First Day Of School Part 2

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Gajeel (POV)

So today has been a not so bad day. I had P.E. for first period, Math second period, History third period, then came a Free period, then came lunch where I had to stop Lucy from getting into a fight with some girl. But to be honest I really wanted her to beat her ass but because of our bad record from Phantom High the principle called me up first thing this morning and told me that one fight from any one of us and that will lead to a suspension for two weeks. I don't want her to stay home alone. I just get scared that she might be found by those people that work for her father. I just cant bear see my little sisters be taken away from me I love them both and that is why I will die for them to be safe forever. Any ways right now I am on my way to the library because my stupid teacher is making me get a book for English class. Now I am walking and I saw the pink head Natsu I think that's his name. I saw that he was carrying a blonde girl that was all burst up. I was going to walk away when I saw that the blonde was Lucy. I got angry "What happened?!" I said. "No time to explain talk later ill come find you when I know she will be okay" then he ran off. "You better pinky" then I walked to the library. The whole way I thought about Lucy.

Levy (POV)

I have a free period after lunch and I always spend it at the library. I was walking to the library when I remembered that I had to return a book that I checked out the week before. I went to my locker and when I closed it the person I hate after what he did to me one the second day of school was there. Yup it was Jet the orange head. "Hey there Levy my dear friend." he said "What do you want Jet. Your such a pain in the ass." I said walking away. He grabbed my arm and pined me against the lockers. "Listen Levy I love you and if I have to do bad things to get you to be mine I will. You don't get it you will regret ever turning me down." he said with an evil look in his eyes. I was getting scared. "Let go of me Jet you dirty pig. God your a sorry excuse of a man." I said to him. "You bitch" he said then he slapped me, I fell to the floor and grabbed my cheek and looked up at him. He looked at me and said "You will be mine even if I have to do it by force. Levy I will make you so dirty that no one will ever touch you again and that I promise you." He said then walked away. By now I was crying. I got up wiping away the tears and started for the library a place I like to be at all the time. I spend about my entire free time in here. I swear if I could spend the rest of my life there I would. I walked in and said hello to the librarian she said hi back. Then I went to the hall where all my favorite authors are. I like books that are romantic, mysterious, sad, tragic love stories, books like that are my favorite. I picked one and I went to sit down on a sofa chair they have. I was just starting to read it when I felt a hand on my shoulder I looked up and it was Dory one of my friends but more of Jets friend. "Oh hey Dory how are you doing?" I asked. "G-Good but can you come with me I need help pick a book, I know your good at that." he asked. "I would love to but I have to finish this book sorry." I said. "Please Levy you are the only one I could asked." he begged. "Fine ill go" I set my book down and I got up and followed him. I don't know why but I have a bad feeling about this should I tell him that never mind I have to go some where I forgot all about it yeah that's what ill say. "Hey Dory I have t-" I was cut off when a hand covered my mouth. "Hello Levy" said the person. Then I was slammed into the wall at the end of the last alley. It was really dark I was scared I tried to make out the person because they still had their hand on my mouth. I looked and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Jet what the hell is he planning. "Hey Levy remember when I told you that I was going to make you so dirty that no one will want to touch you. Well right now I'm going to show you what I meant." then he started unbuttoning my shirt. "MHMHMHMHMH" I tried to say something but I couldn't. I bite his hand and he let go. "STOP some-" I tried to say but he covered my mouth again fuck what am I going to do I cant beat him he is way stronger than me. I have to give in. Please someone help me but I know no one would we are at the side of the library where all the text books are for classes. I have to lose hope and give in.

Gajeel (POV)

I walked thinking about Lucy. For some reason when I saw her like that I remembered about the shrimp I saw the last we cam here. To be honest I have been thinking about her since that day. I even had a dream about her but never mind that I got to the library I went inside. "Hello I am here to pick up an English textbook. Where can I find one?" I asked. "Oh they are all the way in the back over there." She said pointing to the back of the library. "Thank you" I said and walked over to where she pointed to. I heard a little whimper coming from one of the alleys of books so I went to check it out. It was the same guy from when I first came here. He was with another guy that was a little on the heavy side. So I decided to just walk away when I heard "Listen I'm doing this because I love you Levy and you will be mine even if I have to do it by force, got it." I turned and looked at what was happening. I saw someone else it must be a female because of her size, she was short. I then saw the blue hair that's when I noticed that it was shrimp. The guy with the orange hair had her hands above her head and her shirt was undone. I don't know why I feel so mad right now at this sight. I then noticed that he was moving his hand up to her face and wiped away the tears. I could tell that she was scared just by the look in her eyes. I saw that his free hand was going down to her waist then up her skirt. I walked up to him grabbed his wrist and yanked him back. He fell on his ass. "What is it with you always touching her cant you get a clue when someone doesn't want you around." I said. "Stay out of it. It is not your business so move now." said the orange. "Well when it comes to her I will not stand by and watch her get hurt. So I am going to say this once don't you ever touch her again do you understand. If you or your friend here ever touch her again I will beat you to a plum." I said then turned to Levy. "Hey shrimp you okay." I asked her. "Yeah" she then started crying. I went to pick her up and walked away from them. "This is not over I will get her." "Shut up Jet God just don't come near me got it. Lets go. " Shorty said. With that I walked out then I took her to the water fountain that's located in the court yard. "Hey thank you a lot this is the second time you have saved me from him. But I am truly sorry." she said looking down. "What are you sorry for." I asked. "Well for one you are always saving me from him." she said. I patted her on the head "Don't worry about I don't mind ok" I said. "Okay shrimp I will see you later I have to get to class." I said getting up and walked away. "Wait thank you for every thing again and this is for saving me." she said before giving me a kiss on the cheek. " N-No p-problem shrimp" I know I had a blush while saying that so I turned round and walked away. "Bye, Bye now" she called out. I just put my hand up and waved it. I don't know what this feeling is but I don't like it. It makes my heart speed up and my body heats up at her touch. Whatever I need to get back to class. When I got there they teacher asked me to take a seat so I did. I know that this was not going to be an easy year. I mean look at Lucy she is already starting trouble come on she even got attacked today. Damn it I cant believe it. It was almost time for last period when I got a text from a number:



Hey is this Gajeels phone


Yes who is this


Its me Natsu the guy who had Lucy well I just wanted to let you know that she is at the hospital and that she will be okay


Thank you and can I ask you for a favor that involves Lucy


Sure what's up


Can you maybe stay with her the night please I have to do something after school


Sure no problem I will stay ill let you know about her, if something changes is that okay


Okay thanks bye got to get to class

(Conversation over)

After that I headed to Science class. When I got there I went straight to the back and took a seat. Not long after that someone sat next to me. "Hey there" A person said. I turned to look at them it was shrimp "Hey you are in this class." I asked. "Yeah I guess I am well the its going to be a nice year sitting next to you." she said. I was about to say some thing when the teacher walked in. "Okay lets get started shall we." with that we started.


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