I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #12

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(Very short, it's a filler)
I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #12

(This is happening between chapters 10 & 11)

Distance makes the heart grow fonder.

Odette chewed her the inside of her cheek when she heard Iker's voice in the living room of her friend's house. She was doing fine without him around. It took her awhile to get over the harsh words he had spoken to her. "Thank you." She mouthed when Nagore appeared before her. He couldn't know she was here. She wasn't ready to see him. Her friend nodded in response as she began to wash the dishes. Though there were only a couple left thanks to Odette. They remained silent as the two men spoke. The sound of the door slamming shut made Odette cringe. "I just want to leave." She said half heartedly. A huge part of her wanted to stay behind and speak to Iker. She wouldn't know when the next time they'd ever be in touch if she just up and left. It was true she finally gathered up enough money to finally go back home. It was a matter of leaving knowing the man she grew feelings for was left behind. Even though he yelled at her and threw her out of his house, she knew it wasn't like him at all. She knew deep down he hadn't meant it.

"Not until you talk to Iker." Nagore frowned as she leaned against her kitchen counter. The kids were upstairs doing their assignments. "I know you'd hate yourself if you left him hanging." They've grown close since they were first introduced to each other. Nagore could argue that they were best friends now. "Don't get me wrong, I don't agree with what he had done to you. But it's definitely not his character." Odette gave smile at how similar their thinking was. She placed a hand on her friend's shoulder and gave her a pat. "Give yourself some time of course." With that, Odette was left with her own thoughts.

Odette had been cooped up in her room for the next few hours. She was supposed to buy her ticket home after she took Iker out to dinner. That was her plan. Sure a dinner will never compare to the compassion Iker had given her but it was a start. She wrote in her journal again of how she felt of the past days, how hearing his voice again sent her heart beating rapidly once again. It reminded her how much she's missed him. She fell for the man who took care of her. And she loved every last thing about him from he way he smiled to the way he made her laugh. She always had a giddy feeling whenever they would she would even think about him. "Mierda." She cursed at the thought of leaving Iker without telling him everything good that's happened to her. Without him, she would not have lasted even a day. Though he was angry at the moment, she couldn't just leave it like that. She then decided to pursue meeting up with him. It was the least she could do, not just for him, but for herself as well. Nagore was right, she would regret it if she left without even trying to mend it with him.

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