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I should get an Oscar reward by publishing a lot. I MEAN A LOT. Am using a lot of my free time spending it on making chapters like this. But I mean my free time is on the max rn

NO one I MEAN NO ONE can beat me on making this chapters :>

You guys all been telling me how i make chapters this fast... It's because I usually spent some of my free time on this, and the other is for school. I take day offs because I might lose some of my grades doing chapters.

But lookie here! Am making chapters everyday! And its up to 2k words! I PUBLISH 2-3 CHAPTERS A DAY THATS 2K WORDS!!

Fr i need an Oscar reward rn. I have been making this chapters on my laptop but it recently was broken bc of my sibling 'accidently' splash water on to it. Now I use my sister's laptop for online and my books.

Other good news. I'm making a jujutsu kaisen book! Yahoo!!


But the explanation is really simple use laptop, look at manga, copy paste what their saying ahahah! JOKE!!

I really have a serious typing issue.... BEEN TYPING HALF OF MY FINGERS OFF!!! Ps I dont get paid while making this :(

sad life right there. I want some money :< Am willing to do 3+ chapters a day to get paid. GET PAID 100 DOLLARS IN MY COUNTRY!

PS only one of my family members knows that I make this :/ I dont wanna tell it to my other family members cause i think its weird... But yeah

I use my ultra fast fingers to type really fast. Which makes my fingers hurt, as hell. A day after going to school straight to making chapters :>

Its kinda funny going through my notifications and seeing 'HOW DO YOU MAKE CHAPTERS SO FAST?!'

It really makes me happy LOL- but other then that I really just make this chapters bc I can go back to reading csm again :>


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