I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #2

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #2

&I've been secretly falling apart.

Upon meeting Odette, the woman who had been generous enough to have fixed up his car, that had broken down on the side of the road, free of charge, Iker wanted nothing but to help her in any way. After all, everyone referred to him as San Iker, and just simply leaving a woman who had helped him without repayment would go against the name. Besides, he couldn't possibly just leave her, after finding out she had been homeless, he had absentmindedly offered his house to her. Now if it had been a few years ago before he had even reconnected with Sara, he would have had her in front of his doorsteps already. But now being married to Misses Sara Casillas, he had her reaction to worry about. He had completely forgotten that some decisions, this being a big deal, needed to be discussed between the two of them. What if Sara had disapproved of another woman– one who could be a serial murderer for all he knew– being in the house? What if the idea made her uncomfortable? He didn't like the fact he completely disregarded his wife in the decision, but nonetheless couldn't take back what had already been thrown out without much thought. It would have been too rude of him to do. "I mean, I would have to speak with my wife about this first–" Odette was taken aback by the kindness he had offered get. No one had even choice to take a second glance at her, now here was a stranger offering her his home. As much as she appreciated it, she couldn't take it.

"No I couldn't possibly take an offer like that. But thank you so much." Odette nods her head as she slowly backs away from the man before he could insist anymore. "I wouldn't even want to impose. But really thank you, I should g–" Iker reached out and grabbed her wrist. She grimaced, wondering if he could feel the dirt on her. As disgusting as it sounded, she had used this hand to dig around the garbage a few times. Odette felt as if he could feel the grime, know what she's been doing to keep herself alive for the last few weeks. Iker gave her a kind smile, silently assuring her there was nothing to be embarrassed or worried about. He could tell by her behavior she wasn't too happy about the ordeal she had been thursted into. For reasons he had yet to know of.

"Just let me call my wife, and I'm sure you could stay with us for as long as you need." Iker lowers her hand down, slowly pulling back as if the second she were to make a run for it, he would have taken her back. "Uno minuto." He holds up his finger, fishing for his iPhone from his pocket, before waking towards his car where he could get a sense of privacy. He looked back to see if she were still there, and thankfully she was. "Hola." Iker greets his wife on the other line after she had picked up.

"Hola."Sara smiles when she hears Iker's familiar voice. She had grown worried, it was past the time he should have been home, the time he had promised, and she started to think for the worse. "Estoy feliz de que hayas llamado. Está todo bien?" She asks him if everything was okay, and that she was glad he called her.

"Sí, pero eso es también una especie de la razón por la que llama. Esta mujer, ella me ayudó a arreglar mi carro, y ella es sin hogar ... Le ofrecí mi casa. Si eso está bien." Iker explains to her the overall situation. Sara bites her lip unsurely. The only problem she's ever had with Iker was that he was always too nice and sweet. She feared that would also be his weakness, and taking in a stranger seemed to prove him correct. Iker notices her hesitation for the reply, and immediately assures her that the woman he was with was completely innocent, and normal. Sara's ears perked up at the sound of the fact it was a woman. Although they were married, she didn't like the fact he was picking up women on the side of the road. "Por favor..." He pleaded. As much as she was against the idea, she was in it for her husband. No matter what he would do, whether she condoned it or not, she should at least give him the satisfaction of agreement for the time being.

"Está bien, pero es en dos mes. Y sólo dos mes." Sara stressed the fact she only wanted her there for two months tops. Once eight weeks were up, that was it. Sara hoped Iker would think the same thing.

"¡Bien! Gracias mi amor! Gracias!" Iker grinned, happy his wife complied to his request. After their quick goodbye, Sara sighs deeply. Deciding she might as well have been nice to her, she stalks off to the kitchen, making dinner prepared. Who knew, maybe the woman he was bringing in was decent. Iker closes his phone as he walks to the woman once more. "Great news!" His smile reminded her of that of the Cheshire cat. He seemed so extremely excited about her moving in, she just didn't know why. Why would someone like him be nice to a stranger like her? Why talk to a stranger in the first place! "My wife said it was alright for you to stay for awhile...eight weeks actually. But do you think that will be enough time to get you a new home and a job?" Iker asks as he lands his hand at the small of her back. Odette winces at the touch, not remembering what it was like for someone else to touch her. She really hasn't made much human contact in awhile. She bites her inner cheek, wondering if she could get back on her feet that quickly. It's been so long. She meekly replies that she honestly didn't know. "Oh...esta bien. First things first is to meet the Misses. Then I'm supposing you'd like to erm–" He hadn't wanted to particularly insult her, but at the same tell it was what it was. Odette saved him by just nodding her head rapidly before he could finish. "Okay. I'm sure Sara would have some extra clothes for you." By now they were in the car, her awkwardly seated in the expensive Audi. She felt like filth in such a nice car. So many questions ran through her mind as he drive off, but she couldn't find herself to speak up. The drive wasn't too long, which Odette was thankful for. He tried to make small talk, but do many emotions were circling inside of her that she couldn't concentrate on the right response. Odette marveled at the sight of the villa he lived in. Her eyes first caught the sign of the name 'Casillas' on the mailbox they had before it veered off to the rest of the house. It was large, stood a good two or three stories high at the most. Simple, yet intricate. Victorian style, which was odd for being in Spain. You'd expect more Spanish culture put into the design of the house.

"Hola!" Sara greets the two as they stepped out of the car. Her eyes quickly scanned her husband's for any sign of disorder. For a moment she thought he had cheated on her, but immediately regretted that thought, knowing Iker only loved her unconditionally. She then looked at the woman she would be housing for the next few weeks. Sara concluded that she was honestly no threat to her relationship with Iker. Not because she had been...looking the way she had, but her face. It looked kind, genuine, and Sara could tell she would like her. "Me llamo Sara." She approaches the girl with a wide smile. Despite the fact she knew she hadn't showered for weeks at the most, she hugged her. "I set some clothes up in the guest bedroom. Hopefully they fit you." Sara takes a step back and examines the woman. She was fairly her size, except her chest was a size or two larger, so the shirts might not fit her as well. "I think they will. Come, I'll show you to the bedroom, and the bathroom." She ushers the woman towards the stairs. Odette nods in awe his wife was just as nice as he. They were like a perfect pair.

Iker smiled up at the two women as the headed towards the upstairs. He was immensely grateful to have a wife as understanding as Sara. Going back together with her was one of the best choices he had made in a long time. To think he had second guessed his feelings for her when he had seen her in Cibeles after many years. But no. Sara Carbon– Casillas. She had been the one for him, and he knew it. Sara comes jogging down the stairs, wrapping her husband around the waist. She explained that she had gotten Odette in the shower, and she would be down in a few minutes. How she had set up her clothes and everything. Iker beamed at his wife with a proud smile. How lucky had he been to get her? Sara frowns slightly, wanting to know why Iker had taken her in the first place. When she asks this to him, he is stumped. He didn't even know why he took her in.

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