Work pt.2

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He wakes up and tries to move but realises he's handcuffed to a chair.

"Untie me you bitch just because I touched you if I wasn't handcuffed I would've done alot more ."

"Oh my god shut up your voice is so annoying!!!"
I shout at him and he shuts up.

"Well your not gonna do anything you should be at home cleaning not here with a gun thinking you have the power."

I shoot him in the foot


"Sorry what was that because right now I do have the power over you and look at yourself so pathetic and gross touching underage girls owing money your wife hating you for what you did to her daughter."

I got in his face and locked eyes with him

"You are fucking nothing compared to me."

I put my gun in the middle of his head right between his eyes.

"Stop please i will pay you triple what she payed you i will never do anything again let me live."

For the first time today I looked on his eyes and saw fear

"Well I didn't take your wife's money because I'm doing this for pure joy and out of the goodness of my heart knowing someone vile like you is about to rot in hell makes me happy after all the sick twisted things you did to that poor girl."

"Please I'm begging you."

I remove my gun from his head

"Thank you so mu-"

I ended his sentence with a gunshot killing him I shot him right in the heart he doesn't deserve to live after what he did.

I walk out of the room to about 15 people staring at me.

"What did I do something wrong why are you staring at me go away."

They all scurried off back to what they were doing Jace and Oliver were stood looking at me with open mouths.

"Pick your jaws up off the floor boys we have work to do."

I walked away to my office we mine and Jace's office but it's technically still mine

I hear the door open and shut I hear it look I turn to see Jace striding towards me.

"What's wro-"

I'm interrupted by his lips smashing onto mine and I find myself in a passionate kiss with my hands tugging at his hair.

"You were so hot I don't know why I was even worried about you."

He whispered against my lips and i smiled.

I pull away

"Aww you were worried about me well don't be I can handle stuff."

"Trust me I know you can."

I go to kiss him again but a ringtone travels through the air and stops me it's jaces phone .

"Hello, right okay we are on our way now."

"Time for our meeting let's go love"

We get to the meeting and it's very fancy and big a room with a huge glass table in the middle.
I sit at the head of the table next to Jace and a group of men walk in at first I'm very intimidated but the Jace sits down and looks at me he gives my knee a reassuring squeeze I gave him a little smile.

"Mr Corbin who is this young lady?"
One of the men says smirking at him

"My business partner and none of your business your hear for  a deal let's get on with it I have other jobs to do."

"Okay let's talk."

"So then what do you want from me?"

"Part of your weapons when you get your shipment each month."

"How much are you expecting to give me?"

"$10,000 each month for 25%."

My face turns sour at that is he joking I looked over the paperwork this morning and that's not even gonna cover 10%. To cover the 25% he will need to pay more like $300,000.

I speak up

"I don't think that's gonna happen for you to have 25% it's gonna be more like $300,00."

Jace looks at me proudly

"She's correct so take it or leave it don't try to negotiate because it's not gonna happen."

"That's a lot of mon-"

"Look take it or leave it your choice."

He looks at me with disgust

"Shit the fuck up you shouldn't even be here your a woman this is a man's job I bet you can't even shoot a gun ."
He laughs with the other people sat round the table.

I see red and Jace notices he just goes quiet and looks and me I can by the look he gave me he's expecting me to give this dick hell and i do.

"Excuse me, how dare you talk to me like that in my own meeting room I could get you fired right fucking now I think you should get the fuck out and the answer to you offer is no ."

I pull out my hun and shoot it right next to his head which makes him jump

"If I ever see your face  again that bullet won't go through the wall next time."

I move my gun and shove it against his chest.

"That bullet with go straight through here,do you understand me?"

"Y-yes ma'am."

"Good now fucking leave."

I look around the room to see everyone frozen in shock.

"Now all of you get out are you deaf don't make me repeat myself."

They all scurried out scared of what I would do next.

I turn to look at Jace and he has a proud look on his face.

"Well I think your smashing it so far and you look hot doing it , let's go home and have dinner?"

I peck his lips and smile at him

"Let's go."

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