Part 34: Popular

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No one POV

Denji held the tv staring at it. "Everyone... They're all praising the two of us."

"Go out with me!!! Chainsawman!!!!"

"Ehh....! Whoaaaaaaa.......! They want the two of us...!"

"My rizz!!!! YESS! COME BACK!!!" M/n said excited at this return. "YAHHHOOOOO!!!"

"Shut up M/n! You don't have rizz!"


"They all want meee!!!!!!!" Denji says crying, he placed his face on the tv. Kishibe opens his eyes. "Shut up already."

"I.... The truth is... I'm bored of bread and jam for breakfast...! I wanna eat steak! Steak every morning! I know it's not good! I get it's terrible but...! I don't want a girlfriend...! I want 5! No, 10 of them!"

"You need alot of rizz for that Denj." M/n stated highly, him bringing his hair up. "I wanna have so much sex!" Kishibe, Kobeni, M/n stares at the state Denji was in.

"So... That's why I...! I wanna be Chainsaw-man...!"

"..." Kishibe and Denji exchanged looks. "...If you draw attention, Makima will kill you. She has ears everywhere. The next time you become chainsaw-man, she will get you."


The four of them. Kishibe, Kobeni, M/n were asleep. Denji awake, staring at the tv of him and M/n in the tv. "Yeah I wanna be chainsaw-man. So in order to do that... I gotta kill Makima somehow."

"She's not someone I can beat by just waving a chainsaw around though... Everything I've seen, everything she's said, there's gotta be something that felt off. Think... Think Denji... Use that shitty head of yours and think."

"Argghh, nope. No good my head's already getting screwed up." Makima appears in his mind. "I'm the worst..."

"Having problems Denj?" M/n says startling the poor guy. "Oh, uhm. Yeah. It's about me wanting to become chainsaw-man, but Makima's in the way. So I have to kill her so I can be chainsaw-man."

"Hey..." M/n places a hand on Denji's shoulder. "I will be with you. Makima's after me as well. So let's kill her together alright?" M/n says his face flattering the poor guy.

"Uh- Yeah! We can do it together!" He says mumbling a bit in the first part. "Let's kill that bitch!" M/n says wanting to make Makima's reign over.


"Even after everything that happened, I still like her." Denji says sitting on a crus that labels the living dead on the ground, beneath.

"Huh. Never really like her. Personality is shitttt." M/n says not really bothering that Makima and people were walking towards the two of them.

"You two look quite pathetic now. Did you two just come here to die?" 'Denji' gets off the crus. M/n getting of the floor.

"Did you came to talk shit? Bitch." M/n says. Breathing out flames. Like Zuko in avatar when he in the freezer or something.

"Makima, in the super ultra awesome world you'd make, would there be any crappy movies?" 'Denji' says. "Why is Denji back...?"

"Oh? You really don't care about the pain devil do you Mak?" M/n says a nickname for her that sounds awful. "I think.... That it would be better without uninteresting movies."

"Haah... Both your current form and the things you are saying are unbefitting of Chainsawman and Pain. It's unpleasant."

"Unpleasant up my ass. You almost made me want to kill myself." M/n mocks. The crows leaving with their flock.

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