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Lucy (POV)

I woke in the middle between Gajeel and Juvia. I got out of bed quietly so I would not wake them up. I went to where my phone was charging and checked the time it was 8 am. I decided to go get food for when they wake up. I was heading out until I remembered I don't know where any fast food place are. I just kept on walking looking from side to side to see if I could see one that all of us liked. I guess I was to focused on looking for one that I didn't see a man in front that stopped and I bumped into him. It was a very hard impacted because I feel to the cement. " I-I am so sorry sir." I said with a little stutter. "Oh no I'm sorry are you ok-" he didn't finish his sentence because when he turned and saw me he was shocked "Sir are you okay" " Y-Yeah sorry I'm just fine but I feel so bad for knocking down a pretty girl like you" he said. Damn that was the first sign that he was a playboy. "No you didn't I'm not even that pretty so plea-" he cut me off by saying " No you are the most beautiful I have laid my eyes on" he then helped me up " Sorry I haven't introduced my self I'm Loki Lion" he told me his name " My name is Lucy Heartfilia" "Oh nice to meet you. Do you go a High School around here" he asked me " I don't you see I just moved here" "Oh when did you arrive" " Late last night" " Well that's awesome. Hey by any chance do you have a phone" I nodded as a response for " Yes I do" " Do you want to exchange numbers" he asked "Sure why not" I told him. I gave him my phone and he gave me his and we put each others number in the phone. " LOKI" some one called him "COMING!" he told the person "Well Lucy I hope to see you again. Bye for now" and with that he left. I made it to a Taco Bell " Thank god I found one" I told my self. I walked in there and was greeted by a girl that looked about 24 "Hello what can I get for you miss" she asked. I took a couple of second then I told her " can I get 3 big grilled burritos, 3 freezes the Baja blast" "Will that compete your order" "OH and can I get a nacho supreme please" I asked because I know if Gajeel didn't get it he would go insane. "Yes of course will that be all" she asked. " Yes" I told her. " Okay that will be 10 dollars please" I gave her 10 dollars and said " Thank you Mira" I looked at her name tag for her name. I then waited for my food. " Your order is ready" Mira called to me and I went to get it. I then went to get my order. "thanks Mira" I said she sent s smile at me. I the started back home. I took the same path home that I took on my way here. it took me about 20 minutes to get home. I opened the door and yelled " I'm back guys!" then I heard foot steps running toward me. the next think I know there was an anger Gajeel standing right in front if me. "WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN!" He yelled at me. I am not going to lie I feared for my life." I just went to get food because I thought you would be hungry when you woke up" I said with a pouty face "Lucy no not the face. Please not the face. aaagh fine I am no longer mad. Now what did you get" he asked " I got grill stuffed burritos" I said " Did you get me my nacho supreme?" Gajeel asked. "Yes I did" I said. "Okay lets eat because we got a long day ahead of us" he said "Juvia wants to know why?" Juvia asked. we both looked at him and he said "We are unpacking today. Or did you think that our belongings were going to magically appeared in here" Gajeel said with ' are you stupid' tone "Well.." I looked a Juvia " we were kind of hoping that you would do that" I said but regretted it a second later when Gajeel had an angry look on his face " HAHAHA just kidding of course we are" I said rubbing the back of my head, I looked at Juvia and she had the ' Nice save' look.

~Time Skip~ Unpacking

Gajeel (POV)

We started by choosing what room we wanted but of course I got the biggest because I need more space. we then helped each other taking down all three beds. "Gajeel come down here and get your belonging's" I heard Juvia call "Coming!" I shouted out. I maid my way down stairs. I got my stuff. the headed up stairs to unpack. when I was done unpacking I went to see how the girls were doing. "hey guys how's it going" I asked. "Good we are almost done" They both said "Okay. hey what about after we finish we go out into town and find Fairy Tail Academy so we could enroll into it." I said " yeah lets go" Lucy said "Juvia would love to go too" Juvia said "Alright then its settled we will leave when the two of you are done" and with that I left to my room. I looked around and I noticed that the walls were white and I like black better. 'I think ill get some black paint when we go into town' I thought to my self.

~Lucy (POV)~

I was unpacking when I saw a picture of my mother and I know that her death anniversary was coming up but I don't think I could go since her grave is in my old town where my father is. 'I will not be going to see her this year' I thought to my self then looked at the picture and how it was getting some wrinkles. 'I'll get a picture frame for this in town today when we go. I the finished unpacking and started to help Juvia unpack. 'Damn she has a lot of clothes that are blue' I thought to myself when I was putting Juvia's clothe away. "Juvia you have a lot of clothes that is blue" "yeah Juvia loves blue" she said " Okay but I want to buy you something with a little blue on it." I told her today "Okay but when we go into town" she replied. When we were done we knocked on Gajeels door. "Yes what do you want" he said/ yelled " we are done unpacking and we are ready to go into town. "Okay ill be right there wait a second" he yelled. Then a second passed and Gajeel came running then all three of us were out the front door. The last one to go was Gajeel because he had the keys to lock the front door. When he locked the door we headed out.

{ I just wanted to thank the people that have read my story I don't know if I mentioned this but this is my first fan-fiction ever sorry if its bad. Sorry its short but that's all I had this time. So that's it for now until next time. BYE!!!! <3}

The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now