Part 40: Date over

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"Unbreakable rule #1. Don't open the door to any apartment other than mine."

"Why would I open them? Don't be ridiculous."

"Good point. Well come on in." The two of them sat in front of the tv. "Oh! Rule #2. Don't open the fridge."

"It's common sense not to open someone else's fridge."

"Oh okay..."

"Rule #3.... This is the most important one... My roommates walking the dogs. The three of them will be home soon. One of them is a huge problem child with an extreme personality. No matter what, dont make out with me in front of her."

"Huh? EXCUSE ME?! Like hell am I going to make out with you! That is not why I came over!"

"Huh? Uh... I know but... One thing might lead to another, and..."


"Why would you even bring that up?! Do you think I like you?!"

"Huh?! I mean you asked me on a date! I figured you must 90 percent like me..."

"There's no way I'd like you!! On the contrary, I hate you!!"


"Yeah I hate you! Besides... You have rules you have to obey or die, right? Well, so do I. You should just stay away from me, Denji. Or you'll wind up dead."

"I only went on a date with you because I wanted a distraction. I'll leave after the movie."

"Huh...? So... She was only using me? Isn't it normal to ask someone on a date cuz you like them? Did I do something wrong? Was it that feeding her starfish thing?"

"Somebody once told me... That I smell like wet dog. I thought it was a compliment... But maybe they meant that I stink. Maybe Asa hates me cuz I stink. I liked her a little... But if I stink, I guess that's that. Should I not sleep with the dogs? Huh...? Wait a sec. Dogs don't stink."

"Hey... Dogs stink, right? Right?" Mitaka went over to him kissing him. The door opens the dogs getting in like a hoard of boars.

Nayuta Reze and M/n stand outside the door. "Theif." Nayuta says pointing at Mitaka. A chain went over. A chain went over Mitaka's head.

"YUTA!" M/n looks at her flabbergasted. Reze looking at her shocked. "Arf! Arf! Warf!"

"GYA HA HA HA HA!!" Nayuta laughed at Mitaka. "Bow wow! Woof!!"


"Turned her into a dog."


"Cuz she put spit on my property."


"I'm my own property! Turn her back this instant!"

"I'm hungry! Can't do it! Nuh-uh!"

"HUH?! Fine, I'll cook something turn her back once you've eaten."

"Kay!" M/n face palms. "Finish your food and turn her back already. I'm serious."

"Hey! This is my food! Bad dog! Bad dog!"

"Hey are you sure you want me to turn her back?"


"Denji every woman you meet tries to kill you right?"

"Ehem." Reze says. Looking at her. "Uh... What makes you think this dog is any different?"

"Why...? It's the feeling I get."

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