🏼

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