I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #8

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #8

You're not mine to call my own.

“So you and Sara are really doing it huh?” Xabi asked as he kicked the ball towards Iker who had a grin on his face. As much as he loved having the company of Odette around he did miss the times he used to have with his wife. He missed the soft touch of her lips on his or the way her skin felt against his when they would get intimate. They haven't had much time to do that with another woman in the house. In fact he's barely seen her at all but work had been consuming her time for awhile. The week together is what they needed and he couldn't wait for them to fly out sooner. Xabi punched Iker on the shoulder when he never got a reply. “You're going to leave Odette alone?” Xabi questioned, wondering what she would do for the next seven days by herself.

“Huh? Oh sí.” Iker shrugged his shoulders not thinking much of it. He trusted Odette in his house by herself. She wasn't going to do anything extreme like throw a party or steal anything. She wasn't like that. “I just hope she doesn't get lonely. I don't see her out much unless it's with you or Nagore.” Iker balanced the ball on his foot. His eyes scanned the field where everyone was training and eventually landed to hers. Sara wasn't going to be home and Odette said she needed fresh air so Iker opted to take her out training with him. Nagore wasn't here today so she sat quietly by herself as she watched the team. Just as Iker was about to comment on how no one seemed to take notice to her, Nacho Fernandez walked up to her with his friends laughing at him a few feet away. He didn't know what they were talking about but by the looks of her throwing her head back and laughing, he could tell Nacho was flirting. Iker could feel jealousy bubbling inside of him. 

“Estas bien?” Xabi put a hand on his shoulder when his friend had his fist balled up tightly. Iker shook his head, a huge frown etched on his face. Xabi bit back a small smile that was threatening to form on his face. His friend was jealous which only meant that Iker had deep feelings for her. “Iker.” The tone of voice was stern, grabbing his attention. “I'd be happy to invite Odette over if she…isn't busy with whatever Nacho just asked her.” Xabi indicated with his finger what was occurring between Odette and Nacho. He was walking away with a proud smile on his face while she stood dumbfounded with a piece of paper in her hand. Deep down she didn't know what to do with it, Nacho wasn't her type. As sweet as he was too, she simply wasn't interested. Iker could barely hear the words Xabi had said to him, too engrossed on Nacho. Unconsciously he left Alonso's side to take the younger Spaniard off to the side and talk. Iker questioned what that had been about.

Nacho shrugged, not being able to wipe the smile off his face. “You're too young for her.” Iker blatantly announced. “She's a woman Nacho and she sure as hell isn't look for a little boy to date.” It was like Iker floated out of his own body and someone else was speaking for him. The truer him who spoke his mind. “She needs a man in her life and you just don't seem cut out for her.” His softened the tone of his voice, realizing how harsh he sounded. “I'm just looking out for you man. You're too young to get your heart broken alright?” He patted his shoulder quasi sympathetically. Nacho's eyebrows were knit in confusion the entire time as Iker spoke not understanding why he had come up to him in the first place.  It was so impulsive! But the words sunk into the young Spaniard's brain and he meekly nodded his head in reply. “Lo siento.” He mumbled before he left Nacho. Iker cursed himself as he wondered why he had done that in the first place. It wasn't like Odette was forbidden to date anyone, in fact she should be illegal that she was single. Odette was beyond beautiful. Her sun kissed skin with her beautiful blue eyes and her full lips made Iker's insides twist and turn in the most delightful ways. He didn't understand why he felt that way but he did know that others would court her. And that idea didn't settle well in his brain. Casillas grew upset with himself. He shouldn't have been thinking of Odette in that way, not one bit. She had every right to date any man she wanted and he should have never meddled in with Nacho and her. It wasn't like Odette was his girlfriend, she was only a friend. Plus he was married. Sara's face popped into her head but her face didn't emit the same reactions as Odette's did. “Well shit.” He muttered to himself yet again.  The small vacation with Sara would help clear up his head.

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