I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #13

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #13

It hurts.

Unai didn't expect any guests today let alone Sara, who wasn't his favorite person in the world. Since Iker first met her in school, he never liked her. She had been one of those girls whose head was so far up her own ass. That wasn't the kind of girl he wanted his brother to be with. But they lasted for two years. Once they broke up Unai tried his hardest to have him meet other girls. It failed. He was at least happy that he was able to leave the siren those few years. Much to his own dismay, they reunited awhile later and even married. Iker had always known of his brother's disfavour towards his own wife but he was cordial about it. Which brought him back to his brother's wife standing right before him. "What can I do for you today." His tone with her was sharp. It made her faux smile falter before she asked to come in. He arched his eyebrow to her. He hadn't seen bus brother in a few months and wondered if this was a test. He couldn't turn her away... just yet at least. He took a slight step to the side to allow her some entrance. It wasn't too cold today, but for whatever reason, Sara was in a trench coat.

"How have you been?" Sara asked. In a plea of desperation and the recent knowledge of Odette still being in town, she decided to pursue Mercedes's dumb plan. As stupid as it sounded, she needed to do it. What if Iker even tested her to see if the baby was his later on? What if the DNA wouldn't match up? Why did she care so much about a man who lost feelings for her! Because Iker was hers. Iker was hers and no one else's. Her game plan was to get Unai drunk enough to not remember having sex with her. He was a man anyway, they always think with what's in their pants. She knew he didn't favor her as much but she would get what she came for. "I hope well." She filled in the awkward silence as she took a seat on his couch. She noticed the glass filled with what seemed to be an alcoholic drink. Good, he had already started; were her thoughts. "Could I actually get a glass." She pointed to what he had on the coaster. He told her to give him a moment. He had to throw on a shirt before anything else happened. He didn't feel comfortable enough with her around. While he found himself a shirt he decided to give his brother a call, hoping he would answer. It took several rings for him to finally pick up.

"Hey!" Iker didn't seem his usual cheery self when he picked up. "What's up?" Unai got straight to the point. He told him how Sara was in his house wearing nothing but a weird trench coat and asking for a drink. Iker could feel the anger bubble in his chest. "I'll be right over." He grit his teeth together. Who did she think he was? She was not about to drag her brother into the situation they were in! There was no way he was going to let her tell him what's been going on. Unai and Iker haven't spoke in awhile. He didn't know about Odette or how Sara and him were on the brink of divorce before the child. Iker could not let his younger brother know. Partly because he knew of his disdain towards his wife. But mostly because he didn't want to prove his own brother right. From the very beginning, Unai warned him about her. He never got a good vibe whenever she was brought to the house, even at his young age. His pride was in the way, although a good majority of it was so Unai wouldn't be bothered by their marital issues.

Unai didn't have the heart to tell her he was drinking apple juice. He didn't need to feel belittled as a grown man in his own house. Besides he knew she drank. He decided to pour her a small glass of Hennessy instead. Despite Unai not having the time to visit or speak to his brother, you'd be surprised at how close he lived by. A mere several minutes, possibly ten if he hit all the stop signs. He was hoping Iker would just walk in. His brother was only person to know that he always left his door unlocked. "Did you want anything to eat." He offered as he carried the glass towards the living room where he left her. He felt more at ease knowing his brother was coming soon. He thanked the lord he had set the glass down before his eyes met where Sara was sitting; or else it would have fallen. There his sister-in-law was, laid seductively across his couch in nothing but lingerie.

"What the hell!" Were the words he wanted to come out of his mouth but instead it came out of his older brother's. The same wide eyed Unai looked up to see his brother fuming as Sara did the same. Sara shrieked in surprise as she scrambled to gather the cost that covered her body. There was absolutely no way she could talk her way out of this.


"Child of mine or not I want NOTHING to do with you." Iker said as he continued to pack Sara's stuff into luggage bags. She cried and pleaded the entire time from his brother's house. "Absolutely nothing. You disgust me." He spat as he zipped up the last bag of her things.

"Iker por favor-" Sara tried to reach for him but he wrenched his arm away. That caused her to lunge forward a bit and drop her bags. The box of pregnancy tests she had fell out. She had it because there were two more unused, everything else had the bright bar that screamed negative on them. Iker grabbed them and stared.

"You weren't even pregnant to begin with?!" He screamed even angrier than before. This wasn't the woman he fell in love with those many years ago. "You lied to me Sara! You lied this entire time!" He fumed even worse. He tried to keep as calm as he could with the recent revelations. He was able to take all the bags down and outside to her car without throwing it for her to get. "I never want to see you again. Don't ever come near me or my family or friends. Stay away." He firmly said to her before he slammed he door shut. He didn't know what to make of it. His life turned into a dramatic television show. Iker wanted nothing else but this nightmare to finally be over with. He lost the woman he fell for along the way; the one he thought he was meant to be with had been lying to him for weeks. He was alone, completely and utterly alone.

Sara stood outside in disbelief. Her life was over. She was caught in the entire web of lies she put her own self in. No. She shook her head as she threw her bags in her car and drove off angrily. This had been Odette's fault. The bitch should have never been brought into the house in the first place. If only she had said no to her that very first day she met her, Sara and Iker would be living happily in their house. She would exact her revenge and make sure the bitch would never get what she wanted for as long as Sara lived.

At home Iker finally built up the energy to remove his back from the front door. He had brought himself upstairs to his room to shower. The old pictures of him and Sara were already turned over or thrown on the carpet floor from earlier when she was there. The years wasted on an evil, conniving woman who only care about herself. His younger brother was right about her. Iker bitterly chuckled to himself at this revelation. It hurt.

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