Going away

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We arrived home and i decided to call the real estate agent that I want the apartment.

"Hello this is Annie speaking."

"Hi Annie it's Evie, I'm calling about the first Brooklyn apartment I viewed with you earlier. I was wondering if it's still available?"

"Ohhh hi sweet yes it is still available, let's make an appointment for you to come and see me to go over the paperwork and the down payment."

"Okay that's great when would that be."

"Well we are extremely busy at the moment but I think I could fit you in next week. On Friday at eleven am."

"Thank you see you then bye.


I hang up and sit on the couch i put on a film i get a bit hungry Jace and i never went for food because i didn't feel good and i just wanted to come home.

I make a sandwich and chill in the couch.
About an hour and a bit later jace came downstairs he looks upset and angry. He has a bag full he looks like he's about to leave.

"Hey what's wrong where you going you look sad."

"Um Evie I have to go away for work and i don't know when I will be back I'm so sorry I will text you when I can."

"Oh um okay well we work at the same place why can't i come ."

"Because it's dangerous and I'm not putting you in danger."

"Okay we'll be safe,please."

"Of course."

I walk up to him and wrap my arms around his waist when I pull away he smiles at me and kisses my cheek.

"Bye love."

He walks out the door and I hear his car leave well this is weird in his house alone.

I spoke to the estate agent earlier about selling my parents house and she said she could help as she knows someone in California and she emailed them and i gave them my details so when I fly back in a few days I will put it on the market.

It's about 8pm now and I decided to have a bath, i put on some music i run the bath and put bubble bath and a bath bomb in. I get my face mask it's charcoal and seaweed it smells kinda funny but it's made my skin amazing.

I get out the bath and order a pizza i really can't be bothered to cook. I message Lana and invite her out to the city for a couple days while Jace is away and I'm waiting to go home to sell my parents house.

She agrees to stay here and she will let me know when her flight is.

I decided to get out of the bath wash my face mask off. While Jace is away I'm not going to work and it's still new to me. My pyjamas are silk I love them I slip them on and climb into bed.

I decided to read my book before I went to sleep it really helps relax my mind.

I feel my eyes begin to get heavy, I put my bookmark in and go drift off to sleep.

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