I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #6

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #6

You're the only one I want standing next to me.

"We've made you a doctor's appointment." Sara says to Odette two days later. Odette looks up from the book that lay open before her on the desk of her temporary room, to Sara who was leaning against the doorframe. Prior to her arrival, Odette thought it'd do her good to read something. She's always loved reading: so the first book she saw at their library, she took. Thankfully the text was in English, or for sure she would have had to search for another. "Iker can't make it, so I'll be taking you." She informs in a rather hostile manner. Odette gulps, knowing she's kept a fear of needles to herself thus far. Would she have to tell her right then or there? "Come now, we don't want to be late." Sara tilts her head to the side, as of speaking with a little child, before stalking off. She slams her book close, rising from her cushioned seat; heart racing rapidly. Her entire life she's hated doctor's, and if it had been Iker in her presence, she surely would have begged on postponing the appointment. Alas, Sara was there, and their tension was still rising. They weren't on terms where they glared at each other, but neither had they been buddy-buddy. The last thing Odette wanted to do was upset the intimidating woman standing before her. But she also wanted to give her a piece of her mind. She was tired of how Sara kept looking at her. Not in a condescending fashion, one that showed how much Sara wasn't approving of her. Odette understood, she truly did, but if Sara would just ease off that attitude, things around the house would be made a little more livable.

"Thank you." Odette mumbles as she slid into her car with her. Sara briefly smiles before backing up the driveway. She contemplates in her head throughout the trip: should she open her mouth and give Sara a piece of her mind, or just suck it up and deal with it? The latter option is what she was veering for. Odette twiddles with her thumbs as they enter through the clinic. Sara keeps a keen eye on her, noticing her sudden change in demeanor. She was about to inquire what her problem was until the receptionist approached her. Sara indicates for Odette to have a seat in the waiting chair, which she does. There was something intimidating about Sara. Her looks, her career, her husband, the life she led, and the dominance she held in her eyes. The list could go on if Odette had to.

"Are you okay?" Sara asks taking a seat next to her while handing a clipboard to her. She's been trying to become more open to a friendship with her. Key word was trying considering the fact she hasn't started to be friendly just yet. Holding a grudge forever wasn't going to make things easier for them, so Sara's decided to attempt and be her friend. She will admit she hasn't been the most welcoming of people in her life thus far. It wasn't her fault that she was set to hate Odette, it just happened. What mattered was that she was trying to fix it. As much as she could handle. Inside, she felt guilty of the way she's been treating her: giving her one worded replies, barely listening to what she has to say, and even more so, not being in the house as much. She still couldn't stand seeing Iker and Odette together, so she's been walking out of the house to hang out with friend's or visit her job. Odette lowly nods, taking the clipboard out of her hand, beginning to scribble on the paper. "I know, doctors aren't really my thing either." She offers a small smile, Odette manages a chuckle. "Don't worry about those numbers yet, I'll have to fill them in with our hou–"

"Iker made me memorize your numbers so I've got it thank you." Odette replies rather quickly, writing down the correct house number, as well as his and her cellphone number. Sara slumped back into her seat, wondering what else they've done together. The little green monster was bubbling inside of her even though she knew Iker would never betray her. Despite her better judgement."Here you go." Odette hands the clipboard back to the nurse up at the front when she's finished her paperwork. When she sits back next to Sara, she smiles politely. "How has work been?" Odette has noticed she's been out of the house more than she should be for a journalist, one who claimed to have been on a vacation at dinner the other night.

Sara held back a glare. Was Odette testing her? Had she known Sara had actually been out shopping with a few of her other friends? There wasn't a possible way. "It's been alright. Very busy with games and players to report to." She smiles halfheartedly, picking up a magazine front the side. Liking her was going to be tough in Sara's opinion. "How's everything been around the house?" She lazily flips through the pages, barely giving them a look. Odette shrugs, not noticing the animosity held within the question.

"It's alright. I've just been reading a few books is all. Iker took me out to another one of his practices yesterday. That was fun." She smiles, recalling the conversations she had with Nagore.

"Señorita Reyes." They call for her. Odette's heart began pounding violently against her chest when her name was called. They weren't going to do anything to her related with needles. They were just going to do a regular routine check up. Your temperature, your eye sight, nothing else. She tried to assure herself. It wasn't working very well. "Señorita." The nurse called out again, but Odettecould only hear it faintly. It wasn't exactly crystal clear in her ears. She looks up, but her vision is fuzzy. The nurse approaches her, placing a hand on her shoulder while Sara just stared. Odette hears Sara mutter something to the nurse. "Miss? Do you understand me?"

Iker walked through the clinic doors, his fingers typing rapidly on his phone, knowing it was a good choice to have left his meeting early to check up on Odette. It wasn't like he didn't trust Sara, he was just well aware of her unease towards their new guest. He thought it'd be best if he drop by to make sure nothing more had escalated in their relationship towards one another. The scene he walked into wasn't one he favored. He's seen that look before, the one Odette currently had on. He's had some of his teammates have that look on every once and awhile. The wide eyes, heavy breathing, and spaced out look. She was having an anxiety attack. And Sara was doing nothing about it. She just sat there staring. Iker was a bit disappointed with the way his wife was taking a handle on things. "Sara ¿qué diablos!" He scolds his wife, setting his things aside on the chair.

"Iker ¿qué estás haciendo aquí?" Sara asks what he had been doing here. She was shocked to see him standing there.

"Comprobar la satisfacción de ustedes. Gracias a Dios que lo hice." Iker tells her he was thankful for having some. It annoyed him that not only his wife wasn't taking any action, but neither had the medical staff. Sara bit back her rogue from a snide remark. She wasn't appreciating the lip Iker had been giving her lately. "Odette. Odette." Iker crouches in front of the poor woman, snapping his fingers in front of her face to bring her back to reality. "It's me. It's Iker." Sara stares in jealousy as she watches her husband tending to Odette. "Can you hear me?" His hand lands on her knee, still looking up into her green eyes.

Odette's eyes are trained into Iker's. She still couldn't snap out of it. "Iker." She says slowly, coming out of her derealization. She blinks once or twice to regain focus. "I'm sorry." She finds herself whispering. Iker shakes his head, saying it was alright. "I did it again didn't I? I'm sorry I have anxiety," This took a shock on Sara, not knowing. "and it's really bad sometimes. I'm afraid of needles." She blurts out unintentionally. Iker chuckles lightly.

"It's fine. I'm sure they weren't going to stick one in you anyway. Just head on in, and I'll be with you in a few moments." Iker instructs her, pointing to the nurse when he rose from his feet. Odette arose from her seat, following the orders. Once the door shut where she disappeared through, he turns to face Sara who was also standing. "Why didn't you help her!"

"I didn't know she was having an attack! I scarcely see any!" Sara defends herself, glaring at him. Iker shakes his head disappointedly. She throws him a baffled look, wondering why she was receiving this treatment. Before she could utter another word, he turns his back to her and heads in with Odette. Sara stares in disbelief seeing where her own husband's loyalty was headed. A direction she didn't like going at all.

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