I Dare You (Iker Casillas) Prologue

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) Prologue

You are the reason I smile. I breath. I love. I live.

Sara Carbonero had always been the apple to Iker Casillas's eye. There was just something about the way she smiled, or the way her eyes gazed into his that made him fall for her. From the very first moment he laid his eyes on her across the hallway of his locker at school, he knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with that girl. So his first words ever to her were proposing a date for the weekend. At first, Sara had denied, only playing the hard to get card that her mother taught her to do. In truth, she had wanted nothing more than to have just said yes, but Sara had to make sure he really wanted to pursue a relationship with him. Iker had been accepting of the fact he had been rejected but that only encouraged him to try harder. For weeks Iker courted her; walked her to class, carried her books, drove her home, he had done anything to assure a spot in her heart. The only thing he hadn't known was there was a place already reserved for him. After the first month of courting, Iker had asked her out once more, and she had happily replied with a unforgettable first kiss.

Everyday with her felt as if he could only love her more and more. It was love at first sight for him, and he made no mistake about it. He wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He wanted to marry her. So the second they had turned eighteen, he had proposed. Sara was overwhelmed with the sudden proposition. She loved Iker, she truly did, but marriage for her at the time was something she wasn't looking for. Besides they had only been together for two years; a magical two years at that. She wanted to live her life, experience it because she was still young. Being tied down at such an age was absurd for her. The decision to say no was her own; the choice to have broken up to let her live her life was his. Iker like the fact she had wanted to put her life goals first. It showed she had independency, passion, and persistence. That nothing was going to slow her down or get in her way from her dreams, and Iker found it respectable. So the choice of letting her go was one she was thankful for. That way, she had been able to become a successful journalist, and he, a famous goal keeper.

Getting back together many years later was something they had both anticipated. Was it going to be a bad reunion or a pleasant one? Thankfully it veered off to the more pleasant side of things. They got back together as if they hadn't been apart for a decade, and they even got married after two years. Moving into a new house together, aside from being newly we'd, was a big step for them, and they couldn't wait what living together as a married couple would be like...


Odette Reyes lived a simple life. She didn't ask for much from her parents, and being the only child, she got whatever she asked for from time to time. Her parents were always at work, the times she got to spend with them were allotted, but this only taught her to be independent growing up. She wasn't an awkward child, she was very much friendly. She liked meeting new people, trying new things, and you could always see her with a smile on her face. Guys have dated her, but none of them ever seem to be the one for her. She never believed in that mumbo jumbo crap about love at first sight. She felt you needed to build into something like that, and then once it happens; just leave it be. That's always something she followed.

When she turned eighteen her parents had passed away. Leaving her by herself as an orphan. Her parents, as well as her, were only children. There were no aunts or uncles or cousins for her to have gone to. No grandparents or guardians for her to live with. No, she was completely by herself. For awhile it seemed to have taken such an impact on her, she wasn't able to function correctly. But the tragic death of her parents had not slowed her life down entirely. Odette accept the fact her parents were no longer with her on the planet, and lived her life. It didn't make sense to her to just mope around wishing for something to come back when it was clear they weren't. No. She moved on, she graduated high school, and she went to college. She pursued the career in what she wanted the most.


Cars were something she always loved. Ferrari, Impala, Ford, Nissan, KIA, Cadillac, Range Rover, Aston Martin, any car, she could give you facts about. They fascinated her in many ways. How they were built. Whose engine was top ranking. What company was currently at the top. Engineering was something she was especially keen on. Odette had taken all the classes her school offered related to engineering and cars. It wasn't like she wanted to become a race car driver or a mechanic though. She wanted to become a car spokesperson. It was a weird career for a woman to be picking, but it was what she wanted. So when she got offered a job to become one, she jumped at the first chance she got after college. And she couldn't have asked for a better job.

Her job required she travel the country, world even, with the car show her company hosted. She would speak about certain cars they posted her with, talk about what they have to offer compared to another, the features, and the design. Everything about a car, she could tell you. That's why she was top in her field, and top could only bring you even higher. Odette had been one of the lucky ones to be chosen to travel the world with the same car show. Go international. She hadn't expected it to happen, it just did. A blessing, but later on turned to a curse.

One night in Madrid, Spain, just leaving her hotel with her belongings to drive to the airport for the show, she had been attacked. Not in a way where they had raped her, left her for dead. But she had been targeted for the things she had owned. The expensive clothing, electronics, and everything she had ever earned with her own money. And just like that they was gone, and she was left to fend for herself. Odette was a homeless, foreign girl with no mean's to get by on her own. She had no money, no clothes but the ones she already had on, no cellphone, not a thing. She didn't even have the knowledge to speak the language in the country she was in. After the first few days, she had given up on people looking for her. Odette understood just how hard the job could be, and it would have been days before they realized she was missing. But in days, she doubted they would come back looking for her.

And after the first few weeks...she was right.

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