Fuck off sam

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We get home and I'm starving i go to the kitchen to start cooking dinner I have no idea what I will cook so I look in the fridge.

"Hey Jace what do you want for dinner, tacos sound okay?"

"Yeah sounds good I will be down in a bit gonna have a shower."

He shouts down the stairs.

Jaces house is nice especially the kitchen it has a small tv on the wall and it's spacious and I love cooking in it.

I turn in the stove and start cooking the meat and i chop all the stuff to go in the salsa.

After a few minutes a heard the door knocking.

I find it strange because who would knock on jaces door he has people for that.

I walk to the door and open it when I see who is standing there I'm in shock it's Sam with a black eye and I think I know how he got it.

"What the fuck do you want Sam go away."

"Shut up are you gonna even ask how I have been or why I have a black eye?"

"No I'm not because one I broke up with you and two I don't care so please go away."


" oh for god sake sam grow up you cheated on me and I broke up with you stop being so pathetic."

I felt a sharp sting on my cheek and i fell back.

I didn't hit the floor I fell back into a strong pair of arms I instantly know who it was.

Jace punched sam and i just turned around to go back to the kitchen I thought I would let Jace deal with him.

I finished cooking and Jace walked back into the kitchen.

"How did he even know where you live? "

"He followed us home apparently but he won't be coming back now."

I don't answer because I don't wanna talk about it anymore.

I sit down at the table and have joins me.

"So I have those apartment viewing's tomorrow did you still wanna come?"

"Yeah I will what time are we leaving."

"Umm at about 11am that okay."

"Yeah it's fine,and this is soooo good you can definitely cook more while your here."

"Haha yeah whatever."

"I'm gonna do the dishes then did you wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah okay I will go choose one."

He walks out of the kitchen and i being to clean up. After I have finished I go upstairs and get changed into something comfy.
I put on a grey hoodie some shorts and white fluffy socks i take me makeup off an wash my face it feels so good after the day I had I can't wait to just chill out.

I walk downstairs and jace has changed too.
I look to see the film he picked and it was Harry Potter my favourite film and he doesn't even know that.

"Yes my favourite how did you know?"

"I didn't actually haha."

I smile at him and sit down with a blanket. As I'm watching the film I decide that a glass of wine would go perfectly so I get up and go get one.

We watch the first film and i put on the 6th one I love all of them but at the moment that one is my favourite. I start to feel sleepy and I decided to lie down on the sofa, i stretch out and put my legs on Jace's  lap. After the film is finished it's about 12am and I'm so tired I get up and stretch.

"I'm so tired I'm gonna go to bed to get up for tomorrow."

"Me too busy day ahead see you tomorrow love."

I smile at him and go upstairs leaving him to turn everything off.

An -
Heyyy sorry I haven't updated in a while been super busy and sorry for short chapter lots of love 🤍

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