I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #17

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Odette's fingers trembled as she looped the button through the hole of her blouse. Her breaths were short and ragged as she tried to control the anxiety creeping up inside. Her legs were noodles as she hoisted herself against the dresser. She didn't want to be... but she was extremely nervous.

Half of her mind was on Iker and what he'd be doing with Sara. Frankly, most of her mind was plagued with jealous, insecure thoughts. As much as she wanted to believe in Iker she was self conscious of the fact Sara might woe him over. She was, after all, not his first choice. A pang in her heart made her snap back to reality. She couldn't be feeling this way. If more negativity occupied her mind she'd make the worst first impression.

"I'm off." Odette bid her adieu to her gracious host, Nagore whom had been watching a program on her television. The kids had already been sent to school and the mom decided to get some relaxation done before her long day of duties. Nagore met her by the front door of the house before her newfound friend drove off.

In truth, she didn't mind Odette living with them. It was nice having another woman around her age around. Especially when Xabi was always off training or during away games. Many of the WAGs were either new moms or didn't have kids. Either way, it meant she was alone most of the time. It was great to be able to chit chat, drink, and enjoy the day together. It was almost like having a sister or cousin in the house all the time. Her heart swelled for her friend when she mentioned she was starting her first day of work next week. Today was simply a day for formalities and to get paperwork out of the way. She was easily transferred from her old company to one of their European branches. Nagore could see in her trembling hands, and shifty eyes, that her friend was extremely nervous.

"You are going to do great!" Nagore rubbed Odette's arms up and down. This was something she would do with Xabi whenever he grew anxious about upcoming games. "My mother in law is also going to be picking up the kids after school. How about we meet up after the interview? Maybe we can grab a few drinks for happy hour." She offered. It would be a nice little celebration between just girls. She planned on having a double date dinner with Iker and Xabi in a few days. That way whatever happened between him and Sara would hopefully been addressed and dealt with. Odette could only nod. She was still too caught up in her head to think about the aftermath. Nagore continued to sense this as she grabbed the keys to her Audi A5 coupe and shoved it into the palm of her hand. "Better get along before traffic hits!" She practically pushed her friend out there. She looked as if she was planted to the ground. With another deep breathe, Odette drove from their driveway.

Better to get it over with quickly.


With her back straight and hands folded on top the oak table, Odette waited patiently. The office was definitely larger than her previous company. That alone said enough because of how vast her old job was. She looked up into the bright lights before she peered past the high glass walls. The glass itself was thick, only muffles from the other employees barely echoed in. The receptionist that escorted here was nice enough to offer a water. At the time, she declined. That was ten minutes ago. She wished now more than ever she had a glass in front of her.

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