I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #18

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Vale was an interesting place to choose for dinner. Frankly Iker didn't mind, he was starved and this was a new place for him and Odette to try together. 


The word alone made him smile at the thought of him finally being able to freely be with her. He couldn't wait to tell her how it went with Sara. He finally ended ties, and got the divorce papers signed the way he anticipated. Though easier than he thought, he was relieved overall. He requested the most private table they had available considering his status. It was a huge surprise for everyone he had stumbled upon along the way when he arrived. From the valet to the maitre'd. Thankfully the manager and chef of the restaurant themselves escorted him to a private room where no one else, especially paparazzi could hassle him. He gave them instructions to sit a woman named Odette Reyes at his table. He even showed them a picture of her so they wouldn't get confused. 

He had checked his watch a few times, nervously. He didn't know why but there were nerves and excitement that was bubbling inside him. He couldn't wait to hold her in his arms. In celebration, he ordered a bottle of champagne and a couple appetizers that were still working. She was a few minutes past schedule but he would rather her arrive safely. It was a Friday after all. People were excited to go out and enjoy the evening.

Odette handed the young man for valet her, or rather Nagore's, car keys once she pulled up to the restaurant. She had made sure she hid the important documents away before she coughed the keys up. The smooth jazz music filled her ears as she walked through the front doors of this new restaurant Iker sent her. From the looks of it, it was eccentric and chic. She actually liked the interior design of the place. Once she arrived at the host stand she stumbled with her words. She didn't know if Iker made the reservation under his name or a pseudonym. And if he did, she didn't want to reveal his identity, frankly, he was nowhere to be found.

"Oh Miss Reyes! Welcome, we've been expecting you." The middle age woman at the front greeted her with a warm smile. Odette was slightly taken aback by the greeting, unsure of if she gave her a name or not. "Please, follow me right this way." She ushered the young girl to a different section of the restaurant, away from everyone else. She was let up a sleek black and gray marble staircase that led to what obviously was the second floor. There were a select few people here compared to the downstairs area, and it seemed to have a more relaxed, concrete design. Even the music was toned down to what sounded like low instrumentals. She couldn't place the genre. "Mister Casillas has been waiting for you!" She pulled the sliding door to the side and she was met with a banquet room. It seemed like it could fit a party no larger than twelve people in the room. Odette was surprised that Iker could get this area in such short notice. They seemed to be packed. She thanked the hostess who led her to the man she's been anxious to see all day.

Odette nervously met the eyes of the man she'd been falling in love with as he concluded his conversation with the waiter they had. He stepped away momentarily after leaving the menu with Iker. Once he was out the room, Iker rose from his seat to greet her.

"Hola!" Iker grinned widely as he kissed both her cheeks. The nerves he had in his body seemed to fade away at the sight of the woman before him. Her striking blue eyes pierced him for a brief moment. A faint blush could be seen but through the dim light it was difficult to detect. Odette greeted him back with a small squeeze on his arms. "You have been on my mind all day." He spoke softly as he pulled the chair closest to him aside for her. She gracefully took her seat as she tucked the pencil skirt underneath her. She noticed the wine cooler at the far end of the table. Iker saw her eyes shift. "Sorry, I took the liberty to order a few things... you know to celebrate the both of us." She blushed at that word. They haven't even been official so words like that insinuated they already were. "Plus, I'm really hungry." His eyes wiggled playfully.

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