I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #15

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #15

What's meant to be will be.

Odette Reyes stared at the man who lay beside her on the bed. They opted to watch a movie tonight because it had been his day off. He didn't want to go anywhere else but be with her. They had been hanging out more frequently than usual. Any time Odette had off from work, she was with him. And vice versa. Things were going well between them. They went on a few dates every now and then. Iker wanted nothing but to give her the world but he still couldn't give himself entirely to her. Sara was still being hard headed and had several conditions on why she would sign the papers now. Iker still had the pressure of having to tell his family about his divorce. His mother wouldn't be too happy but he wanted everything finalized before he told her. Unai would have probably filled her in just a tad though.

On nights like tonight, Odette was sleeping over. She still had resided in the Alonso residence, but Iker had slowly been taking her away from them. She didn't entirely mind, she felt like the couple needed some time off from her. Besides the kids were away with their grandma for the weekend and Odette decided to give them the house alone. It was the least they deserved and as much as she could offer. She couldn't thank them enough for everything they've done. Though it took a few weeks, Odette was able to get a working visa for Spain. It was something for now before she tried to a dual citizenship between the States and Spain. Iker had yet to find any of this out. She wanted to wait until the divorce was finalized. She settled scores in the States, explained to her old job why had happened. They sympathized with her and offered to transfer her to Spain's facility. She was back in the business that had brought her what seemed to be her demise. Until Iker saved her. Iker was laid beside her on his king sized bed. If it wasn't for him, she wouldn't be alive. She didn't think it would escalate into whatever type of relationship they currently had but she was happy nevertheless.

Iker turned over to stared at Odette's green eyes and smiled. Despite the hard time his soon to be ex was giving him, he was content. He had the woman he truly cared about beside him. That's all that mattered. The last couple weeks were heavenly to him. He was able to take her out. He tried to keep it as private as possible for her sake, and especially for the sake of not wanting any of the tabloids to get a hold of his soon to be girlfriend. The tabloids were already having a field day with Sara's sudden absence from his side. His hand reached up to caress her plump face. His mind flashed back to when he first found her. Her cheeks were so hollow, her faces sunk into her and she was so sickly. She was still captivating them but he was happy to see her healthy now. Odette seemed to lean into his hand and closed her eyes. He couldn't wait to ask her out. He had the perfect idea on how he would be doing it.

"Iker?" Odette spoke softly, her eyes were still closed but she knew he was staring at her.

"What is it hermosa?" Iker began to call her these nicknames after they spoke the first day. The first time was purely accidental. He hadn't meant to call her anything but she smiled when he did. And he just continued after the silent approval.

"What are we?" She bit her lip in anticipation of his answer. They haven't kissed yet. The furthest they've gone was knocking out on the same bed or couch together. He never pushed for anything else.

"We're together hermosa." He whispered as he drew closer to her. He felt compelled to be near her. He didn't want to push his limits. They weren't officially just yet. His fingers ran through her silky hair and he smiled. "I'm yours." Her eyes fluttered open when he said this. Her heart skipped a beat at the sound of it. He was mine, she thought. Her smile seeped through, not being able to contain her feelings. "And you're mine?" He questionably said. She nodded her head and took his free hand in hers and kissed his fingers. They kept it at that since their first encounter. "Good. It would be awkward if you were someone else's." They shared a chuckle. Odette rarely asked how things were going on with Sara, but she couldn't help but ask this time around. "She's got several conditions before she signs it." Iker solemnly replied. She asked if it was okay to ask what those were. "Of course, I won't keep anything from you." He offered her a smile. Iker turned to face the ceiling which gave Odette the chance to lay on his chest. She could hear his unsteady heartbeat and she couldn't help but continue to smile.

Iker began to explain that she wanted him to spend one more weekend with her. She asked for the chance to explain everything she did. Previously they had a prenup made, it had been her idea in the first place, but she didn't want to honor it anymore either. Odette frowned as he continues to spill whatever conditions Sara was asking of him. How could someone ever turn around and do that to one they claimed to love? Then again, she had been the initial cause of their downfall. Maybe if she hadn't came or stayed in his life, he wouldn't have had to experience any of that.

"Hey I know that look." Iker frowned. He's seen it often and knew it meant she was thinking it was her fault again. "It isn't your fault Odette." He held her tighter in his arms. He looked down from where he lay. She was so beautiful. "We would've eventually have fallen out later on. Who knows maybe after a few years. You just helped bring out this side of her I never thought I'd see." Iker frowned. "She was never good for me. My brother knew from the start she wasn't going to be good for me. She always put work before us, and she never wanted kids." He bit his tongue shortly after that came out. He didn't intend for it to slip or, after all he didn't want to scare her away. They weren't even boyfriend and girlfriend yet and she knew he wanted kids.

Odette wasn't completely surprised when he said this. After all, he was around his thirties and he had been married. Kids would have been bound to come around one day or another. The thing was, if the two worked out and they had gotten married, she would've wanted the family. She wanted kids of her own with someone she loved. She didn't want to scare him away. They weren't together and marriage was jumping twenty thousand steps ahead. They were still on square one. She gave him a little smile to assure him that he was fine. He looked embarrassed to have had said anything.

"I'm still sorry you're going through this." Odette sat up and crossed her legs. He followed her lead. She held her hands into his again. "You know you can tell me anything right?" She wanted him to be known she would be there to hear whatever he was feeling or wanted to say. He nodded his head. Iker leaned in boldly, which she didn't seem to mind. He so badly wanted to kiss his on the lips but he wanted to wait. His lips brushed against her cheek before he pulled back. When he did, she let go of the breath she didn't realize she held.

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