I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #14

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #14

Nothing compares to you.

Odette stared at the doors she used to find so familiar. Now they were different. They didn't look friendly or inviting. They were just... doors. She didn't know what to make of the situation. She had booked another ticket for next week home, this time with insurance just in case she didn't make the flight again. But that had been wishful thinking. If things went well with her talk with Iker, she didn't want to go home. She wanted to stay with him. If he'd let her. The last she had heard, from Xabi and Nagore, Iker hadn't been with Sara. They left it at that, no other details followed.

"You have to find out yourself." Nagore had told her with a knowledgable smile on her face. It poked at Odette's curiosity and with the plane ticket seemed to be glaring at her each time she passed by it on her dresser. She couldn't leave Iker like that, though it's been several weeks of him thinking she had left. She couldn't even deny how badly she missed him. She missed the sound of his voice and the way his eyes crinkled when he laughed or smiled. She missed when they would sit next to each other on the couch and recount memories. She missed his company. But more importantly how he made her feel. He made her feel loved, protected, and wanted.

Odette had to find out herself and here she was. The Alonso's let her borrow a car for her own leisures since she had been living with them for sometime. They just handed her the keys to an Audi R8 as if it was nothing. Then again with their salaries, it really wasn't anything. It was easy to navigate her way back to his residence. She knew he was home, the car was parked right next to his. And if Sara and him surprisingly made up, she wouldn't know. Her car wasn't there either. The hardest thing for her was to knock on the door and let her presence be known. She had been standing outside his doors for some time now. Almost ten minutes. She tried to convince herself to just do it. The last time they had seen each other, it wasn't great. He yelled and threw her out. She was scared of how he reacted towards her. The biggest fear was if he was going to let her even speak with him. But Nagore and Xabi made it known to her that it was a big mistake and he would be willing to talk. That he had the time he needed.

Her finger was centimeters away from his door bell. Right as she was about to press it, Iker opened the door. Her breath caught her throat as she stared at the eyes of the tall Spaniard. She had been so wrapped up in her own thoughts she hadn't heard him come towards the door. Iker was bewildered at the sight before him. It was Odette in the flesh. The woman he tried so desperately to look for after all this time. He thought she was gone for good! He was taken away by her beauty. No memory or photo could capture the true beauty she was. Odette's grey eyes pierced into his with a wistful gleam. He couldn't help it anymore.

"Odette."Iker's voice was feeble at the mention of her name. His arms wrapped around her shoulders and brought her towards his body. "I'm so sorry Odette." He whispered into her ear. Odette would've cried if she wasn't too busy rejoicing at the fact she was in his arms. She wanted to melt into him and never let go. Her arms snaked around his waist. It all felt so right for the both of them. "I've missed you so much." She nodded her head in agreement and nuzzled her face into the crook of his neck. She missed his scent. Iker had done the same and buried his nose into her hair. She smelled like the same vanilla scent he's thought of so often. He didn't think he'd ever see her again. "I'm sorry I did that to you Odette. Would you let me explain everything?" He pulled her away but kept his hands on her shoulders. His eyes were pleading for her to give him the chance. Odette could only nod her head. Iker closed the door behind him and locked it. He explained he was just about to get some food and asked if she could join.

"I would love to." Odette was happy she had been easily accepted back. She was happy to be able to hang out with him once more. Iker took her hand and led her to the passenger side of he car to open the door for her. Iker noticed Xabi's Audi in his driveway. Odette noticed his eyes on the car. "They let me borrow it." She explained to him. She had a few things to clarify with him as well.


Odette awkwardly jabbed her straw against the ice in her water. The car ride to the restaurant was horribly quiet. They didn't know where to start. She was thankful it was a quick drive from his house to the restaurant and he left the radio on louder than normal to prevent any awkward small talk. She had to find a way to break the ice or else it would be like this the entire time. Iker cleared his throat which caught her attention. She looked up from the water and into his eyes. He offered her a smile which she returned. He was happy she had been sitting in front of her. He was happy she was back.

"I thought you were in New York." Iker began. He ordered the food for them. This had been a restaurant they've visited previously. He remembered how much she enjoyed the lobster and shrimp scampi she ordered last time. Odette blushed because she had to admit she wasn't.

"The day I came to you, I wanted to tell you that I had raised enough money for a ticket and an apartment." Iker grimaced at the thought of the last time he met. He hated how he yelled at her. He apologized again but she assured him it was okay. "You must've been so done with me being at your house–"

"Odette it wasn't that." Iker cut her off before she went off on her assumptions. He wanted to diminish any thoughts she had on that day. "Sara had left earlier that day and I had been so confused about my feelings. I didn't know where they wanted to be." She bit her lip and looked down at her cup once again. Iker timidly reached out and held her hand. "They were for you. Once you left... I had some time for myself to think. And I was more upset about I had treated you the last time we were together than Sara leaving."

"I heard she had been with you for awhile." Odette let her fingers lightly slip in between his.

"It was complicated for awhile." He didn't know whether or not to tell her. But he chose to anyway. He wanted Odette in his life. And if he did, he didn't dare want to keep the truth from her. Iker informed her on everything he felt she needed to know. He told her about how he had come by to Xabi's house and asked for her. He had assumed she left because of what Nagore said. It was her turn to say that she had been there that day. But she hadn't been ready to see him. "She came back one day and told me she was pregnant. And it went on for awhile. I believed her." He frowned at the recollection of how Sara lied to him. "I kept her around only for the baby. But she strung me along. She was never pregnant and I found out the hard way." He bitterly chuckled. He elaborated on how he had found Sara trying to seduce his brother, Unai. Odette apologized for her. It must've been horrible to discover that and no one should've ever had to go through that.

The food was brought out. They ate in silence once more. Odette pondered at how Sara and Iker were officially over. But what did that mean for them? Had Iker returned the feelings she had for him? She knew her feelings were true to him. But she wasn't for certain if it was the same for him. Iker himself wondered where Odette's feelings were from across the table. He couldn't eat anymore. His hunger went away the second he laid eyes on her at his doorstep. He certainly wasn't expecting the pleasant surprise.

"What does this mean for us." Odette asked in a feeble manner. Her plate was barely touched. Her stomach had butterflies cluttered all over it. Iker again reached over with both hands this time to hold hers.

"I'm not going to deny my feelings for you anymore. I'm very much interested in you. In more ways than one." Iker felt like a weight had been lifted off his shoulders. The moment he admitted this, he felt like a feather. He was happy to finally let it out after all these months. "I want to be with you for certain." He kept going at the look of her face. She had been blushing like crazy and he took it as a good sign. An even better sign when she tried to bite back a smile. So she had felt the same way. "But my divorce has yet to be finalized with Sara." Iker solemnly announced. It was true, he had made it known to her that he wanted to part ways. Sara was being stubborn and refused to sign it. "I'm not going to start anything serious between us. It wouldn't be fair to you." By this time, he had moved his seat to be beside hers. Iker brought her hands up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. The feeling of his soft lips and prickly mustache tickled her.

"I want to be with you too Iker." Odette was grinning like the Cheshire Cat from ear to ear. Maybe this would be the start of something good.

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