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Levy (POV)

I stood there and watched as those two couples made up an could only wish that it would happen to me but knowing this meat head it would never happen. As soon as Gray and Juvia were out of view I got my to kids hands and looked at Gramps in a very disappointed way "Well I guess I should start heading home." I said. Then Gramps said "Levy please I just thought that this would make all of you very-" I cut him off. "Very what Gramps. Happy I told you I didn't want to see him again and you go and tell him to come over and then you tell me to come over but made sure I brought my kids Gramps I don't want to talk to you for a while ill come when I am ready to forgive you for this." I said and turned around before he could say anything but I was meet by a kinda mad looking Gajeel. "What's that supposed to mean Levy? That you were not planning to tell me about my kids?" he asked. "How do you even know they are yours? It's not like you were the one that got left behind Gajeel you left me here and then you think you could come back like nothing ever happened or what?" I asked a little mad. "Levy I left because I wanted to protect you but if I know that you were pregnant I would have never left trust me when I say this I have never not once loved or even looked at some one the way I look or love you." he said the he grabbed my face with his hand and brought my lips to his giving them a light peck. Then he continued "Levy I want you to know that even if you run now I will always go after you and I promise never to give up on you or these kids I know I just meet them but I love them already you want to know why?" he asked and I nodded my head. "Because everyday I picture a world with you by my side and a world where we raise two kids and now that I see that world can happen please Levy give me s chance to prove that I could make you and these kids happy." he said with hope in his eyes. "But aren't you in a gang?" I asked

Gajeel (POV)

"But aren't you in a gang?" she asked. "I was but a couple years ago I meet a man who knew my parents and he said that they left me a company and I could have it. So I took it over and I got a huge house along with it but I have no one to share it with because after the night I spend with you I could not be with anyone because I just thought about you 24 7." I said and I looked at her and she gave me a smile one that showed that she was happy and I was happy too. "But I don't want to leave this town" she said. "Well the I guess I will have to buy a new house here because I am planning on making you so happy that I will never see a frown on that pretty little face again and if I do I will make sure that it goes way faster then you could say okay." I said and then hugged her and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Levy Lets go around town so I could see what has changed over the years and maybe go to that ice cream shop I took you to many years ago." she had a smile on her face and we headed to my car and put the kids in but before we got in our selves Levy ran over to Gramps and hugged him. Then she came back. "What did you tell him?" I asked. "That I was sorry and that I didn't mean anything I said and that I always saw him as a father and I will always love him like one and I thanked him for inviting me over because I got to see you again." she finished out of breath. I leaned over and grabbed her hand and kissed it then I started the car and we drove off.

The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now