I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #5

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #5

It's funny how a few words from you could make me feel a million times better.

The first and only job she has gotten offered so far was from Xabi Alonso. As generous as the money he had given her that day was, it still wasn't enough to buy a ticket home. She had made it clear to Iker she had not wanted him loaning money to her because she needed to earn it herself. But she wasn't earning the money she needed quick enough. Frankly, she was still waiting on Nagore who had promised she would tell one of her friends about her work: the two had become close like Iker had said. They hit it off at practice where Iker had introduced both Xabi and Nagore to Odette, and while they were waiting for it to have ended, they got to know each other. As opposed to Sara, Nagore was much more sweeter, friendlier, and wasn't bothered by the fact Iker had taken her under his wing. She, in a sense, was more accepting of the matter. It's been two weeks since she's been off the streets, more and more she's getting comfortable with Iker, and they too have become friends as well. Sara was still warming up to the idea, but never gave Odette a hard time about it. Odette chews on her lower lip as she sees Iker sitting on the couch. She would have told Sara, but she was working at the moment. "Uhm... Iker." She squeaks out from the bottom of their staircase behind him. Iker turns his head at the sound of her voice with the familiar smile on his face. "Hi." She gives him a nervous smile. He pats the seat next to him on the couch, and she obliges. She didn't know to bring it up.

"Anything in your mind?" Iker asks curiously noticing her face, contorted with angst. She nods her head meekly, unknowing of how to out the newfound information she had received. After two weeks, she was finally able to bring up her own self courage to call her old home, her work. Either both Sara and Iker grasp the concept on how difficult it must have been for her, or it just completely slipped their minds. Odette adjusts herself on the seat comfortably before telling him the news she discovered from the calls she just made. She inhales a deep breathe, not knowing how to put this. "Hey, hey." He moves closer to her, putting an arm behind where she sat. He sees what a hard time she was having to get the news out. Whatever it was, wasn't great. "It's okay." She shakes her head from side to side, trying to hold back her tears. "No. Please." He frowns at the sight. Never had he seen Odette so weak. She's been through the toughest of situations yet he's never seen her shed a year. Not once. Seeing her breakdown like this in front of him showed that she was trusting him. Something he was proud to have earned with her. As close as they've gotten the past fourteen days, he knew there was still a wall built up in her that he or no one else was allowed on. "Odette you can tell me." He softly says to her, rubbing a sympathetic hand over her arm.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." Odette frowns, letting one tear slip. "I called... I called my old apartment. T–They said they sold everything." She says through sobs. "Everything I've ever owned! My books, my photo albums– everything." When she heard this from her old apartment manager, she felt her world crumble beneath her feet. There was nothing connecting her to her old life anymore. Nothing connecting her to her past. She literally had to start over. She was nothing anymore. She was just a person. With no house. No job. No life. Iker felt for her, understanding just how hard this was for her. He wraps his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a hug. "I didn't think he would do that. It wasn't like it was trash. It was memories. It was my life!" She exclaims into his shirt, sobbing like the pathetic woman she knew she was. Iker shushes her gently, stroking her hair. As irrelevant as it may seem at the moment, despite the tears that leaked through his shirt, Iker was happy to see her hair shining better than it was before. She was growing healthier by the day. It was good to feel some meat on her. She wasn't too thin, she was gaining into the appropriate weight. Her cheeks weren't as sunken, her smiles becoming more genuine. Iker knew she could see it too, but now knowing everything she's ever owned was now thrown away, he knew she wasps in the pit of despair once again.

"This might be good for you Odette. You can start over. You can live a new life. I know you don't want to hear it, but this could be for the better." Iker comforts her, saying this to her as gently as possible, in no means wanting to upset her more. "Please don't worry about having to leave in six weeks as well. I'll talk to Sara, I want to extend your stay." Odette squeezes the generous man tighter around the neck when she hears this. It was a growing fear in her mind, what would happen to her at the end of her duration in the Casillas residence. She was afraid for herself again ending up the streets. She hadn't made much effort to get another job, and all she's been practically doing was lounging around the house. After a few more minutes of Iker soothing her to silence, she pulls back from their embrace.

"Thank you for everything." Odette nods her head. "Really." Iker rubs her back comfortingly, saying it was not a problem and he enjoyed her company either way. She chuckles lightly. "I'm going to look for another job. First thing tomorrow. I promise." She stands from where she sat. "Iker I owe you so much." Iker nearly blushes at the pronunciation. He still didn't have the heart to tell her she wasn't saying it right. But he still loved the way his name sounded coming from her. He listens to her footsteps as it disappears up the stairs. Once he knew she was in her room, he lets out a loud sigh. He knew Sara wasn't going to be happy about this. Not at all. He picks out his phone from his pocket, dialing her number. Sara still had yet to arrive home from work. He leaves a voicemail saying he needed to speak with her when she got home.


Sara was infuriated. An extension to Odette's stay was dragging it. It wasn't like she had been personally victimized by their guest, but she hadn't been able to spend an honest to god moment with Iker since her arrival. It's either he was busy tending to Odette, or she was wont of the house due to not wanting to see them together anymore. It wasn't like she was a toddler, she didn't need help every step of the way. Iker chose to stay by her side, and frankly Sara was getting fed up with it. "I am not okay with letting that woman stay here for any longer!" Sara complains, pointing out the door. Iker couldn't believe how Sara was acting.

"Oh por favor, Sara. It isn't like she's going to kill us!" Iker defends his new friends, still not comprehending why Sara couldn't grasp the fact Odette lost everything and leaving in six weeks probably wasn't enough time. "She lost everything Sara. Cut her some slack!"

"Iker we don't even know her."

"I know her. If you weren't so busy with work all the time you'd have time to get to know Odette. Who, by the way, isn't a bad person!" Iker raises his voice to her, just as Sara was doing to him. They fall into a silence, an uninviting one: stumped. No idea how they got to nearly yelling. They've never argued like this before. Iker inhales a deep breathe after a few minutes. "Look. All I'm asking for is another–"

"No, no, no, no, no. Iker no!" Sara interjects, annoyed with his pleas for an extension. She looks deep within his eyes, seeing just how desperate he was to keep her here. But Sara was to stay strong about her decision. Iker drops his head down in defeat. His arms wrap around her much like he did with Odette. Sara notices the faint smell of Odette's perfume on him. What have they been doing? Was the question in her mind.

"I'm just asking for another four weeks. Please Sara. She hasn't made the money yet, and she still refuses to take ours." Iker kisses her temple. Sara couldn't resist the feel of his lips against her skin again. It's been awhile since they've kissed. "Just one more month. You won't even know she's there." Iker himself didn't know why he was pushing for Odette's stay. He's never been this eager to help someone. Surely if it were any other person they wouldn't even be here for as long as Odette was. But she was something special. Something he shouldn't have been thinking about in the first place.

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