I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #11

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #11

To get something you've never had, you have to do something you've never done.

Sara taps her fingers against the desk irritatedly. Mercedes groaned in displeasure at her aggravating friend. "Por favor!" She snapped at her jitrering friend who threw a menacing glare at her. "What is your problem anyway! Why am I here?" She asked as she scrolled through her phone. Sara bites her lip in an anxious manner. She was in too deep and she didn't know what to do. She called her only friend, Mercedes, who she could absolutely trust. Sara made her swear not to tell anyone. "Sí, sí." Mercedes assures her with a nod of her head.

"I'm not...pregnant." Sara admitted out loud. Mercedes nearly choked on her own spit at the words. Just the other day Sara had spoken of how ecstatic she had been to finally be back with Iker all because she was pregnant. Although she knew her friend well and she wasn't going to be the best mother out there. Mercedes threw her an incredulous look, not believing it for a second. Sara nods her head in dismay. "I mean, at least I don't think I am."

"But wasn't the only reason Iker took you back was because you were pregnant?"

"You don't think that hasn't crossed my mind Mer!" Sara snaps at her friend angrily. If Iker found out she wasn't truly pregnant, she would get the first ride out of his house. Though she may have been taken back by Iker, there was a distance between them. It wasn't the same, the love wasn't there anymore. His kisses were empty much like his 'I love you's. When he held her hand he never squeezed it anymore, it was lank in hers. He never smiled or laughed at her jokes like he used to. The only time there was a smile on his face was when he was with his friends, away from her. This baby was the only thing keeping them together despite the fact their relationship was strained. If she announced she wasn't pregnant... she would be out of his life. There was no way that was happening. "I'm supposed to be three weeks in and I haven't...gotten any morning sickness." She bit her thumb as she paced around her friend's room. Mercedes conjured up a plan and asked if she had taken another pregnancy test first. Sara informed her that she was currently waiting on one right now. "It's in the bathroom." Sara checked her watch to see it was time for the results; it was.

"Well?" Mercedes asks from where she sat in her kitchen. When Sara returned the facial expression on her face told it all. She was negative, she wasn't pregnant with Iker's baby. "Shit." She mutters as she hoped they didn't have to go through with plan b. "You're going to have to have sex with someone else." Sara scoffs and asked why it couldn't be Iker. "Would you have sex if you knew there was a growing fetus inside a woman's uterus?" Mercedes made a face. Sara realized she was right. "It's going to have to be his brother." She shrugs casually. Sara questioned why it would have to be Unai with a face, that had to be incest of sorts she thought to herself. "Well think about it... Once the baby comes out it may not look remotely close to Iker."

"I could say it looks like me." Sara reasons with her friend.

"Better just play it safe." Mercedes alarm rang from her phone. "That's me, I have a doctor's appointment." She grabbed her phone as she rose from her seat."Just...think it through Sara." With that, she left her troubled friend in her own thoughts. Sara kicks a chair in frustration after her friend drove away from her driveway.

Sara had taken three other tests since Mercedes had left and it was all met with the same answer: Negative. Sara weighed down her options as she sat in the empty house. She couldn't let Iker find out she wasn't really pregnant, it would break his heart. Not to mention break up with her. But on one hand since Odette had been gone, there was no real threat, there was no chance for Iker to get with her. Because face facts, Sara would rather let Iker be alone than with anyone else but her. She cared for him too much, no one deserved to settle for less. Her phone rang. "¿Hola?" She answers. It had been Mercedes, from the sounds of it, she was flustered. "Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey calm down Mercedes! Calm down!" She tried to hush her friend who kept bumbling on about something. "Shit." Sara cursed when her phone dropped the call and went dead. Her charger was in the car. Whatever her friend had to tell her had to wait for now. After gathering her things from Mercedes' house, she went straight back home. She hasn't announced her arrival into the house, she's given up on that. She knew Iker could care less that she was home. Frankly it was easier for the both of them to be apart but it didn't stop her from trying. She walked up the stairs of the silent house, wondering where Iker was at the moment. His car was parked in the driveway.

"It's different for sure." Iker's voice echoed through the walls. Sara stopped in her tracks, knowing he was talking about their relationship. "No, I don't even feel a thing for her anymore." He was on the phone with someone. "If it wasn't for the child I would be off looking for Odette." He chuckled bitterly. Sara felt a pang in her chest. To have her hear him speak of that name made her want to punch a hole in the wall. "It's that different with us."He emphasized the second word. Sara huffed out angrily as she stormed back downstairs. She made her way back to the car to get out of the house her once loving husband was still in. She needed this baby to keep them together.

Sara looked down to see that Mercedes called a couple more times now that her phone was fully charged. "What is it Mercedes!" She angrily greeted her friend, annoyed with the alerts her phone had been left with and with Iker.

"Odette. She's still around here! I swear to you, I saw her in the store." Mercedes announced to her still flustered. Sara didn't need to hear more. She hung up on her friend before driving to Unai's house.

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