Gajeel's drive

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[Hey guys sorry I haven't updated it is just that I have been really busy with

school and projects. I also wanted to thank the people that have read my story even if its bad. So thank you]

*DISCLAIMER: I do not own the characters they belong to Hiro Mashima*

~Gajeel (POV)~

After Lucy feel asleep me and Juvia started talking.

( their conversation)

Juvia said:

Gajeel what will happen when she father comes looking for her or if he hires dome one to hunt her down

Gajeel said:

I don't know but what I do know is that if she doesn't want to go with him or with them I will not let them touch her.

Juvia said:

But what is the guys he hired are stronger than me or you.

Gajeel said:

Juvia its both of us against them. it does not matter how many there are with our fighting skills I will be almost impossible for them to win.

Juvia said:

And if for some reason we fail to protect her and they take her what then. Gajeel then do you think we would have to call up them.

Gajeel said:

if it comes to that point then what other choice would we have besides they owe us for not letting those people steal all of their money.

Juvia said:

That's true but what if we cant contact them. Are we just going to let her go just like that or will go after her our self . Gajeel what will we do we are risking so much with her coming with us.

Gajeel said:

Juvia I don't care about anything but the safety of the people I care about. plus remember what we us to be before we meet Lucy. Juvia we used to be people who only trusted each other and no one else. That day Lucy saved us from the dark and cooled beings we used to be.

Juvia said:

Yeah I remember and for that I promised that I would pay her back. Gajeel did you know when Lucy came into my life I felt that she was just going to be the kind of friend that would leave me if she found out who I was because besides you no one would even talk to me she was the first in a while that dared to talk to you or me I will never forget what I owe to Lucy. She was the one that was there with me when Jeff broke up with me.

Gajeel said:

now you know why you and I owe her at least this. To help her get away from the man that beats, and abuses her in every single way possible. Besides I don't

only see her as a friend but as a sister just like you. You two are the only people I would give my life for and that is a promise. you two are my FAMILY. We may not be blood related but in so many ways you two are like my sisters. But enough about that you just try and get some rest okay.

Juvia said:

Okay just wake me up when you need a break or when we get there.

Gajeel said:


( That's the end of the conversation)

After Juvia feel asleep I just watched the road but after a little bit I had to use the restroom so I stopped at the first 7/11 I saw and went to the restroom. They were still sleeping when I got back. When I check to see how much gas I have left I saw it had one line so I decided to put 20 dollars in it. I went inside and waited in line behind to big guys in black suits. they got to the front and asked " Sir by any chance have you seen this girl come by here " the biggest said to the guy behind the register " I am sorry but no I haven't" " okay thank you here's the number to call if you do happen to see her." they told him and gave him a piece of paper. Then they were about to leave when they walked up to me and asked me the same thing." Sir have you see this young lady come by here or on the road" then they showed be a picture and I could not believe who was on that picture. It was Lucy damn I cant believe that he has theses kind of people looking for her. " Sir" one of them said and took me out of my space out. " No I have not sorry" I said in a claim voice so they would not think I had her." Okay thank you have a good day" They said buying the lie " Thank you. You guys have a good day too" I said and once they were out of my sight I sighed in relief. Then I went back to the car and I put gas in the car and then I started off. We are now about 1 hour away from Mongolia. I here shuffling in the back and look though my rear mirror. I saw that Lucy was waking up. She then said " Hey Gajeel" "Sup" " How far are we now" "Oh about an hour away" " What you have been driving that long? Let me drive now." she said " No its okay I can make it besides I'm not tired" " Fine but I'll buy you food at the next place we see that you like" "Deal" I said then we just kept driving. It was 5 minutes before we saw a restaurant I like. So we stopped at Jack In The Box. When we got there it was like Juvia know we had stopped to get food because she woke up in a flash. We got out and went in side. I still don't know if I should tell Lucy or Juvia about the guys back at 7/11. " Gajeel come on lets go" Juvia yelled " Yeah..Yeah I'm am coming." we got our food and sat at a table outside. We eat the food and laughed a old memories of us in Middle school. When we were done we got right back on the road. Then I started getting tired but it was okay by then it was only about 20 minutes away. I guess that Juvia noticed that I was getting tired because she made me pull over so we can trade spots and now she was driving. I then feel asleep but not for long because after like 15 minutes I got woken up by Lucy " Gajeel wake up we are here" " Okay I'm coming" I got out of the car and started to get the key out. I want to the door of the small house. We only had enough energy to pull out I mattress. Then we all just laid there and talked for a bit then we slowly drifted of to sleep.









{That's it for this chapter but don't worry the next will be up pretty soon ok take care. until next time.}

The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now