Part 20: Before the storm

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Aki held something, a rectangular box. He shortly puts it in the trash. He looks over him. Angel devil eating an ice cream.

"You've already had 3. That should be enough. Let's get to patrolling already."

"It's tiring to eat ice cream... Apparently even eating this takes stamina. I don't really want to work any more today."

"There's going to be an expedition now that we know where the gun devil is. In order to take part in it, I need to build my reputation some more by taking out some big devils. That's why I want to search for more devils. You're my buddy now, so help me out here." Aki said. His buddy not Himeno anymore because she quit not long ago.

"Hmmmm.... Yeaahh... How about I think about it after eating one more cone?" Angel devil said finishing his ice cream.

"Get up. If i report to the brass that you're unusable you'll get killed like any other devil. Or would you rather die?"

"Hmm... If it means having to work then I guess dying is probably slightly better."

"After captain Kishibe, he's the strongest member of the 4th. Though that's only if you ignore his laziness. If you want to join the expedition to take out hte gun devil just learn to make good use of him that's enough."

"...I have a feeling I won't be able to get along well with a devil."

"Aren't you getting along fine with Power?"

"We had another knock down drag out brawl this morning." He said. Having a few bandages on his cheek.

"...It's not like you have to be particularly friendly. Just so long as you can put him to use well."

"He was killing all of the villagers where he was born. More precisely, he absorbed their life force and turned it into weapons."

"He transforms the life of people he touches into weapons. Your sword is one of the ones he's made. They have a lot of special abilities like being able to cut trhough a ghost that should have been untouchable."

"Fake it if you have to, but get along with him. I'm sure he will become a powerful asset for you."


Aki, stand on top of a devil. Some sort of Pig devil. The civilians watch him.

"I've taken out the devil! Everyone please be careful not to touch its blood or flesh!"

"Waah... Looks delicious..." Angel looked up to Aki. "Hey, human. Come here a minute."

"This guy seems like a private devil  hunter. It looks like he was eaten by this devil, but his lower body is gone, so he's as good as dead."

"I- ki- ki- ill... Kill me... Kill..."

"You can kill him painlessly with your power can't you? Just let him go in peace."

"...Huh? Don't wanna."

"...I'm a devil before I'm an Angel. I think humans should suffer as they should."

Aki heeled out his katana  and stabbed the private devil hunter.


"Th...-nk..." Blood dripped down his blade.

"Yeah, I can't fake it. I just can't get along with you."

"That sounds like something you'd say."


"M/n's the one who found my heart. That's why it belong to... No. But my body just keeps..."

Denji stand in front of a door to a restaurant.

"Ah, It's a customer!"

"I came for lunch."

"The food here definitely isn't good enough to come for a week straight."

"It tastes great."

"My food's delicious."

"You have no taste."

"Maybe... Curry and... Ice cream... Ah! Fried rice too!" The girl looked at Denji lovingly.

"Pardon me sir, but don't you come eat at this table?"

"That's fine... You're studying right? Even though you're on the clock."

"You aren't going to school are you? Even though you're 16. Your situation is probably the worse one though."

"I guess. Maybe?"

"Working as a devil hunter and not going to school. You're a rare breed."

"You should study with me. Scooch over, scooch over."

"It'd be nice to be able to read Kanji, I guess so."

"You cant read Kanji?! Then let me teach you!"

"Tada! Pop quiz! How do you read this?"


"See you can read kanji!"

"That's the only word I know!"

"Ahahaha! What are you even saying?"

"I probably would liked going to school if it was with you. It seems like it'd be kinda fun." The girl looked at denji more lovingly.

"Wait what am i saying...?"

"Shall we go then?" The girl placed an arm around denji's neck. "Tonight."


"Let's go look for a night school together."


"Even though my heart belongs to Makima! My body won't listen to me!"



"Beam, your stalking me..." I said stopping on my tracks.

"But Master Salamander!"

"No buts! And quit stalking me. You stalker!" I said angry at Beam.

Beam looks at me, trying to do the puppy eyes thing. "Your trying to do puppy eyes..." I laughed at his attempt.

"Oh how can I be mad at you Beam...  Come! Let's eat!"



"So uhm, one curry, one pizza, and fried rice. Oh! And ramen!" I ordered.





"Then meat for my friend." I said. The waiter looks at the fiend a bit scared.

"A-Alright!" The waiter scurred off. Heh works every time. I fist bumped with Beam. Our planned worked like a charm.

"QUICK STEAL THE FLOWER BEAM! AND HIDE IT!!" Beam hurried to steal the plant and frantically, yeet it towards me.

"Watch this." My face was practically this :>. I ate the flower and chugged it down with a bit of water.


"Mission success Beam. Mission success." The two of you continued to do it with the other flowers in the restaurant with nobody watching.


"I kidnapped his wife and daughter, skinned them, and showed him their hides. After that he was like a lamb to the slaughter."



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