Party !!

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"Hey babe I'm leaving for the airport now i will see you later and i will let you know when I land."

"Okay see you later safe flight love you hun."


I put the phone down and get ready I have some jobs to do and stuff around the house like laundry and cleaning ready for Lana to comes later i also need to go grocery shopping Jace doesn't have a lot here some I'm just gonna get a few bits because I leave for California on a couple of days .
The estate agent in California called me and we agreed to meet at the house so she can take photos to put on their website she told me she already has people interested they just need to see the house.
It's a family they moved from Europe and are desperate for a house in California so she told them about this one and they are really interested so hopefully they will buy and I can get it over with quickly and move to the city.

I head to the laundry room and put on a wash.
After I have done that I get decide to go out and get some food and wine for Lana and i.

2 hours later-

I get back from the store and I bought way more than I needed but oh well Jace could do with more food in his fridge even if he's not here. I think Lana and i are going to a club tonight and i can't wait I need to let my hair down and stop worrying about where Jace is and what he's doing. 

I put the food away in the fridge and everything else in the pantry. I put on some Lana del rey and dance along as I put the groceries away. 

After I finished that I thought I might as well creep clean the rest of downstairs so I get my cleaning supplies and started with the living room. I hoovered and polished, by the time I was done with everything I was exhausted and then my phone pinged. It's a text from Lana.

Lana: I just landed on my way to you now x
Evie: Okay gorgeous see you soon x

I told her jaces address the other day so she knows where to go, its nearly 4pm and I'm so hungry after cleaning all day so I decide to cook dinner. I got out all my ingredients, I think I'm gonna make spaghetti with meatballs i have to let the sauce cook away for about and hour on low with the meatballs Lana should be here when it's all cooked.

I head upstairs to Jace's room and get all my stuff ready for the club later. Just then the doorbell rings. I head downstairs and open the door it's Lana.

"Ahhhhh I'm so excited you're here "

" I am gonna miss you I'm gonna be so sad when  you move here"

"Well don't think about it then haha"

"I made dinner for us before we go out because we both no it to drink on an empty stomach."

"Yes I'm so hungry let's eat."

We go to the kitchen and i get two bowl out i out in the pasta and then the sauce and meatballs.
We sit and chat and eat dinner for a couple hours we have a glass of wine.

"Well shall we get ready it's about 8pm"

"Let's do it."

We head upstairs and Lana jumps in the shower after her flight. I begin to pick out my outfit before I do my hair and makeup.
I decided to go with a black dress it's long and one of my comfiest dresses .

Lana gets out of the shower and I start doing my hair I decided to straighten it I love my hair straight it's so shiny and I have been growing it out

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Lana gets out of the shower and I start doing my hair I decided to straighten it I love my hair straight it's so shiny and I have been growing it out. I normally have it curled but i decided not to.

"What are you wearing?

"Ummmum I think I'm gonna go with my red dress I bought it the other day let me get it and show you."

"Oooo okay."

"I love it it's so you haha

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"I love it it's so you haha."
She smiles at me and i go so my makeup my eyeshadow is Smokey and I have a red lipstick on.
Lana has on light makeup and some eyeliner she looks really pretty.

"I'm ready shall we go it's like 9:30."

"Yep let's go."

We arrive at the club and it's so loud I forgot what it's like to go to a club last time i went out it was a party and this is totally different.
We head to the bar and order some drinks. I see this guy staring at me he's tall and blonde he's sat with a few girls he keeps staring at me he has dark eyes and a few tattoos so I smile and turn away.

"That guy keeps looking at me."

"I know he's got right you should talk to him."

"What no way he's sat with loads of girls and yeah he's hot but ughh whatever I'm too sober for this."

After a few more drinks we go to the dance floor i swag my hips to the music feeling slightly drunk all of a sudden I feel hands grip my waist i turn around and I see it's the guy from earlier.
He leans down to me ear.

"Hey I'm Matt."

"Hey I'm evie."

"Sooo i saw you staring at me earlier what that ?"

"Because your hot why else."

"Ahhhh thankyou I guess your not so bad either."

He chuckles at me i see Lana and she's making out with a guy,
"Can I buy you a drink."

"Yes you definitely because I'm gonna need alot more."

"Well then let's get you a drink."

We walk over to the bar.

Quite a few drinks later i stumble to the bathroom and when i come out i see Lana waiting for me.

"Hey we should get going soon."

Fair to say I'm more drunk than her.


We go back to the dance floor and i see matt i go to say goodbye.

I walk up to him and he kisses my lips he pulls away.

"Sorry I had to do that before I leave."

I don't say anything and pull him back into a kiss it's long and passionate i pull away shocked at my actions but who cares.


I wink at him and walk out with Lana

"Well that was a fun night"

She laughs at me.

Another chapter done hoping to get another one today xx

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