I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #4

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #4

With you I feel safe and sound.

Sara places her hands on her hips as she stares at herself in the mirror. Normally reciting words of wisdom she would usually say to herself before she got the day going. But not today, she was worried for what Odette and Iker might do on their way to Xabi Alonso's house. She stares into her own eyes, angrily. She was upset with herself about being the jealous wife, she never wanted to be that kind of woman who didn't trust her husband. Iker Casillas nonetheless! The most selfless, loving person on the planet. He would give his kidney to a stranger if they were in need of it! She groans, hating what being with a man was doing to her. It was making her weak from what she used to be. Head-strong, passionate, and daring. Now she let Iker practically boss her around, following whatever orders he would make. Sara shakes her head at the negativity running through her head. It was inappropriate for her to be thinking like that. She was just being a tad overprotective, she didn't need to take that out on her husband. As sweet as Odette played off to be, there was something about her that made Sara worry.

"Mi amor?" Iker calls from their shared bathroom in the master bedroom. He was preparing himself for his daily training with his fellow Madrid players. Soon enough though, he would be practicing with the national team. Euros were coming up, and this year it was in Poland/Ukraine. Sara wonders what Odette was going to be doing, then suddenly remembering that she'd be long gone by then. Hopefully. She answers back to him, wondering what he had wanted. "Por favor, compruebe para mí si Odette está listo." He asks for her to check up on their guest, to see if she's ready. Sara holds back a roll of the eyes, saying she would gladly get her. She gives herself an encouraging nod of the head, before making her way to the guest bedroom. On the short way, she wonder what it was about Odette that made her concerned. Noticing that the door was slightly ajar, she peeks in without Odette knowing.

"Get under the hood, do what you do, get paid, save the cash, and get out of their hairs Odette. That's what you do." Odette instructs herself as she ties up her hair into a bun. She bites back an excited smile, staring at herself in the mirror. Last night had been the best sleep of her life. Her body easily fell onto the soft and feathery bed. It was nothing compared to the cold cement ground or ratchet smelling garbage bags she had grown accustomed to. No. It was comfortable, smelled like flowers as well. She slept like a baby all thanks to one man. She couldn't believe her luck at stumbling upon him. As much as she should praise the wife, she really didn't. Odette got the feel she wasn't as welcomed by her as Iker was. She wanted her out: it was understandable. No woman wants the company of another with her husband. It irked Odette that Sara couldn't have understood the fact Odette wasn't here to be a home wrecker, or mooch off their cash. She was here to get her life back on track, and not come onto her husband. No matter how handsome he was. "So you don't have to bother them anymore. Right." She nods to herself before making her way to the bed where she lay out the simplest clothes she could find. A pair of shorts and a white shirt. It was perfect for the job. Much like the previous night after the shower, a pair of shoes were presented to her when she got out that morning.

Sara finally figured out what it was about Odette that afflicted her. Despite her being unattractive as she was now, because of her skin and bones, Odette was beautiful. She could tell, seeing past the deathly thin physique, that once she begins to pack on more weight, she'll fill in her cheek bones, get her curves back in place, and become the beauty she once was. Sara could tell Odette had that look every man fawned over. Any man could. Her right mind was telling her to leave it be, that she even heard it herself, Odette was only here to straighten out her life. Who wouldn't blame her? Having to live on the streets like that? Sara finds herself thinking before knocking on her door. But her wrong mind was saying how Odette shouldn't be fed any food any time soon. "Hola." Sara musters a warm smile as she enters her room. Being a tv reporter taught you how to show off faux smile easily without being caught. Odette brightly grins, not knowing how Sara felt right now. "Iker wants to know if you're ready?" She asks as politely as possible. Odette nods her head, saying she'd be okay with telling him herself. "No, no its alright sweetie I've got it." Sara shakes her head, not wanting her to go near him much. Odette would already be stuck in a car with him. "Uh, you know you'll be watching him throughout training?" Odette pursed her lips, wondering how long that would have been, but nodded her head nonetheless. Sara leaves her to her bidding. "I have to like her." She says to herself when she gets back into the room.

"¿Que?" Iker asks from the bed, overhearing her while he was tying his cleats. He hadn't known if he was supposed to hear it or not, but asked about it either way. Sara was surprised by his presence, telling him it was someone at work before muttering an excuse to go to the bathroom. Iker wasn't entirely convinced by his wife, she had yet to know he knew how she acted when she lied. He was well aware of the fact Sara wasn't too keen on the idea, but how much she didn't want Odette here was still unknown to him. He planned on confronting her about sometime soon, hopefully to ease the tension around the house. Once Iker has all his things in place, he walks to the bathroom where Sara was about to brush her teeth. "Te amo." He smiles softly, kissing her temple. Sara and Iker weren't too physical in their relationship. They were the type of people who preferred to keep their affections to themselves, away from the public. Save for the day of the World Cup, and whenever they go on out a few dates. "Adios." He mumbles, getting a good whiff of her familiar floral scent, one he's been sniffing since school. Sara presses her lips gently to his lips, reminding him who he was in love with. A small smirk was on her face when she pulls away to see his eyes still closed, dazed. Iker leans in for another, but Sara pushes his face away making them both chuckle. It was times like these she knew being with him wasn't at all a mistake.

"Te amo." She repeats back to him, putting all her faith into him. She didn't want him to cheat, to somehow slip up in their relationship. She felt guilty for thinking he would betray their vows just like that, but who knew what would happen? Who knew how Odette would end up like, or how Iker would take onto her. Once again, Sara shakes the negativity from her head. She needed to get her kind off of this overwhelming case and work would be the answer to that.

Iker knocks on the guest bedroom door lightly before coming in himself. He sees an empty room, as if no one's ever slept in it. Odette knew how to tidy up a place quite nicely. Her bed looked as if it were never touched, nothing was straying from its original place. He wasn't too pleased with how clean it was, wanting her to be comfortable enough to make a mess. Then again she hadn't much to make a mess with. He chews in his lower lip, wondering if he should take her shopping. He wanted to tell Sara about this choice, but it wouldn't kill her this one time. "Hello." He smiles down at the young woman who came out of the bathroom tying her hair up. Odette is surprised by his sudden appearance, but greets him nonetheless. "You know I have a maid who would have cleaned that up for you." He refers to the bed with a tilt of his head. She shakes her head, saying anything she uses will be cleaned up personally by her because she was fine with it. "I'm saying alright for now, but only because we're going to be running a little late–" Odette apologizes for keeping him waiting before quickly grabbing the shoes she still needed to put on. "No, no. It's Tuesday, usually there's more traffic in the morning, you had nothing to do with it. But I'm glad to see you are ready to go. Do those fit you?" He refers to the shoes he purchased last night while everyone was asleep. He knew a guy whose shop was opened fairly late in the evening to buy them.

"Quite nicely." She informs him as she slides them on easily. "Thank you so much Iker. Really." She walks closer to him when she finished putting on her shoes. He tells her it wasn't a problem, looking away from her blue eyes. Iker gulps at the pronunciation of his name from her mouth, it wasn't exactly right, but he didn't have the heart to tell her it was wrong because he liked it.

"Stop thanking me. I don't deserve it." He shakes it off as he leads the way out of the house. Odette follows behind, saying he truly did. Iker was proud of himself for doing such a selfless act, knowing he was able to make a second chance happen for her. He wondered how long it would take for her to get back on her feet. Not because he wanted her out of the house, but because he wanted to know when he was going to lose a friend. He was growing fond of her, gradually as the time passes. He hopes that soon enough, she would be able to to stop thanking him, and start feeling comfortable around him enough to talk about whatever with him. The car revs to life After they climb into it. "You could just walk around, explore if you feel while I practice. I'll introduce you to Xabi before we start though." He smiles, backing out from his driveway. "His wife will be there, Nagore. I'm sure you two will be great friends." He chuckles at how both of them were alike this far. Friendly, passionate, and caring. "We'll be great friends too."

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