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Students crowded around the university entrance, their conversation filling the air with laughter and excitement

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Students crowded around the university entrance, their conversation filling the air with laughter and excitement. Some were chilling on the pavilion like birds on a wire, while others wandered around, soaking in all the new sights. Inside the lecture rooms, a group was totally absorbed in their books. Meanwhile, others lounged on the campus grounds, getting lost in their music.

Nitya was sitting in a quiet lecture room with Arushi and Virat, waiting for their Literature class to start. Just a few minutes ago, Arushi and Virat had been hanging out alone, having skipped their previous class. 

When Nitya first showed up at the door, her initial instinct was to turn around and leave, seeing them deep in conversation. But before she could sneak away, Arushi caught wind of her presence. 

"Are we finally getting those godforsaken assignments today?" Virat's voice shattered the eerie quiet. He lounged back with his arm casually draped over the back of Arushi's chair, while Nitya sat facing them both.

"He mentioned it to us yesterday," Arushi stated, confirming his statement.

Arushi was already swamped with assignments, and now her brother's approaching wedding just added to her overflowing plate. With all these responsibilities piling up, she barely had any time for Vira, and the guilt was drowning her.

"He did mention altering the assignment format," Nitya drawled out while propping her cheek up with a lazy hand.

"Oh boy, is he gonna mix ancient poems with modern love ballads? What's next, Shakespearean sonnets set to a hip-hop beat?" Virat joked.

It was clear that he had no interest in literature whatsoever. To him, the changes would likely make the subject even more boring than it already was.

Nitya and Arushi both let out a burst of laughter at Virat's statement.

Just then, the bell rang, signaling the start of the next lecture. One by one, students began filtering into the room, taking their seats and settling in for the upcoming class.

Nitya's focus shifted to the entrance of the room when Ishana walked in.

Her mind flooded with memories of the first lecture, as vivid as if it had happened only yesterday. She had never imagined that Ishana would choose literature as her subject.

She had seen Ishana dozing off in the middle of the class and spending more time on her phone than paying attention to the lecture. It made her wonder why Ishana had chosen this subject in the first place.

Ishana grabbed a seat near Adwait's usual spot, her eyes glued to the door, eagerly waiting for him to show up.

But soon, she grew tense as she spotted Adwait and Samar entering the room together. Normally, when Samar was absent, she'd jump at the chance to sit next to Adwait, but today that opportunity had slipped away from her.

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