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I wake up at 7am this morning get get in the shower I wash my hair and do my skincare I'm trying out some new products and I absolutely love them my skin feels great.

When i step out the shower and go back into my room i see I have a missed call from my brother in Africa so i call him back.

"Hey Henry sorry I missed your call I was on the shower, how is everything going?"

"Hey E it's going great, i love it here just missing home a bit but Amanda makes me feel better and I have a week off so we are gonna book a hotel and go away for a week here and explore before we have to come back and work for another month or two. What are you doing back home everything okay there.?

"Yeah it's good I'm currently in New York after graduation staying with Jace he let me instead of getting a hotel but I have something to say and I don't want you to get upset I wanna sell mom and dads house we can split it and I'm looking at apartments in New York today i love it here after going to collage."

"Woah um okay well i actually agree with you the money i will get will help towards a house or something for me and Amanda when i come home and at least Jace is being nice I'm glad you two are getting along and things i don't see a point of keeping the house because we both don't want to live in it."

"Yeah okay well i will talk to you soon because I need to get ready to go look at these apartments speak soon bye."

"Bye love you."

I'm not telling Henry about this weird thing Jace and I have going on because he would be mad and confused and we aren't even dating I'm not sure what we are but I'm not saying anything regardless.

I hang up and pick out my outfit I put on jeans some trainers and i cute jumper.

I dry and straighten my hair and do some light makeup. I walk downstairs and go in the living room to see Jace sat on the sofa in jeans and a white t shirt.

"Good morning you ready to go soon I'm just gonna eat and have a drink then we can leave I will drive."

"Okay let me know when we should go I'm just gonna get a jumper and shoes on."

I nod my head and make a coffee and avocado on toast, i sit and go on my phone while I eat my breakfast.

20 minutes later —

"Okay let's go."

I get my keys and unlock my car door we get in and I start driving.

Luckily out of the five I booked viewings for four of them are in Brooklyn where I'm currently staying at jaces  house. And one is in Manhattan which is about 50 minutes away but it look so nice so I thought I would go see it.

We arrived at the first apartment and it's on the 5th floor it has a pool a gym and a private parking  garage it's very spacious it had two bedrooms one with an en suite and a bathroom with an open kitchen/living space.

"Woah Jace I loved that one it's amazing it's gonna be hard to beat and it's only 15 minutes from your house and 25 minutes from work which is pretty good."

"Yeah that one was amazing and it's good value for your money i really like that one too."

My phone makes a noise and I have a couple of emails.

It's the estate agents saying that two of the other apartments i was going to look at have been taken and they are very sorry. Which is fine because I love the one I have just seen I have one more to look at in Brooklyn then I have one in Manhattan.

"Two apartments have been taken so let's go look at the last one here then the other one."

"Okay let's go."

I drive to the next one and it's nice it only has one bedroom but the kitchen and living room is bigger it has a really nice bathroom too. It has a gym but no pool so I don't think I love this one as much as the last one.

We leave and get in the car.

"I didn't love that one as much."

"Really I liked it but it's a bit more expensive and you don't get as much as the other one."

"Yeah okay one more then we can go home or go get some food or something."

"Okay let's go."

3 hours later—

"I hated that one it was horrible so much different from the pictures online."

"Yeah it was horrible, so are you gonna go with the first one we looked at because that was really nice."

"Yeah I'm gonna call the women back when I get back."

"Okay let's go home."

He puts his hand on my leg and i drive home.  

Another chapter done guys !!

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