I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #16

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #16

Can't help falling in love.

Odette looked longingly at Iker as he got into his car. As quickly as the weekend started, it ended. She would have to go back to work for the next couple days while he had to do his own thing. From her understanding, he would be seeing Sara in the next couple days. He hadn't wanted to spend the weekend with her so they compromised on a day. Apparently Sara thought that was all she needed in order to coerce him back into the relationship. As far as Iker and Odette assumed, she didn't know they were together. Unless they were being stalked by her, there was no chance their relationship could ever see the light of day. They were sure to be careful whenever they had been together. Nagore came up behind Odette and pat her shoulder softly.

"I'm glad things are going well between you two." Nagore smiled proudly at her friend. Odette had planned to talk to him for the longest time now. She was glad she finally built up the courage to. "And he knows now about your work visa?" Odette shook her head. She explained she wanted to wait until the divorce was final. Nagore nodded in understanding. The two made their way back into the house. "Sara's been trying to speak with me lately." Nagore couldn't help but roll her eyes as she gossiped with her close friend. "It bothers me because she was never friendly until now." Odette felt sympathy towards Sara, she must've been lonely. "It's funny because she always, always had something to say whenever I wasn't around." Nagore and Odette began to pick up some of the kids toys.

"What do you mean by that?" Odette raised an eyebrow in curiosity.

"Us wives and girlfriends used to go out all the time.  Sometimes all together, some times not. Whenever I wasn't around, Sara would always find something nasty to say about me. And it was true, I walked in late to her talking about me to a couple of our friends." Nagore was happy she would no longer have to deal with Sara. The day she would be out of her hair was the day she'd be happy. Nagore never knew what she did to that woman to deserve to be spoken rudely about. "I liked her at first. I really did. She was sweet and kind... but then her true colors showed." She scrunched up her nose in disgust.

Odette could only apologize. She too, honestly thought Sara was just as sweet as Iker. After all, Iker was one of the most selfless people she ever encountered. Someone equally as sweet should have been his wife. How someone as cruel and vile as Sara ended up with Iker was an enigma to everyone.

"You're a blessing in disguise." Nagore continued. They were in the kitchen by now. It was noon by the time Iker dropped her off. The kids were at school, and Xabi had left an hour ago. "Seriously. Everyone is excited for Iker now that you guys are almost together."

"I haven't seen those guys in forever. What do they know?" Odette bit her lip. Last time she had been there, Nacho had made efforts to be with her. Nagore only chuckled. She began to explain that they noticed the change in Iker's mood. He was really miserable when Odette hadn't been with him, and even more so when Sara came back to claim she had been pregnant. Then he seemed angrier for the weeks to follow, barely going out, and barely even trying to talk to his friends. Then once Odette had come back into his life, he was brighter. He smiled more, and made jokes. It wasn't even the old Iker back, it was a newer, happier one who returned. Odette couldn't help but blush at what Nagore informed her. "He couldn't possibly feel that way towards me." She was after all, just her.

"You need to give yourself more credit." Nagore smacked her lightly with a dish towel. "Yes Iker did help you with your problem, but you were the one who rose to the challenge. You took it upon yourself to get where you are now!" Nagore was tired of her friend doubting herself. For crying out loud Iker was in love with her and has been for months but she still couldn't accept it. "By the grace of God you finally have your job back, you were able to go back to the states, and you've got a work visa. Odette, it takes a lot for a person to accomplish that especially after your tragedy." She had to hug her friend because of this. She didn't truly understand what it was like to be homeless. But since she became friends with Odette, her heart gave out for her. She wished she could've been there from the start.

"Thank you Nagore." Odette whispered to her friend as they embraced.

As Nagore and Odette continued about their day, Iker had been thinking of his new love during training.

"So when do we get to meet the girl who's been making you this happy huh Iker?" Kaka teased at his fellow teammate after practice. It was no secret between the team that they had noticed Iker's entire demeanor changed. He had been so gloomy for the longest time. But nowadays, there was nothing but a smile on his face. It raised quite the debate between the teammates. Some say that things were working out with Sara. Others say that was completely wrong and he had met another woman. Some say that he found enlightenment. They seemed to have forgotten about the existence of the one woman who truly had been making their friend this happy; Odette. She'd stop visiting the practices and Xabi nor Iker spoke of her. She had merely been pushed back into their heads, back with the memories.

Iker couldn't help but smile. He won't lie; ever since Odette came back to his life he wasn't miserable anymore. There were no lies or secrets that kept them apart. They tried to keep it as honest as possible. Which was a major problem between him and Sara. There was always something hidden on both ends. Iker didn't feel the pressure to even want to keep anything from Odette. He wanted her to his already. To call Odette his girlfriend would make him even happier than he already was. Which is why he couldn't wait to deal with whatever Sara had to throw at him. The sooner he would see her, the sooner the papers would get signed. Odette had always spoke of going to Italy. He wanted to purchase tickets for the two of them to get away for the week. He had an entire itinerary planned for the lot of them. He wanted to take her on a gondola ride the first night. There he planned to ask her out.

"Earth to San Iker, woo hoo." Sergio Ramos snapped his fingers in front of his older friend's face. He too was very curious about who had put the smile back on his face. Iker only shook his head.

"In due time." He gave them a cryptic reply before he continued the rest of his laps. Sergio and Kaka shared a smile, they were happy their captain was back. Iker's mind pondered what Sara and her antics would try to do in the next few days. She better not do the most, he didn't have the energy to appease to her anymore. All he wanted was the papers signed. Iker couldn't entirely believe that he was getting a divorce. It had to be done. He was no longer happy. After tomorrow, he hoped he could officially get his wife off his back.

(A/N:Wanted to give a shot out to laughmusiclive for the votes and the follow. Thank you so much :) you inspired me to post this as soon as it was done. Dedicated for you x)

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