First Day Back

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Lucy (POV)

Today I was to go back to school after what happened. I got ready with the help of Juvia because I cant move my left hand because those stupid bitches broke it. I headed down stairs and into the kitchen only to find that Gajeel was making breakfast. "Wow the big bad Gajeel Redfox is making break fast I must be dreaming." I said. "Shut up or would you like to go to school with out eating." he said. "Fine, Fine I got it continue please." then I went to go sit in a chair. "How you feeling you know you don't have to go to school if you don't feel good okay Lucy." Gajeel said with a worry tone. "Gajeel I will be fine there is nothing to worry about." I reassured him that everything would be fine. Me and Juvia waited for Gajeel to be done with making breakfast. He made eggs, sausage. and pancakes we also had fresh squeezed orange juice. When I was done eating I had to wait because Juvia and Gajeel weren't done yet. When we were all done we headed out to school. Today We decided to take the car so I was stuck in the back seat. It took about 30 minutes to get to the school. On the way there we talked about who would carry my stuff from class to class. "So I will be doing that okay Bunny Girl." Gajeel said. "No its fine I will do it myself I am capable of doing it just don't baby me okay" I said with an annoyed tone in my voice. "Fine but if I see that you are in need of assistance then I am helping you weather you like it or not okay." Gajeel said. "Yeah I will too, because Lucy we love you like our little sister" Juvia said. "If I agree to this can we stop talking about it" I asked. "Yes" they yelled at the same time. I jumped because of the fright they gave me "Okay, Okay I agree just don't yell like that" I said with a little sigh. We finally arrived at the school. I got out the car and everyone was looking at me.

(What people say in the back round)

"Look its the girl that got Elizabeth and her friends arrested." someone said.

"Did you hear that she set them up." someone else said.

"She also did it to get with Natsu I mean like what a slut."

"She should know that she cant just take an other women's man" said a girl


I was done listening to their stupid comments and I just kept walking. "You alright Lucy" Juvia asked me. "Yeah just they are so stupid thinking that I set them up just so I could have Natsu I mean no one told him to save me but don't get me wrong I am happy that he saved me or I would have been dead meat." I told Juvia. "You want me to Kick their ass for you." Gajeel asked me. "No remember that if one of you gets in a fight you will get suspended." I said. The bell rang and we all headed to our classes. "Hey you" someone said I didn't know if it was for me so I just kept walking until I was pinned up against the wall. "Hey why did you do that to them." said the girl that pinned me down. My left arm hit against the wall and I wanted to yell in pain but I tried my hardest to keep it in. I did not answer her. "Answer me slut." I was getting a little pissed. "Can you let go of me please" I asked. "No I cant not until I get an answer from you. Did you really want Natsu that bad are you that desperate?" she asked. "No I am not I did not set them up I did not do it to get Natsu they attacked me I did nothing to them they did everything to me." I said. "Liar why did you do it they are mean but they would never do that to any one." she stated. I just tried my hardest to get out of that situation. She just kept asking question but I stayed quite because I knew if I made a smart comment I would get jumped again. She finally left me alone and I went to class I was late because of her and I got a detention. I went to my seat Next to Natsu but he wasn't there either. I just kept looking out the window. Then I heard the door open and I turned my head and saw the Famous Natsu. "You are late again Natsu you just earned you self a detention after school with Miss Lucy over there its like you guys planned on being alone in a room for 2 hours." said the teacher. "Whatever." he said. I was a little surprised that he answered in a rude way. "Hey Natsu" I said when he sat down. He didn't answer me he just rolled his eyes at me. 'I guess he doesn't want to talk to me okay whatever' I thought to myself. then bell then rang and I was walking to my other class when I got milk poured on me. "That's for being a slut." someone said. Every one around me that saw started laughing at me. I just walked to the nurses office. "Wow what happened dear." she asked. "I got milk poured on me so by any chance do you have an extra uniform I can use for today." I asked. "Yes I do." she said handing me a clean uniform. "Thank you I will bring it back tomorrow morning." I told her then I went to the bathroom and changed. I headed t class then I showed him my pass and he said to take a seat and oh course Natsu was there. I didn't even bother to say hello to him. I took my seat and started to take notes.


I was sitting at a table waiting for Gajeel and Juvia. "Hey Lucy how you doing" Gajeel asked while sitting down. "Well now that you asked it was a very horrible day so far I was late because a bitch slammed me against the wall and I got 2hours of detention after school today and the got milk poured on me. So you guys can leave with me I will walk home." I said. "Okay" Gajeel said then Juvia came along. "Hey guys" she said with a sad tone and we know that we shouldn't bother her with it. "Hey Juvia" I said back. After that I went to class.


I was heading to the class room where I got to be for detention. I saw a bunch of girls there I was a little scared to be honest. "Hey your going to be in that room with Natsu for two hours by yourself if you try anything I will hurt you and then they will hurt you do you understand me." said a girl with Black hair. "What ever." I said then walked in only to be meet with a bad look from Natsu. "Alright kids you two will be locked in here for to hours my yourself don't do anything stupid." With that she walked out. "Hey Natsu" I said but only to be answered with nothing but a dirty look. "What is your problem one day you are nice to me the next your being a total ass to me!" I yelled at him. "Yeah that was until you set them up just so you could have me your such a lying slut!" he yelled back. "I cant believe you of all people actually believe the rumors. I thought you were different from the rest but you are the same, always believe what you hear." with that I walked to the door. "Its locked you wont be able to open it." he said. I kicked the door open and turned to him. He had a shocked expression one his face. "How the fuck did you do that." he asked. "You don't know me or my past or what I would do or wouldn't do so I want you to stay the fuck away from me. and I didn't set them up even if you don't believe me I know I am telling the truth." then I walked away. I went to my locker and got my stuff. I was walking home when a black car stopped at the side of the world that I was at. Guys in black suits got out. "Are you Lucy Heartfilia" one of them asked. "What's it to you" I asked. "Get her boys her father wants her dead or alive" another said. With that I ran in the opposite direction. I made a turn but then I noticed that it was a dead end. "Help someone please." "No one will hear you girl" they were walking up to me when two figures can out of the darkness. "Excuse us but I don't think you will be taking her anywhere buddy." said one of the figures. "It is not your business boy piss off." then in a minutes the boys where attacking the men. "You okay" One of them can up to me and asked. "Yeah I'm fine" I said. My left arm was hurting. "I will walk you home. when we got to the street I looked at the boy and it was the one I ran in to. "Sting is that you." I asked. "How do you know my name he asked. "Its me the girl that pinned you to the ground and made the almighty Sting say sorry." I said. "It is you" he said

Sting (POV)

"It is you" I said. Its the girl I feel in love with because she was so tough. "Oh I'm Lucy by the way." she said. "Lucy what a nice name. Oh yeah sorry about last time and what happened to you." I asked "I forgive you and if you want to know here it is. Well it all started when......."


"SO there you have it I felt like I was going to end up with hi but then he came out with I did this all to my self just to get him and stuff you know all of it." she finished. I had Natsu I mean why would he do that to her she is all cut up and he still think he did this to her. I know I will ask her to just go out with me. "Hey I have a great idea I think you should go out with me I will treat you better than him" I said "Okay I will give you a chance." I was so happy I hugged her and she hugged me. then I walked her home and she gave me a kiss on the cheek. Then I went home and laid in my bed with a big smile on my bed.

Lucy (POV)

I decided to give him a shot because he said he would treat me better and I want to know how it feels to trust other people besides Gajeel and Juvia. I got inside and went to my room changed into my PJ'S and the wrote in my diary to my mother so after like 15 minutes I went to bed. Hopefully tomorrow is better than today.


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