I Dare You (Iker Casillas) Epilogue.

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The night Iker had asked her to be his girlfriend was the same evening they went out on their first date. Odette was extremely flattered by the effort he put in. When she entered the candlelit, rose filled room, she was brought into more tears. The entire day was already of emotional  but it ended in the most perfect way possible; into the arms of the man she loved. The sure answer was yes, any person could have seen it. Though the relationship was kept secret from most people. With his divorce not yet finalized they didn't want other people in their business nor jumping to conclusions.

The first year that Odette Reyes and Iker Casillas officially began dating were an absolute whirlwind. With the start of her new job the following Monday. Iker was working out the divorce with the lawyers and court; it only snowballed into an eventful year. After her meeting with the CEO, Thomas Kimbel, she had been thrown into a rigorous amount of training. She eased into the work she was born to do and was promoted rather quickly. The results she was bringing new businesses and buyers kept her busy. She began to network with people from the States and everywhere else in Europe. Whether they wanted to buy or sell, or even advertise their business; they went to her.

On top of that, she had to go apartment hunting. That was the most time she was able to spend with Iker or Nagore whenever either of them had free time. While she had been looking, the Alonso's were gracious enough to continually let her reside in their spare room. She of course paid from then on. The most daunting task she had to complete was the media conference she had to face. Thankfully it was done in a private room, a webcam interview but the fact it would be broad cast made her uneasy. Odette thought that would be the end of it, but the media coverage received a lot of attention in America and overseas in Spain. Many were relieved that the woman missing was finally safe and sound. It wasn't every day that people heard return stories from someone who had been gone for months.

The first two months of the relationship, were spent apart. They made an effort to go out once a week on Thursday nights, whenever Iker wasn't out on an away game. That was the only thing keeping them sane. It took about three months for Iker's divorce to be finalized after divvying up all the assets evenly and properly. All the while, Odette was being bombarded with interviews over and over again on her experience. Someone had gotten a hold of her relationship with Iker Casillas and discovering that he had been the gracious one to save her. From then another media outburst occurred. Speculation of the real reason Sara and Iker had divorced was traced back to Odette. 

She would be lying if she said she didn't have several mental breakdowns when this occurred. The lies that people were spreading were like a wildfire; relentless. Neither she, nor Sara, nor Iker made comments when this happened. Soon enough though, the rumors and questions eventually died down and everyone moved onto the next most interesting topic.

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