The ball

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I saw him

He looked amazing he had on a a black suit his hair was styled and he had a crisp white shirt on .

I was in shock he has never looked this good before, I was walked up to him I could instantly smell his cologne it smelt amazing .

I saw her walk down the stairs and my mind was instantly clouded by how beautiful she was.
She looked fixing amazing I was trying so hard not to run up to her and rip her clothes off and fuck her right there on the floor.
That dress hugged her in all the right places her hips her ass and the way she swings her hips when she walks.
I was speechless I was bought out of my daze wine I saw her walking towards me.

"Wow, you smell and look amazing."
She said with a giggle

"Thank you, you good too love."

I smiled at her

We got into the car and started driving to the ball the car ride was full of tension. I could sense her staring at me I didn't look at her because if I did look into those big brown eyes I would crumble.

We drive up to a gate and then it suddenly opens the car goes up a beautiful drive way it's long and is lined with trees a mansion comes into view it's lit up fairy lights draped all around the outside.

"Oh my god I wonder who lives here."

He smirks at me and I'm confused why is he smirking at me ?

"I do, it's my house I own it and I have about three more one on New York and another one in Switzerland i like to go their at Christmas."

I just stare at him with a what the fuck look in my face shocked I don't say anything I just sink further back into my chair.

"Jesus that just screams rich."

He laughs at me, I get out of the car and take his arm we walk into the house and I'm met with so many eyes on me i look at Jace confused and he doesn't even care we get a drink and i see a man walking over he is tall dark hair and blue eyes he looks the same age as Jace.

"Hi, I'm Oliver i work with Jace I guess you could say we are business partners."

He puts his hand out i shake it

"Oh hello I'm Evie Jace's friend,how long have you worked with him?"

"I have worked with him for about 3 years but I have known him since I was about 6."

We are interrupted by someone clearing their throat it is Jace.

I turn around to him he has a cold look on his face glaring at Oliver.
I give him a confused look and I nudge his ribs he turns around and notices the look on my face.

"Jace, Oliver was just telling me how long you have known each other and that you work together."

"Yes we have known each other for along time doesn't make him any less annoying, we should get going to the dance floor now.

"But I told you I hate dancing and I can't dance I'm so bad at it."

He chuckles at me and grabs my wrist and leads me to the dance floor.
I put my arms around his neck and he rests his hands on my hips and looks into my eyes.
We move with the music.

"How did you come to be in the mafia?"

He looks at me with a confused look as to why I'm asking him or to why I'm interested in his life but i am I want to know more a about him instead of being so mysterious all the time.

"Well it was my dads he was the so called leader but i don't like explaining it like that he owned it and when he retired it got handed down to me, then it will gat handed down to my children. But I'm not even sure if I want any children, my dad was very hard on me as a kid but I guess he had to be if I was going to lead this lifestyle. He was never very loving and I guess I'm worried that I won't be a good dad to my kids and they will end up fucked up like me."

I stare at him feeling all sorts of emotions, sadness,empathy,surprise I can't believe he told me those things he's never opened up to me before about anything this conversation is most I've ever spoken to him in about 8 years.

"Oh Jace, I'm sorry you feel that way, but your not your dad your you and I'm sure you will be an amazing dad."

"Thanks that means a lot."

The music stops and we let go of each other.

"Um I'm just gonna go to the bathroom."

I walk away before he can say anything I'm confused and I feel flustered did we just have like a "moment" ew i hate that I'm meant to be in my single collage girl era messing around not liking my brother's best friend.

I go into the toilet it's really nice and smells amazing there is a fancy collection of soap hand cream and sanitizer's it's so nice I try a bit if everything and walk out.

TW assault⚠️⚠️

On my way out there is a guy lurking by the door he is fat bald and looks about 5'9.

"Excuse me I need to get past ."

"No I think you should come with me darling I can show you a good time pretty lady."

"NO, let me get past you fucking dick!!."

"Stop you little bitch and look at me ."

He turns my head to look at him and try's to kiss me I hit him he grabs my wrists so hard I'm sure it's going to bruise he slaps my face then turns me around and pushes me against a wall and bends down to me ear and whispers..

"Your gonna enjoy this and you tell anyone your dead."

So I get my heel of my shoes and stomp on his toe he lets out a yell and grabs his foot because he let go of my wrists i turn around and kick him in the face which knocks him back and he hits his head on the door frame i run out of the bathroom and try to find Jace.
I start crying I'm so shaken up by what just happened to me what would make someone do that good job I know how to defend myself otherwise i don't know what would've happened.

I run into the ballroom in hysterics I see Jace talking to an older women, he sees me and looks concerned I run over to him knocking into somebody I don't even turn around to look who it was I just wanted to leave.

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