Take me home please

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"Jace some guy just tried to touch me and I think he wanted to have sex with me he grabbed my wrists and he wouldn't let go!!!."

I couldn't  talk because I was crying so much.

"I got away from him i kicked him then he knocked his head and is currently unconscious near the bathroom."

"Fuck evie I will handle it let me see your wrists, oh my god they are already bruised and your face did he hit you ?!"

I nod my head and he just hugs me he brings me into his arms and doesn't let me go. He takes his phone out and calls somebody.

"East bathroom go now get the guy who is knocked out on the floor take him to the where house i will be there later don't treat him well i want him alive when i arrive."

"Jace take me home please i don't want to be here anymore."

He takes my hand and leads me out the door the car journey was silent but it was a comfortable silence apart from when jace was asking me if I'm okay.

We arrived home and i went upstairs jace followed he waited outside while I got changed i opened my door.

"Thank you for taking me home sorry we had to leave early."

"God Evie don't apologise I'm gonna kill that guy for trying to touch you and hurting you."

We just look at each other he looks into my teary eyes with an apologetic look, our faces start to move closer together and he leans down to my lips.

He gently presses his lips onto mine and I let him i move my lips with his it wasn't like our last kiss this was gentle and sweet, i pull away and open my eyes he look at me and he waits for me to turn away or something but instead I kiss him again and pull him into my room and shut my door.

This time it's passionate and our hands are all over each other touching and wanting more of each other. He pulls away breathless.

"Evie what are we doing right now trust me I want to do this and I'm fine I'm just worried about you after just breaking up with Sam and what happened earlier today."

"Stop talking and come here."

I push him down onto my bed and climb on top of him i kiss his neck and make my marking I started unbuttoning his shirt kissing all the way across his chest and down his abdomen he groans in pleasure.

I get to his pants and i pull them down his hard erection springs out and I smirk at him with a mischievous grin. I take his tip in my mouth and swirl my tongue around it he squirms under my touch and his moans fill the room.
I take him all in my mouth and bob my head up and down I start to feel him shake underneath me and he releases in my mouth i swallow it and look at him he looks surprised at what just happened I have a proud look on my face i wink at him and make my way back up his body he flips me over and slaps my ass.

"Your good at that princess now let me show you what I can do and how good I can be."

Out of now where a ringtone fills the room I look up and realise it's my phone i get off him and go over to my dresser and pick up my phone.

"Really love you gonna take a phone call right now."

I look at him and laugh.

"Yes it's my brother and that's all your getting for today." I wink at him

"Okay well I need to go deal with someone at work so I will be back later, bye."

I answer my phone and nod at him.

"Hey, Henry you okay ?"

"Yeah I'm all good just checking in on you and making sure Jace is behaving, how is it going with Sam?"

"Well um we are over i caught him cheating on me, and Jace is being good, how is work and Amanda."

"Work is amazing I love it and Amanda and I are doing really well we have been talking about moving in together when we get back home because she lives in California too but it's nothing definite yet, just an idea."

"That sounds good I can't wait to meet her,but I have to go because I have been out to a party and just got home so I need food a shower and to go so sleep but I will talk to you soon love you."

"Okay bye love you."

I go into the bathroom and look in the mirror i see the red mark on my face and the bruises on my wrists the events of earlier tonight com rushing into my head but I block it out and I think about what happened with Jace a smile creeps across my face I can't believe I did that I don't know what came over me.

I got into the shower washing off my makeup and cleansing my face I'm so tired it's nearly midnight. After I've showers and dried my hair i go down to the kitchen, i get a class of lemon water and some leftover pizza.

I climb into bed and fall asleep.


Omg guys they got cheeky but only a little bit your gonna have to wait for more don't forget to comment 🤍

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