It's To Late (Gruvia)

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Gray (POV)

I has been a month since I found out about Juvia being used by my good for nothing brother and a month since I found out she did not set me up. Today is Monday and I am in class just waiting for lunch. I want to talk to Juvia but every time I try she just pushes me away and some times she gets up and leaves or Gajeel and Lucy say she doesn't want to talk to me and I should leave her alone. I dont know why but some time I see her around and I dont have the nerve to go up to her but I need to find them soon or she will be out of my grasped forever.


Right now I am at lunch talking with Natsu and Levy about Gajeel Lucy and Juvia.


Levy: Hey have you guys gotten to talk to them at all?

Natsu: I wish but every time I get near Lucy Gajeel and Juvia say stay away.

Gray: Yeah the same thing goes for me but some times she just pushes me away or walkes away.

Levy: I keep going up to Gajeel but Lucy and Juvia told me to stay away and dont come near him he doesnt want to talk.

Natsu: This is really pissing me off.

Gray: Yeah me too.

Natsu: I want a chance to ask her to be mine now that Sting is out of the picture and I want to tell her that I was wrong and that I will never treat her like that again and if she would give me a chance.

Levy: I want to tell Gajeel that I was so stupid to believe that stupid rumor and that I want a chance to be with the man I love and I promise that I will never do something like that again.

Gray: I want to tell Juvia that I feel bad for what I did and that she should forgive me because I love her and she would make me the happiest man if she went out with me. But when ever I want to talk to her, her body Guards, always stop me.

Levy: I wonder why they are so protective of each other.

Natsu: Me too but the one I need to get past is Gajeel to talk to Lucy.

Levy: Why wont they just talk to us at least for a minute God they are so mean and rude they could at least just say it nicely.

(End Of Conversation)

"I dont know what do you think Erza would you talk to me or Jellal if we started a rumor that you set Jellal up?" we turned to see Mira and Erza sitting at the same table. "No I wouldnt want to talk to you because I would be upset if my boyfriend ever did that to me." Erza said. "What the hell. Why are you guys here any ways?" Natsu asked. "Because we wanted to tell you that we heard that Gajeel, Lucy and Juvia are leaving after graduation." Mira said. "WHAT!!" me and Levy said together. "Yeah so what about it?" Natsu asked. "By moving they are going back to their home town where Gajeels parents were murdered and Juvias parents were never seen again oh and Lucy's father that abuses her everyday is." Erza said. "Wait I thought they where just going to move to a near by campus for college. What are we going to do if they leave then we cant ask them to date us and we wont be friends any more." Natsu said. We were going to discuse it but the bell rang and we have to head to class. I got up and left.

~Time Skip After School~

I walked through the hall when I saw Blue hair and I looked closer and it was Juvia she was heading for the restroom. I went in there because this is my only time I could talk to her with out anyone stopping me. Thank God that it was empty except for Juvia. I waited for her to come out. She opened the door of the stall she was in and when she saw me she almost screamed but I got to her and covered her mouth. "Dont scream please I just want to talk with you please I'm begging you." I said and she nodded her head as a yes. I let go of her mouth "What do you want? No wait did I set you up again." she said with a little bit of annoyance in her voice. "I just want to tell you that i'm sorry and I want another chance to be with you please Juvia you are the most amazing person I have ever met and I was wrong for think that because of the rumor of your friend setting Natsu up then you had also set me up and I just want to say sorry so please Juvia let me have a chance." I said. "OH MY GOD  of course you can have another chance." she said with a smile. "Really tha-" I started but got cut off. "Do you honestly think that I would. Gray you a good guy but tell me why I would go out with a guy that believe a rumor over his girlfriend and Gray I dont think that us going out will be for the best I cant do it I was hurt to much by you maybe if you had come to your senses a couple months ago i would have said yes but Gray its to late im sorry." She said as she walked out but before she opened the door I pulled her arm and turned her around a smashed my lips into hers at frist she was shock but she then fell into the kiss and I was happy until she pulled away. "Gray please I don't want this to happen. I don't want to fall in love with you not a month before I leave so please just stay away from Juvia please Gray." she talked in thrid person oh my God it so cute. She looked shocked. "Juvia if your in love with me stay here please with me we can move into an apartment just the too of us. Why are you even going back to that horrible town?" I asked.

Juvia (POV)

"Why are you even going back to a horrible town?" He asked. "Gray Juvia is going because Juvia wants to be with Lucy and Gajeel so please Juvia wants nothing do with you because if Juvia gets involved with you Juvia might fall in love with Gray and Juvia wont be able to be with him because Juvia is leaving." I said with tears in my eyes. "Juvia do you love me?" Gray asked. "Gray Juvia has always loved you ever since the day at the lake." I said. "Then stay with me here don't go back Juvia I love you please I dont know what I would do with out you." he said and at this ponit he had his forehead on mine. "I love you." he said as he leaned in. I then leaned in too and our lips met. When our lips meet I swear I saw fireworks in the back round but I know that even if I did stay my past would come and ruin everything just like it ruined my family. I then pushed him back and I looked at him one more time before I ran out "I'm sorry Gray." I said with tears in my eyes. I could hear foots steps behind me and I know that it was Gray following behind me. "Wait Juvia please." he yelled after me and I kept running. I was then pushed into a class room and pinned against the wall. "Please don't leave me I want you to stay with me." Gray said looking me in the eyes. "I'm sorry I cant I don't want you to get hurt." I said as I pushed him away. "Just please leave Juvia alone Juvia doesn't want Gray to get hurt." I said and at that time I remembered that I have to meet Gajeel and Lucy in the front in two minutes. I started walking out with him telling me to wait and stop but I kept going. I turned around "Gray its to late." I said and turned and kept walking. I met up with Gajeel and Lucy and when Gajeel saw that Gray was behind me he let me pas then stepped in front of Gray "Hey what part of don't come near her do you not get Gray?" Gajeel asked him. "The don't part." He replied. Gajeel was going to punch him when "Hey stop let him be. Let's just go home Gajeel okay." I said the turned Gajeel around a started walking away. "I love you Juvia don't forget it and j won't stop fighting until you are mine." Gray said. I just kept walking. When we where finally far away from him I just let the tears run out. "Hey you okay Juvia?" Lucy asked. "Yeah it just that this is harder than I thought it would be." I said to her. "What is?" Gajeel asked. "The fact that I love Gray and I hate to leave him but I can't I want to be with the people I have known longer than anyone else." I reapplied. "I know how you feel I wish I could tell Natsu that I live him but I can't forget that he accused me of something like that and gray did the same thing to you so don't forget it Juvia and you know what they say 'if they do it once they do it once they can do it again'." Lucy said. The rest of the way was quit and when I got home I ate dinner then went to sleep.
(I just wanted to add a little more sorry I will update a new chapter by Sunday so yeah again sorry)

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