I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #7

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #7

It's like I want you to know, but I don't want to tell you.

Sara purses her lips as she slowly twirled the glass of wine in her hand. Her friend from work, Mercedes, stares at her intently. She asked what was wrong, Sara gave off a scoff. "I'll tell you what. That bitch is still here, she's already gotten a job, and she isn't raising enough money to leave." Sara was scornful, she was coaxed into extending her stay for not only another four weeks, but six. She didn't know how she easily gave into Iker for, but it happened. It's been three weeks since that agreement. Each day passing she's been out of the house more and more, which she admitted was a bad idea considering it gave them more time alone together. Odette gotten herself a job in a local cafe, as well as doing a few side jobs with Iker's friend's cars, but it still didn't raise the money quick enough to kick her out. Sara would slip in some extra cash from Odette's savings, but she counted the money everyday and if there were even a euro more, she'd give it back. Odette was being difficult with her and somehow Sara summed it up to think it was because she wanted to stay with Iker longer. Her jealously grew to rage as the clock ticked. "I want her out, but I don't know how she can get the money to leave." Sara's finger is rapidly tapping the table. Mercedes suggested that she get Odette a fake job at her place, pay her the amount she needed, and be done with her. Sara evaluates the idea before sending her friend a look of approval. "I think that just might work."

Odette cheeks blush as she stares at the bare chest of her friend. She hadn't seen a guy naked... even half naked in forever. Surely never felt anything that so chiseled or smooth in ever. As far as what her face could tell when she collided into him. Most of the guys she had seen weren't too muscular like Iker. She wanted to know made him compelled to walk around with his shirt on. Then she came back to reality and realize she was still living in his house. Sometimes she forgot about it, occasionally thinking that they were just roommates and she wasn't there as a burden. "I–I–" She stutters, flustered by his body. He should always wear a shirt near her. Iker tells her he was going to pinch her if she apologized for bumping into him. An amused smile crossed his face, watching her cheeks turn red as she stares down to her manicured feet. Sara refuses to take her out on shopping trips or spa days, Odette refuses too, so he kindly persuades Nagore to do it instead. They've become close friends. Whenever she can, Odette is invited over to the Alonso residence to hang out with her and her kids. Iker has seen her with kids, and it's cute to watch. Odette was so good with children that he occasionally wonders if Sara could be capable of that one day as well. Her temper wouldn't allow it but it was worth a shot. "No I want to apologize for keeping you from walking around like this. It's your house, you must have done it often before my arrival, and I'm so sorry to keep you from it." Odette had gotten better at talking to him. It only took an awkward run in at the showers for her to realize he's seen more of her than she would like him to have, but nonetheless if he could see her naked, why couldn't she talk to him normally? They've crossed the line of formalities into nicknames and inside jokes. "Just get more comfortable in your own house please." She pleads. Iker thanks her kindly, before beginning to pull down his pants. "What the hell are yo–" Before she could finish her sentence, Iker was only stripped down into his boxers, hands on his hips teasingly. "Nope, not cool." Her eyes lingered down lower than his waist, before she caught herself in the act and backed up into the wall.

Sara hears a bang in the distance before the familiar sound of Iker's laughter. She hasn't made him laugh like that in awhile, and not just speaking since Odette came into their lives. She runs up the stairs to stumble upon Iker near naked with Odette's flustered face. "¿Qué está pasando aquí?" Sara asks, trying to stay as calmly as possible. Not with the given risqué scene that was right in front of her. Odette mutters 'Nada,' with a shake of her head. Sara forgot she understood some Spanish now with Iker teaching her. It didn't favor for Sara I case she wanted to quip in a comment about her to Iker now and again. Iker vied for her saying he was just teasing her. "Bueño." She sighs, rubbing her temples. "I've got a job for you Odette," Her brown eyes trained on her green ones. "if you're willing to take it. It's at my work, but all you'll be doing is filing a few papers for a few days. I'll make sure you'll get paid if you have the time." Iker knew his wife was up to something. Not once had she shown an act of kindness to their guest, now her she was with a job offer. Something was up. Odette wonders what she could be doing, she knew Sara completely hated her since the extension of her stay, so she knew to watch her back. Had she still been intimidated by her? Most certainly not. As the days had flown by, she gained her weight back, got her natural glow, and attitude. She, with a couple dials down, had her confidence, sassiness, and wit back. The job had been too easy to be true, so she wondered if it be been a prank, but on the other hand wasn't and it could be real. Odette agrees to it. "Great! We'll get you started tomorrow. Wear something semi formal." Sara informs her, pointing at Odette's uniform for the cafe. Her soiled apron, polo and pants uniform. Not fit for where she was going tomorrow. She'd have to comb through her closet again.

Once they both knew Sara was far from earshot they spoke. "So how's the sex going." Odette teased Iker, hands resting behind her back. Iker shrugs her shoulders. "Oh wait? Iker can't last more than a minute in bed I'm guessing?" She taunted him gleefully. Iker and she shared a laugh.

"Please. I'd last longer in bed than a bunch of your exes." Iker nudges her shoulder playfully. "Combined!" Odette was about to chime into his playfulness until she realized how wrong it was for him to have said that. It was flirting. They were flirting. Iker must have realized the error in his words and shut up. "It's getting pretty late... Good night." He says, excusing himself from her. When his back is turned to her, he mentally slaps himself for having said that. He hoped it didn't ruin their friendship. "What do you have planned for Odette, Sara?" He asks his wife as he wraps his arms around her waist from behind. He kisses the nape of her neck gently. Sara sighs at his touch, missing it.

"Just wanted to help her out. I've been feeling guilty that I haven't been exactly the sweetest to her." Sara lies, turning around to peck his lips. A knock on their door interrupted their momkment. She aggravatedly sighed as she let go of her husband so he like answer the door.

Odette stands sheepishly at the door. "I know I've taken much time out of your lives," Sara rolls her eyes outwardly. Thinking it was at least good she knew that much. "So I think it would be good for you two to go into a romantic getaway. I mean, if you trust me alone or have the time for that." She suggested. Iker looked at her quizzically, wondering if his comment earlier made her decide this. He turns around, knowing he's neglected his wife for the past few weeks. He chimes in, saying it was a good idea. Sara did like the sound of it. Awhile away from her, Iker all to herself... She could remind him of the reasons he'd fallen in love with her in the first place and maybe even forget about Odette altogether. Sara says it would be amazing for them to have time alone, and swallows her pride to thank her bitterly. Odette smiles with herself, happy to have helped the two in some sort of way.

The next morning, Odette was being driven to Sara's work early morning to do paperwork. She didn't want made it a bad day: waking up and having it be that time of the month, spilling your coffee over a nice outfit, being in a car with a woman that hated you, or the constant glares Sara blatantly threw. Whatever the reason, maybe even all combined, Odette had a major attitude problem. She wasn't going to take Sara's bullshit today. The car parks into the lot, awaiting for their passengers to get out. "Just file whatever you is handed to you. It's going to be color coordinated so it isn't that bad. Someone will help you. I'll get you around lunc–" Sara had been packing her things as she explains this to Odette vaguely. Something inside the American ticked. Not only had Sara struck the last nerve, but she could feel her old self was slowly arising. Back then, Odette was like Sara: mean, independent, and impulsive. Sara steps out of the car, marching away from the brunette she left in the car. Odette just about had it with her.

"That's it." She mutters, slamming the door on her way out to catch Sara's attention. The older woman looks back to meet eyes with a furious Odette. "I've had it with the way you've been treating me Sara!" She approached the woman who only stood shocked at the recent attitude development. "I get it. You don't like me in your house, you don't want me near your husband. You hate me as a person!" Sara was about to interject, but Odette wouldn't have it. "No, no, no, no, no. I'm not dealing with your shit anymore. I've had enough with the nasty attitude, the glares, the rude talking. You want me to leave, I know." Odette inhales a deep breathe. Sara stands there, embarrassed she was letting Odette speak to her this way. Usually she was the one on the other side of confrontation. "But guess what Sara? I'm here to stay whether you like it or not."

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