Part 1: Stranger...

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"Oh so thats what happens to Makima... She deserves it."

Ugh why dint you just had to read a crap ton of mangas? But you did it anyway. Now its 2 am. You dont know what to do. You had finally read the last manga.

You just sighed. Placing the manga to your left drawer. And drifted off...

"Huhs!? What- OH NO SHIT!!!" You had enough braincells to know your falling. 100 meters off the ground.

"THIS IS JUST A FALLING DREAM. WAKE UP ME WAKE UP!" You slapped yourself to try and make yourself be awake.

"SHITT!!!" You braced for impact.




Hitting branches, leaves and falling ontop of a bush.

The impact and falling to a forest. Made it even worse. You were covered in bruises and scratches.

But what was worse it was you landed on your right foot... you winced from the pain.

Waining over and over. You hissed.

Blood dripping down from some of your wounds. Why dint you die? More importantly where were you?

You were in a bad situation, one you could die here. Two something could just jump right at you and kill you.

You limped your way out of the bush. You leaned agaisnt a tree. Taking a breather for a moment.

You countinued to limp your way to a city or far away from here. You hold your head tightly. More blood dripped down.

You groaned in pain.

You limped your way to the direction of the city. Moving in a slow pace. Wincing here and there.


devil territory.

Out of Public Safety Bureu Jurisdiction.


You yelled abnosioucly, filled with anger, and fear. But was cut short by hearing movement.


Something had heared you. You're heart started pounding fast. You reached out to grab something to defend yourself.

You yelled loudly and jumped back. Regretting it. A creature a barely a size of a dog walked out of a bush.

Having red and black markings. Flames brewing from the back of its body. A bloody trail just behind the creature.

You hold the stick tightly almost ready to hit the creature. You tripped on a rock making you fall right on your ass.

You were despretely trying to get on your knees. Your braincells had just reformed and you just realized the creature was more like cute then dangerous.

"Are you some kind of salamander devil?" You asked the red and black creature.

The creature could only look at him with a gaze You couldnt quite read. You noticed the red blood trail.

"Your hurt... h-how about this. Lets make a deal. A contract! I will let you drink my blood. And in exchange for..."

A thought popped out from out of nowhere.

"We're going to be stronger then the Control Devil alright?"

"You become a part of me to become strong..."

You limped your way to the devil. Falling over, coughing. The devil went closer to you.

"I accept the contract." The corners of its mouth started to upwards and into a grin.

The devil leaped towards you transforming its head larger to swallow your head whole.

The last thing you saw before you blacked out was darkness.


(Straight up i was to lazy to do it 😭

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(Straight up i was to lazy to do it 😭.)

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