Note on the Picture

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Gajeel (POV)

It has been month since I broke up with Minerva because she hit Lucy. I mean I would have had to dump her when I left so in a way she made it a lot easier. I really do want to talk to Levy but if I get attached to her it will be a lot harder for me to say goodbye after graduation. I am at lunch with Lucy and Juvia just talking about what we are going to do. We talk for a bit but I couldn't take it I just got up and went to the restroom. I got there and I heard voices. "Hey how do we get rid of Gajeel I mean he wont let us near them." a voice that sounded like Natsu said. "I don't know I mean yesterday I was going to talk to Juvia and I say that I love her but he stopped me." A voice like Grays said. "I wish I could kiss her but do you honestly think that I want to die even I know she would kill me and not only that but Gajeel would too." again said the voice Like Natsu voice. I took a little peek and I was right it was Gray and Natsu talking. "Hey do you think we can get Levy to get Gajeel away from the girls?" asked Gray. 'Oh I hope they know if they think of anything I will murder them 'I thought to my self . "Well all I know is that I need Lucy and I need her at my side now." Natsu said. I took this opportunity to go in. "Hey Boys what you talking about?" I asked trying not to let them know I was listening to them the from out side. "N-N-Nothing G-Gajeel what brings you here big guy." Gray said stuttering. "I don't know maybe I have to use the restroom. I mean we are in a place where you go to take a leak right." I said. "Yes it is well um we have to go see you later." they said right before they started walking. "Wait a minute I just wanted to say one thing." I said. "And what is that?" Natsu asked. "I want to say that if you try and do anything on Lucy and Juvia I will have you six feet under before you can say shit. Now you may leave." I said and the ran out. I the took a leak and went to class.


I am walking to my locker because Lucy forgot her textbooks in her locker and then I remembered I left my phone and some other belongings in there too. I got to my locker and I put in my code which is 34-7-20. I opened it and there I saw my phone faced down, my wallet , my charger, and the keys to my motorcycle. I got my wallet put it in my back left pocket, I got my charger and put it in my right front pocket, I grabbed my keys and in my back right pocket, I picked up my phone and I saw a paper under it. I picked it up and there where word written down 'THE FRIST TIME I SMILED SINCE MY PARENTS WHERE KILLED AND THE DAY I KNEW I WAS IN LOVE WITH LEVY MCGARDEN' was what is read. I turned the picture around and it was a picture of Levy and me at the ice cream shop a couple of days after Lucy was in the hospital. I didn't realize that I had a smile on my face but when I did I took it off. I put my phone in my front left pocket and closed my locker. I took a couple of steps and bumped into something short. I looked down and I saw Levy there looking up at me. "Sorry Levy" I said before moving. "Wait Gajeel please." she said.

Levy (POV)

I was walking down the hall after school when I saw Gajeel walking and I went after him. He stopped at his locker and put thing into his pockets. I waited and then he picked up a picture but he looked at it and I wanted to see what it was and as I got closer he turned and bumped into me. "Sorry Levy." he said before going around me. "Wait Gajeel please." I said and he stopped and turned. "What do you want Levy." he said with an angry tone. At that moment I felt my heart sink because the look he gave me was on that had hurt, sadness, and betrayal. "Gajeel I want to say I'm sorry okay I want you to forgive me." I said still looking down not wanting to see the hurt I have caused him. "Levy I have already forgive you." he said. "Oh My God really!" I yelled with happiness I ran up to hug him but I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up and I see Gajeel had his hand to stop me. "Gajeel" I said in a whisper. "Levy I said I forgive you but I don't want anything to do with you okay. I don't want to get you hurt and I don't want to get my self in another heart breaking event." he said the he lifted up a picture. "Look at this picture Levy." he said and I looked at it. It was a picture of me and him when he drove me home the day Lucy was in the hospital. I was smiling in this one and I was with Gajeel. "Levy this is what our friendship was like, and this is how it is now." He then ripped the picture so that we where not attached anymore. "Here, Lets just pretended that this never happened." he said and I got mad because I wasn't sure if he meant the picture or the fact that we ever meet. "What should I forget Gajeel?" I asked. " The fact that we ever meet. The fact that I saved you, the fact that I loved you. Levy this is good bye so please don't make this harder than it has to be." he said. "No I can't and you know that I love you and I want you to be by my side at all times. Gajeel do you not get that?" I asked. "Well Levy I'm sorry but I wont be here in a months so you need to let go and try to find someone new." and with that he gave me the half with me and the other half he crumbled up and walked away and I knew what this meant I looked at the picture and he gave me the side where it was him so that meant he has my side. I wanted to cry but I don't want him to see them so I held them in. I saw him drop the picture and I ran to pick it up. I walked behind him.

Gajeel (POV)

I walked knowing that the shrimp was behind me. I saw that Lucy was at the entrance. She looked my way and saw that Levy was following me. Then her look went from normal to angry. "Why are you following him?" she asked. She didn't even let Levy answer before she was charging at her. "Lucy don't I stopped her with my hands and push her back. "I was talking with her about something okay so leave her alone." at that moment Juvia came walking in and behind her was Gray. I let her pass and stepped in front of Gray. "Hey what part of don't come near her do you not get Gray?" I asked. "The don't part." he replied. I was getting ready to punch. "Hey stop ley him be. Lets just go home Gajeel." Juvia said and then I walked away but I looked at Levy before I left and I felt mu heart sinking into my gut. "I love you Juvia don't forget it and I wont stop fighting until you are mine. Then we all started walking and I was zoned out thinking of what it could have been like if nothing ever happened between us if we would be with the ones we love. I then I heard Juvia say "Its just that is harder that I thought it would be." she said. I wanted to say I know how you feel I feel the same way about Levy and I know she wanted to cry by the look in her eyes. I just kept quit and walked on. We got home we ate together the I went to my room. I pulled out everything from my pockets and the I was going to pull out the picture of Levy but it wasn't there 'Damn it I dropped it.' I thought to my self 'wait I can make another okay good.' I said drifting off to sleep.


The Smile We Had Forgotten  ( NALU, GALE, GRUVIA)Where stories live. Discover now