I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #10

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I Dare You (Iker Casillas) #10

The point is we don't choose who we fall in love with.

Iker never second guessed his love for Sara Carbonero, not even in a million years had he thought someone better could step up to the plate and be the actual love of his life. Not until he got to know Odette Reyes. He was captivated by her selfless attitude, by her constant need to give back. That was something Sara never showed. The only passion she had ever had was her career, to be the best there ever was in her field. He got that her job was important to her, but there were other things he would have liked for her to be concerned about other than that. Like even starting a family. Before Odette was ever in the picture Sara never wanted to have children, much to his dismay. He loved kids, frankly wanted three of his own. All boys of course. But Sara just wouldn't have it, saying it was too early in their marriage and even if they were together for years she didn't think she would be a good mother. For the last few days Iker has wondered if Sara leaving was a blessing in disguise. He loved her he did, but her leaving just didn't impact him as gravely as he initially thought. It took only a few hours for him to get over it. He was more devastated by the fact he reacted the way he did to Odette when she didn't deserve it.

What happened to Iker… well he knew he had it coming. He knew Sara was onto him, into how he really felt about her. She was well aware of the faux excuses he made up for her to stay longer, to cancel some plans they had together. Sara knew he was slowly pulling away from her, and though sometimes it was truly unintentional, he let it happen. Odette was innocent to it all. Merely caught between it. Now he would have apologized to her, he already started his three part apology by buying her a new set of clothes. All he had to do to complete steps two and three. Two being to tell her how sorry he was then proceeding to give her the bags of clothes he bought, and three asking her to move back in with him because it hasn't been the same without her. Iker just had to find her. He didn't know where she would run off to, so he was worried. But first he had to get out of the house. He hasn't been able to leave because something just kept drawing him in.

Possibly the failure of the marriage he had with Sara. He was a disappointment to the world and he felt as if the world would be laughing at him the second he stepped out of those doors that mocked him so. So he cooped himself up in the house. Leaving the rest of the world behind: practices, ignoring calls, knocks on his door, or answering his phone. He didn't want to speak with anyone about what happened a few days ago. The idea of divorce had crossed his mind, Sara hasn't even bothered to call and it's been six days since she's left him. Not once, and surely he had called to ask for his forgiveness, to say he wanted to make of up to her, but never saying to be back with him. Divorce. It would definitely disappoint his mother because she was a strong believer in one love, one marriage and clearly that wasn't for Iker. He would have hated to disappoint his own mother but if it ever came down to that he would sign those papers hands down.

Iker curses at himself when he sees the time, it's half past noon and he was still in his pajamas. He rolls himself off the bed and continues into the shower and cleans himself up. Today was the day he wanted to change everything. He wanted to look for Odette and get her back so he could be happy again. He wasn't his happiest without her, as selfish as it sounded. He needed her back and that's saying a lot since he didn't even think to get Sara back instead. After he changed into something more fitting for a day out: jeans and a tee shirt, he decided on the first place he would think to find her. The only options he had left to go to waste Alonso residence. He would have visited sooner but he was still pretty wrapped up in shame for what he'd done. Iker inhales a deep breath when he faces the white doors of Xabi's house. His mind pondered on who would answer the door. Xabi? Nagore? Odette? He was hoping for the third choice. But of course it wasn't her. “¿Está áqui?” he asks, eyes peering over Nagore's shoulder into the house. A bewildered look struck across her face when Iker asked her this. “¿Que?” He asks with a frown, feeling a certain despair in his stomach. 

“She didn't tell you?” Nagore asks as she crosses her arms over her chest. He shook his head. “Iker, she raised enough money.” His heart was pounding against his chest already knowing what was to come next. “She went back home.” Iker takes a step back, not willing to take in the news. “Wa–” It was too late, he was back in his car an backing away. “Xab– Xabi vamos!” She grabbed her husband who appeared behind her by the shoulder and threw him outside. Her husband was confused for a second before he realized that Iker was driving away from his house. His instincts brought him right in front of the car, slamming his hands on the hood of the engine. Iker stops. 

“What do you think you're doing!” Xabi scowls at the friend he grew annoyed with. With everything that has gone down, him somehow managing to get in between all of it nonetheless, Xabi felt he could have a say and feel in all of this. He was annoyed, irritated with how Iker had managed to play with both Sara and Odette's heart. Xabi pitied his friend though at the same time only had himself to blame for it in the first place. “Get out. Come on.” He knocks on the window from the driver's seat, ushering him out. “Now.” He barked, seeing his stubbornness. Once Iker parked his car, they made their way into Xabi's living room. As they sat, Nagore served them glasses of water before leaving them be. Iker wasn't stupid he knew he was about to get a piece of Xabi's mind in all of this. It was only fair. “Sara's a wonderful woman,” He sets the glass down on top of the coaster. “but her ambitions drive her away from you at times and she won't give all her attention to you unless she is in the mood for it.” Iker ponders on his words for a moment, wondering if this was true. “Odette, now she-” Xabi wags a fingers at him. “she's your one.” He receives a bewildered look from his friend. “Don't get me wrong, I love Sara! She's a beautiful woman, but you with her…never fit for me. But when you introduced me to Odette, I could tell you two were going to be something.” Iker scoffs, mumbling about how they weren't. “Love will find a way.” 

“When did you get so high and mighty with this.” 

“I'm not. But I've seen the way you look at her, it doesn't come close to how you look at Sara.” Iker felt his cheeks flush red, had he been so forthright with his feelings after all? Alonso picked up on that look and immediately shook his head. “No, no one else saw I just kept a keen eye.” He chuckles. “Iker face facts. You don't love Sara, not like you do Odette. And I'm not playing favorites here, I'm just trying to help you. You need to stop lying to yourself. To them.” Iker frowns before rising from his seat, with a single thank you, he left leaving Xabi to wonder what his next plan of action was.

“Do you know where she lives by any chance?” Iker asks desperately at the door. Xabi only shook his head, saying New York City was the only thing he got from her. Not an apartment number or even street. He would have to find her.

But really, who's it going to be Iker?

Iker  finds himself asking as he drives down the road. Sara was the supposed love of his life, the woman he's known since high school. He couldn't just throw her away for…for Odette. He still had yet to know who she truly was disregarding the few months they've spent together. His heart ached but for which woman? In the fragile state he was currently in, he decided to pull the car over. He needed to make a plan, to figure out his next initiative. Was he going to fly out to America, all the way to another country just for Odette? Who might possibly not like him in that sense in the first place. He would miss the practices, the games and interviews… He couldn't risk his career on the line like that. He couldn't disappoint the fans. “¡Puta!” Iker pounds against the horn of his car angrily. He wanted to go to New York, he did. But he couldn't afford it. He would have to wait until he was free to do so. Maybe he could try to call her, just maybe. “What are you doing here?” Iker asks before he even opened the door. He spotted Sara's car out on the driveway. Sara turns around to see her husband, a concerned look on her face. “What?”

“Iker I…I'm pregnant.” She announces.

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