Part 24: Oh Vacation..

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In the wilderness, a man and a lady stood there. Whilst the man shoot a fox. "Master. What's the point of this fox hunt?"

"Tolka. Do you feel like you took a life?" His master questioned.

"Life I took a life... No I only feel the vibration from the bowstring."

"I see."

The fox's body skinned leaving it's dead body. Blood splattered where the body was on top of.

"Tolka, do you feel like you took a life?"

"I used to skin pelts back home. So no, not especially." A pot, cooked in herbs or some plants were in was presented on the table.

"Tolka, do you feel like you took the fox's-"

"No." He cutted of his master's sentence off.

"I see."

"Tolka... This current job isn't a devil hunter job. It's to kill this 16-year-old boy. And his companion a 19-year-old man." She said showing a picture of the two of you together.

"We;=ll.. Sure I can do that."

"Tolka. We're about to do what we did to this fox to a 16-year-old boy and his companion." His master stated to him.

"Kill them. Carve out his heart. The companion's stomach. Make that our jo. Our livelihood."

"Master.... I can kill."

"The powers that be made a promise. Once this next job is over, you can stop being a devil hunter..."

"You only have half a year left to live. I want you to live the rest of your life in peace."



In what it seems China. Bill boards all over. Cars driving. The bustiling China.. Oh great China...

A woman made out with her familiars. Tongue play, handcuffs. She was fucking fiends. Oh sweet Jesus...

"Ahhh... Oh Quanxi, that was sooooo good..."

"Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!" A man entered the room. "You've got a job."

"Go to Japan and capture this saw man and his fire guy."

"What's my reward?"

"This will be your most dangerous job so far. The general says we'll grant you any request to the best of our ability.

"Ladies. Tell me what you want."

"AWESOME! DONUTS! I want 100 donuts!!"



"Give my girls human rights and a basic education."

"We'll look into it... If you succeed."


"I hear Quanxi will be coming from China as an assassin."

"In all likelihood her fiend companions will come with her. Now how shall we intercept them...?" Makima said to Kishibe.

"I'm none too keen to approach that one. If the entirety of humanity came together and held a bare knuckle fighting tournament, Quanxi would take first place. At any rate she'll be tricky."

"I doubt she'll be the only big name paying us a visit either."

"The one we need to watch out for is..."

"Germany's Santa claus."

"You think he'll come?"

"I couldnt say... There are rumors he died of old age but..."

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