I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #3

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #3

Happy days are back again

Upstairs Odette let the water run down her body. As the water fell over her face, so had the tears. She didn't think that she would actually be able to take a shower ever again. The hospitality of two people have overwhelmed her with such joy. Maybe this was her second chance to live her life right from now on. She owed them her everything, so the sooner she was back on her feet, the better so she could repay them. She stayed in the showers a little longer than she should have been, but who could blame her? She hadn't had an honest to god shower in a long, long time. Stepping out of the expensive bathroom, she looks at herself in the steamy mirror. She couldn't see her figure, and neither had she wanted to. Odette was afraid to see what stood before her in her reflection. The last time she had viewed herself in the mirror, she remembered seeing high cheekbones, a tad bit of belly fat because she had decided to let herself go, a new belly button piercing even. Odette was naturally a plump, curvaceous woman, yet fit at the same time. Slowly, but surely, she reaches over to wipe her hand across the glass to get a clearer image. She gasps in shock, and disgust at the way her body looked. She hadn't thought it was that bad. Her rib cage was protruding from her sides, her eyes were sunken deep as well as her cheeks. Her eyes glowed with the happiness of being alive, they were dark, uninviting as well as the rest of her face, despite the smile she had tried to fool herself with. Even with the shower, her hair lacked bounce, and silk it used to have. Her skin had unattractive sunspots. It would take weeks for her to get herself back into her healthy shape that she used to be in. Ultimately, she hated the way she looked: her experience has torn her away from her natural beauty. She sighs deeply, knowing there was nothing she could do for now. Odette wraps a towel over her chest as she steps into her temporary room. She eyes down the clothing that hung in the closet, one word came into mind, expensive. Even with the job she had, she couldn't afford the clothes that were before her. They were pricy, big name brand, and she felt ten times worse than she already did. Her stomach growls, a feeling she grew well known to. Picking out the first two things she could, she didn't want the two downstairs to be waiting any longer. She had noticed the clothes she stripped earlier had been taken away, as well as her shoes. The shoes she left on the floor earlier were now replaced with fuzzy slippers. They were too good to be true.

"Ah great, you're here." Iker smiles brightly when he sees Odette standing before them in the old clothes Sara had bought. Iker was seated at the head of the table, while Sara sat to the right. There were three plates set up, and the third, being hers, was across from Sara. Odette apologizes for her tardiness, but Iker waves it off.

"Huh, I could have sworn those clothes would be tigh–" Sara made a straightforward comment about her appearance, not thinking of how rude it sounded.

"Sara." Iker glares at his wife, cutting her off before she could finish. Sara slightly shrinks back into her seat, not meaning to offend. Odette notices how he defends her and opens her mouth.

"No, no. They're perfect, thank you for letting me borrow them." Odette smiles gratefully as she timidly sits herself on the chair that had been pulled out for her. Sara smiles towards her guest cheerfully, as if she had just not been scolded like a child. She would surely have a talk with Iker about that later. Odette's eyes are on the food, not having seen something do splendid, and delectable. Iker tells her to help herself, passing a plate of rice to her, which she gladly puts on her own. "I'll be happy to help around the house until I get my life sorted out." Odette says to them, mainly looking to his wife, who, despite showing friendliness, got the vibe she wasn't all too welcomed her.

"Nonsense, that isn't necessary." Sara says, shaking her head, passing her the chicken Marsala.

"No, I insist. It's the least I could do for now." Odette then passes it off to Iker when she got her share. "And by the way I don't think never got to really, really thank you two. You could have left me out there, which I would have been fine with. But thank you really for taking me in. I hope to get out of your hairs the second I can, really." Odette explains to them her complete gratitude, and plan to leave when she could. Sara smiles her way, at least she had gotten the gist, but at the same time appreciated she was better than she thought would have originally been.

"Well, Odette, it's our pleasure." Iker smiles to her, then Sara, who gives him one right back. Odette tries her hardest to keep from digging in like a pig, but it's the best food she's ever tasted, and she made sure to tell them that."Hah, my wife is a bit of a connoisseur here." Sara shakes her head, saying it was really Iker who could cook. "So tell us a little about yourself, other than the fact you were a car spokesperson."

"Uhm...I'm twenty eight, I'm an orphan, and I'm practically alone in life. No boyfriend, no real friends, it's just me. I had a cat. I don't know if he's still alive or not." Odette frowns, remembering her only real friend in her life was her cat, Tibbiton. It was a black and white house cat, nothing special about him. Didn't like guests, only liked her, and was lazy. Your average, regular cat. "That's it really." Iker frowns at her backstory, it was upsetting for him to hear there was really no one there for her but her cat. At such a young age you would have expected her to be living with someone happy and in love, much like he was. Sara evaluates her life over in her head, deeming it tragic, yet she grew to be independent, so she admired her for living through it. "Do you mind my asking–" Their ears perk up. "What your occupations are. This house is absolutely beautiful." Sara was bemused with the fact she truly had no idea who they were. She throws a look to Iker, silently asking if it was okay to tell. Odette sees this silent exchange, patiently waiting for them to tell her on their own time, while continuing to eat.

"Iker plays football for Real Madrid and the national team, and I'm a journalist." Sara beams proudly, holding Iker's hand on the table.

"Oh that's amazing! What position do you play?" She asks, loving that sport. She grew up watching it everyday with her dad. Whether it was a rerun or a live game. She never had a real favorite team, but the Giants were as close as it got. Ever since her father had passed though, near a decade, she hadn't been into the game as much as she used to be.

"Goalie." Iker informs her before taking a sip of his drink. Odette briefly had of a moment of stupidity, saying she didn't remember a goalie in football. "Wai– Oh! Sí, you're talking about American football! No no," He chuckles at her. "Soccer. I play soccer." Odette blushes, apologizing, feeling like a complete idiot for not realizing soon enough. She was after all in España."You really need to stop doing that. It's fine really!" Iker jabs at his food with his fork for a second, everyone shared a silence before he looks up at her. "I made a call earlier, and if it's not enough trouble, I've got a friend who might be able to give you a job in cars until you get up on your feet." He proposes. Odette was going to decline, but he said cars. It was her thing, and she couldn't just ignore her yearning to get back anywhere with a car. "He needs help fixing a few much like you did today–"

"I'll take it." Odette hastily replies, as if someone else were going to take the job if she hadn't spoken a word. "I'm sorry. It's just... I've been itching to get under a few more hoods ever since your car." Iker smiles at her passion for her work, it was much like his with football. He says it's great, that he will take her to meet him tomorrow. Sara didn't like the sound of it, them spending more time together. But if that was going to get her out of here sooner, maybe it wasn't so bad.

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